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Comming soon to a corner near you!


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when all the building started at Polaris a few years ago, there were several groups of them there in the mornings waiting to be picked up. White extended length vans would drop them off and come get them in the evenings. I worked right there and saw it daily.


it's already happening, we're being invaded....in fact IMO, Columbus has been invaded.


sad really. no doubt many of the very low level jobs are had by the Mexicans....I have no problem with that....so long as they are legal.


good find....I wish I could see more of that chick in the car's video. she needs to wake up a bit.



This is why we need to secure our boarders... It wont be long and we may have these day labor sites in Ohio.


Day labor 3

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Guest Mushijobah
Those guys are assholes. I'm not for illeagle immagration at all, I wouldn't mind a wall...but while these guys are actually trying to goto work these lazy fags taunt them. I hate lazy people.
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Those guys are assholes. I'm not for illeagle immagration at all, I wouldn't mind a wall...but while these guys are actually trying to goto work these lazy fags taunt them. I hate lazy people.


I could go on for hours about this but would probably end up getting banned.


Close the borders. :)

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Those guys are assholes. I'm not for illeagle immagration at all, I wouldn't mind a wall...but while these guys are actually trying to goto work these lazy fags taunt them. I hate lazy people.

Good for those guys. Taunt the hell out of the illegals, prevent them from working, and get them OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.


Yeah yeah yeah, the illegal mexicans are just trying to work. By work you mean working tax free, yet using up the resources that our taxes pay for. And that money they are making tax free...most of the time it gets sent back to Mexico = not only are they not paying taxes, they aren't even supporting our economy by spending that money where they make it! They are a drain on our society.


And for the record, I have no issue with immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. Hell, my g/f isn't a US citizen (here on a WORK VISA, in the process of getting her GREEN CARD). You CAN work here, and do it legally. There illegals are nothing more than criminals.



- Wall along our borders

- Armed guards with permission to "shoot to kill" anyone that is trying to illegally cross those borders.

- Hold employeers and people renting properties responsible for having illegals.

- Deporting any and all illegals. The second they are discovered to be illegal, they are detained and deported. No going home to pack up your crap or saying goodbye; rather, you are deported right then and there.


If we just do that, this illegal problem will be resolved fairly quickly.

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"when they break into your house they'll be illegal too." great quote. She was the bleeding heart who had never been mugged and looked at ILLEGALS with puppy eyes.


"I am educated, they're marching in the streets here, why aren't they marching in their own country?



We're all immigrants...legal"


Legal= good(legal)

Illegal=bad(not legal)

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I paid some mexicans to do some work for me , cheap labor and they got the job done . WTF was I supposed to do , I couldnt find any sparkling wiggles or crackers to do it ...




As long as the legals still work at Chipotle, I'm all for putting up a big fuckin wall, but it should look cool with big spikes and shit. We could go medieval with catapaults and archers too.

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As long as the legals still work at Chipotle, I'm all for putting up a big fuckin wall, but it should look cool with big spikes and shit. We could go medieval with catapaults and archers too.

This is a good scenario, maybe like the japanese vs Mongolians in that crazy Southpark episode.



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A big part of it is our fault as well. If we were not looking for corners to cut ourselves they would not have places to work. Remember if they are not paying taxes, the person employing them is paying them under the table. That means the employer saves as well. And we all know that when it comes to saving money there are people that would sell their soul. The first step is to cut down their resources for income. If we abide by our laws they have to as well.


We may want the fire to go out, but coorporate america is steadily pouring gasoline on it. There are a lot of managerial jobs now that require you to speak spanish... WTF!!!! Why not require your workers to speak english?

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I ucking hate it. Anyone who supports it should burn in hell.


IF you allow them to get away with this they will bring there brother and cousins and everything else. I'm so sick of america allow this shit to happen..


Them and Somliouans . I know Blacks who hate Somliouns. Somliouns always seem to hvae a funny smell want to argue prices with you on silly shit. my wife worked at a jcpennies she said they would always ask for a better price.


If you cant conform to our countires established procedures go back to your fucking country.


I am just sick of the shit. I moved from my old area because it went from ok to when somlians started taking over the crime rate jumping and funny smells.

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