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What pisses you off?

Guest Hal

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There was a thread like this over on SVTP that seemed ammusing, so let's see how it does here. It's simple, make a list of things that piss you off.


edit: Try to keep from flaming other people's lists (or parts of their list). It might be nice to have a fun thread to vent in without being in the kitchen (hence my not posting it there).


Some of my list:

1. People driving in snow or any adverse conditions.

2. Liars and cheaters.

3. Socialism.

4. Nancy Pelosi.

5. When my car breaks for no good reason.

6. Poker on ESPN

7. American Idol

8. Garages that are only ~30 degrees.

9. Only being able to work on your car in a cold garage.

10. MEPS

11. Noobs.

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your list is pretty good


1. everyone at walmart on a saturday around 5 p.m.

2. people who try harder to get out of work than to just do there job

3. cheaters, liars, thiefs

4. illegal immigrants

5. illegal immigrants at pick and pull

6. chronic liars (you know the ones who keep making up stories or telling people shit they bought or have that they dont actually own or are ever going to own just to try to impress someone)

7. cars breaking down for no reason, especially at the worst possible time

8. ignorant drivers in any weather condition

9. not being abel to get that last nut or bolt off a project (damn thats annoying)

10. breaking something on a vehicle or project that has nothing to do with the problem you are trying to fix in the first place

11. people who make plans and break them .. alllll the time

12. any d bag that hits on your woman

13. computer freezing up for no apparent reason

14. working in a garage in cold weather with no heat

15. a dog that denies to be house broken

16. how overpriced drinks are at a bar

17. gas prices

18. how the news makes every story the put on there late breaking and life threatening

19. george bush

20. the no smoking ban

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1. Smokers

2. Alcoholics

3. Drug Users

4. Liars

5. Idiots

6. Turbo Lag

7. Hillary Clinton

8. Little kids that come to Whempys

9. Linn's Threads

10. Stupid CR Noobs (there are smart ones, though)

11. People who have no way to defend themselves in an argument and decide to point to my age instead

12. Ricers

13. People who think their HP number's accounts for their driving skill

14. Televangelists

15. People who act like they are badasses, but when push comes to shove cant back things up

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1. Old people at Wal-mart that insist on using the you-scan for the first time ever, in front of you.

2. When people put toliet paper in the holder upside down.

3. Drugs.

4. Rust.

5. People who mess with cars and don't know what they are doing, then you later end up buying the car they once owned.

6. My absent minded self.

7. ^^ Removing a transmission 3 times to then remember you didn't torque down the pressure plate bolts.

8. Stupid concerns at work "Customer states her windshield wipers are covered in ice, please check and advise" True story.

9. Nice cars that were taken care of very poorly.

10. Cancer.

11. Having blood drawn.

12. Anyone that says anything bad about my son.

13. ^^ or anything about my fiance.

14. People who have dogs that are taken care of very poorly.

15. Puppy Mills.

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The list is far too long to type. Here's a small sampling.


local news

Freezing rain/rain

Middle East

Gas prices

politics (all)

Ricers/bad drivers

empty refrigerator

The French

reality shows


People who Pay over MSRP

Gold digging bitches

Ebay snipers

lazy people

The Lifetime channel


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1. bitches who walk around like they are hot when they are busted

2. Overpriced clothes like express etc...

3. yes ryan i get annoyed when anyone hits on me to. even when u say your married noone seems to care. :(

4. just bc my office manager at work is married to the boss she thinks she IS the fucking boss its annoying.

5. when my mustang got stuck in the drive through line at the bank from the snow....damn plow those fucking places

6. when you work out and try to do a good job and then you dont see results quick. i hate that.

7. and last when your husband leaves the empty box of something you really want in the freezer and u go to eat it and its gone....damit :(

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-People that ask for your advice and still don't listen to what you say.

-People who are horrible at driving.

-People that message me online and expect me to entertain them.

-When people say they will call you... and don't.



-Shady people.

-I hate the fuckers that steal.. especially from me.

-Dumbass customers at my work that think they know what they're talking about.

-People that have to ask every question about their car instead of researching.

-When someone can't be original and has to have everyone's opinion before doing anything.

-Snotty stuck up bitches.

-Gahanna Police

-Reporters or articles that over exhaggerate EVERYTHING.

-People who think they know everything about anything.. truth is you dont.

-Watching fat-asses at a Buffet.. they make me sick.

-WANNABE's and groupies.

-People who don't appreciate things or what you do for them.


there's probably a lot more but I just woke up lol.

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Run-on, almost incomprehensible, sentences like this one:


  98fiveseven said:
what about friends that ask for your help to fix their car(s) , then dont call you to have you come help then you wake up to a voicemail the day after you were supposed to help, with them pissed off at you because you didnt answer when they didn't call?



17ish year olds, who own 300+hp cars and think they have mad driving skillz.

People who always have to be the center of attention

People talking on the cell phone while driving (not on a blue tooth).

The above when its snowing, and they are smoking a cigarette as well.

The complete inability of Columbus drivers to merge into traffic

I could go on, and on, and on....................

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1. CNN

2. When someone hangs up the phone on me

3. When the Bluejackets lose

4. "Bros"

5. Self-proclaimed badasses

6. When people think a car sucks because it doesn't have a hemi in it

7. When taking a shit and it hurts like hell

8. Gangsters

9. People who consider Columbus as "the ghetto"

10. Liberals

11. Ultra Religous people

12. Ultra anti-God people

14. clear gel deoderant

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1. one uppers

2. people that come into the shop at 6:55 when we close at 7

3. people who dont clean their cars when i work on them.

4. people who stand over my shoulder while i do alignments because they want to learn how to do it.

5. my boss for allowing these people into the shop.

6. stories that start with "my buddy back in high school"

7. NASCAR, although toyota might spark my interest

8. Hollywood hoes...Brit, paris, nichole...etc.

9. career placement center at Northwestern of Ohio

10. my academic advisor at Kent State.

11. AM radio

12. traffic on Old state at 7:30am

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the gahanna police

fabractors that dont ever meet their fucking deadline

people that come into work when we close and want to look at fucking everything and dont have enough credit to buy a fuckin tire on a credit car!

stupid fuckin people that cant drive their cars

driving in rain and snow cause dumbass' insist on driving 25mph.

etc. etc. etc. (and me thinking of these reason)!

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-N***** ( I dont hate blacks, but there is a difference between a black person and a N*****)

-Gays in public

-When technology sucks ass

-Stupid Bitches

-White people who act black

-People who suck at driving

-People who dont re-rack weights

-People that talk on their cell phone in the gym

-ugly d bag dudes with hot chicks

-Fat girls that wear too short of skirts

-Shit talkers...sac up and do something like throwin a fist

-People asking me questions I dont know the answer too over and over

-Just about everything when I take NO-explode

-Loud obnoxious drunk dudes

-Winter or just shitty weather in general

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-agents that call in and except me to do thier job for them.

-working late.


-people that can not for the life of them understand on how to merge

-people that drive 65 in the passsing lane

-not being at home at night to spend time with my family.

-never having enough money (something always comes up)

-2nd mortgages

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-white people

-people that steal my shit

-people that steal other people's shit

-black people

-brown people

-gay people

-straight people

-religious zealots

-people that demand that you accept their view of the world instead of just acknowledging that it might be right

-Dennis Rodman

-Britney Spears

-people that leave their blinkers on





-self-important indie kids

-emo kids


-my masturbating roommate


i'll come up with some more

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  hb712 said:
There was a thread like this over on SVTP that seemed ammusing, so let's see how it does here. It's simple, make a list of things that piss you off.


edit: Try to keep from flaming other people's lists (or parts of their list). It might be nice to have a fun thread to vent in without being in the kitchen (hence my not posting it there).


Some of my list:

10. MEPS

Just curious why MEPS is on your list...??


Edit: Nevermind, I went through MEPS and can understand why you would hate them.

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