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Don Imus....what are your thoughts?


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- Imus should NOT be fired or suspended for these comments. It's BS.


- Imus is a KNOWN racist. Shouldn't be fired for that, though.


- Imus SHOULD be fired for having a shitty show. Have any of you actually watched/listened to that POS?? If you can decipher his mumbling, nothing worth listening comes out. His show is aweful. Ranked #18 in New York (nation's #1 market, obviously). He's not relavant. He sucks.


- People actually listen to "The Greggo Show" then quote what that guy says??!!! OMG, that show is terriable. I'd almost rather listen to the Morning Zoo (though I wouldn't torture myself with that either, that's why testicle radio sucks ass). There's good talk radio out there, and Greggo and Imus are not it.


Edit: And before any of you idiots try to defend the Greggo show, I know someone who works in sales for the Blitz. When Stern went, so did the advertising dollars. They can't sell crap in comparison now; big $$ loss with this guy.

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Ok, this is strickly an observation, but can someone please explain to me how it is acceptable for people of one race to use certain phrases but then if someone from a different race uses the same phrase, it's racist. I agree, I do not like Imus at all, he is a racist and I don't like racist people. Breaking new actually, according to Greggo radio, Imus has been fired. Well, that's what an idiot gets I guess.
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The Greggo show can burn in hell. I was pissed off listening to them one day say women who get raped once and then more do it by the way they are. And he infered they liked it.



He's nothing more then a white trash pos.

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I'd like to see if the "leaders of the black community" now take immediate action against the rappers and so called "artists" that pump out the crappy music they do.


I'm sorry but half the music industry rappers, etc., fit the quote that Imus said and if anything good comes from his downfall it's likely that now we can go after the music industry and not be blamed for a double standard.


I would hope at some point BET and Afrocentric Schools change their names/focus as well. I mean, what are the chances we will see a Caucasian Entertainment Television or White-centric Schools? What gives the black community the reverse racism rights like that? BS if you ask me.


If they want to clean up the racism in this country, they too have to stop and clean up their act. Hip-Hop, rap, etc....brings to life many of the stereotypes that they claim are racists and they are the ones promoting it. Look at any MTV video and you'll see it.....the very things they are claiming is wrong for everyone to stereotype them as...and they aspire to be that. Crazy dumb....Ignorant is the better word. Worthless punks with money is all many of them are.


Sports players are no better. 99.9% of them haven't "earned" anything they have IMO. Joe Public and the advertising and business community are using these "Icons" (loosely used) as means to promote their products, but they have no real credibility other than a handful being very good athletes. Most are just average to good making way more than they should.


It's time to make all folks accountable and man-up to playing on the same ethical playing field. They are poisoning the kids of today to continue the crap that's going on.

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I'd like to see if the "leaders of the black community" now take immediate action against the rappers and so called "artists" that pump out the crappy music they do.


I'm sorry but half the music industry rappers, etc., fit the quote that Imus said and if anything good comes from his downfall it's likely that now we can go after the music industry and not be blamed for a double standard.


I would hope at some point BET and Afrocentric Schools change their names/focus as well. I mean, what are the chances we will see a Caucasian Entertainment Television or White-centric Schools? What gives the black community the reverse racism rights like that? BS if you ask me.


If they want to clean up the racism in this country, they too have to stop and clean up their act. Hip-Hop, rap, etc....brings to life many of the stereotypes that they claim are racists and they are the ones promoting it. Look at any MTV video and you'll see it.....the very things they are claiming is wrong for everyone to stereotype them as...and they aspire to be that. Crazy dumb....Ignorant is the better word. Worthless punks with money is all many of them are.


Sports players are no better. 99.9% of them haven't "earned" anything they have IMO. Joe Public and the advertising and business community are using these "Icons" (loosely used) as means to promote their products, but they have no real credibility other than a handful being very good athletes. Most are just average to good making way more than they should.


It's time to make all folks accountable and man-up to playing on the same ethical playing field. They are poisoning the kids of today to continue the crap that's going on.



This article in response to the Imus/Sharpton/Jackson antics, written by a Black man nonetheless hits on much of what you just said.



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I'd like to see if the "leaders of the black community" now take immediate action against the rappers and so called "artists" that pump out the crappy music they do.


I'm sorry but half the music industry rappers, etc., fit the quote that Imus said and if anything good comes from his downfall it's likely that now we can go after the music industry and not be blamed for a double standard.


I would hope at some point BET and Afrocentric Schools change their names/focus as well. I mean, what are the chances we will see a Caucasian Entertainment Television or White-centric Schools? What gives the black community the reverse racism rights like that? BS if you ask me.


If they want to clean up the racism in this country, they too have to stop and clean up their act. Hip-Hop, rap, etc....brings to life many of the stereotypes that they claim are racists and they are the ones promoting it. Look at any MTV video and you'll see it.....the very things they are claiming is wrong for everyone to stereotype them as...and they aspire to be that. Crazy dumb....Ignorant is the better word. Worthless punks with money is all many of them are.


Sports players are no better. 99.9% of them haven't "earned" anything they have IMO. Joe Public and the advertising and business community are using these "Icons" (loosely used) as means to promote their products, but they have no real credibility other than a handful being very good athletes. Most are just average to good making way more than they should.


It's time to make all folks accountable and man-up to playing on the same ethical playing field. They are poisoning the kids of today to continue the crap that's going on.




You saying that professional athletes haven't earned anything discredits the rest of your post, as it shows that you allow your anger with a race to cloud your judgement. Also, Any of the words like Nigga or Hoe in those rap songs is bleeped out when it's played on NATIONAL RADIO. Also, those words are never (or very, very rarely) directed at a specific person or specific group of people. Saying "All these niggas and all these hoes, somebody here gonna fuck," is wayyyy different than Don Imus saying "The rutgers women's basketball team are a bunch of Nappy Headed Hoes" on his nationally syndicated, unedited radio program. Again, the pay and exposure his job provides him come with the added stipulation that he restrain himself to the point where what he says does not enrage a large portion of his audience, thus causing the radio station he works for extensive problems including a loss of Sponsor Dollars. I guarantee you that the price of advertising space on Imus Show dropped considerably within several hours of that comment.



So sure, the thing that started the ball rolling with his firing was his initial derogatory comment that had racial overtones, but I'm sure that sponsor and community backlash is what eventually led the Station to fire him. They Suspended him for two weeks for the comment (which I was fine with), and once the sponsors started pulling out and the station got sick of all the crap they were getting, they canned him.



PS: I dont want to see any more comments like "They havent earned it" in here, that's absolutely Ridiculous.

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i do not like imus he is not funny. but he should not be fired for what he said.he should be fired for not being funny. he said some stupid stuff yes. but a basketball player can choke his coach or spit on a fan or attack fans?and all they get are fines?




They were punished for their actions by recieving fines from the team and/or league, which relates to Imus being suspended. I believe that guy also had to take anger management classes, see a shrink, etc. If the choking of a coach led to a sharp drop in ticket sales and sponsorship dollars, it's safe to assume that the player would at least be traded. Choking a coach hurts nobody but the coach, and if he and the player can reach some sort of common ground on the subject and continue to work together, then there's no reason to fire a player who brings in tons of money and puts people in the seats of the arena.

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jesus point taken you are right. now tell me how farakahn can say all white people are the devils? i am not racist but i am proud to be irish (white). i have no problem with any race but i think it is funny how people are quick to judge me. here is a example if a gay man is on opra and stands up and says

proud to be gay everyone claps. if a black mans does the same everyone claps. a mexican does the same eveyone claps. if a white man does the same

everyone says he is a racist. cant we all get along

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Being white is a genetic mutation, we are the weird ones. As for Imus, he had appologized many times, he is going to Rutgers to appologize to the girls faces, Serving a suspension. 99% of all people in the country have said more racist shit then what he said in some point of their lives. Let's start asking for jobs when a comedian starts calling us white people "Crack Ass Crackers". Fuck anyone that thinks Imus should do anything more. Nobody was hurt, what happend to "stick and stones"?
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Imus can apologize all he wants, but it's the station who ended up firing him because of the loss of sponsorship dollars + the amount of complaining. If you're really offended by comedians calling you cracker ass crackers, then raise enough of a stink and you just might get those comedians blackballed.
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This article in response to the Imus/Sharpton/Jackson antics, written by a Black man nonetheless hits on much of what you just said.




Spot freaking on! I have a hard time taking the "leaders" of the black community seriously when they seem to have no problem with what is in todays hip-hop culture. Let a white person even attempt to say the things you hear in those songs and they will be wanting to skin him alive.

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Imus can apologize all he wants, but it's the station who ended up firing him because of the loss of sponsorship dollars + the amount of complaining. If you're really offended by comedians calling you cracker ass crackers, then raise enough of a stink and you just might get those comedians blackballed.


I'm not, I was taught "sticks and stones", my point in all of this is that THIS IS NOT NEWS Imus has been a tard in the past, he is a tard now. I sure most of the members here do not listen or never have listened to his program, I watched for 30 sec once on MSNBC just long enough that my brain said change the channel, not call and complain or write a letter. Fuck Al Sharpton, he may be the most famous racist person alive.

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Political correctness has gone too far nowadays. People need to get the fuck over themselves and fucking deal with it. If he went all out and dropped the ol' N-bomb it would be different, but what he said was more in a joking manner which I don't see why people are getting their panties all bunched up about. Besides, Imus's ratings will go through the roof now, just so people can try and hear him slip again :D
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Imus can apologize all he wants, but it's the station who ended up firing him because of the loss of sponsorship dollars + the amount of complaining. If you're really offended by comedians calling you cracker ass crackers, then raise enough of a stink and you just might get those comedians blackballed.


Ok, so if you offend me I can start a CR petition to get you removed... sweet! :D


It's funny how I had no clue who this guy was until this crap happened. Why... because I don't listen to BS/worthless shows. I'm sorry but I have better things to do with my life. If I don't like you or what you do I can find 15 million other things to do...umm.. like... watch/listen to people I do like. I guess I'm just thick skinned because it takes a lot to get to me. I'm not going to cry about every little thing that happens like some people do. That right to complain is the same right that gave him the freedom to make a dumb ass comment. Not to mention that same right is the reason why you can tell a fellow CR member to kill himself without any backlash (even though if something does happen the post can be used in court :p ). We are all quick to judge someone looking from the outside. A few comments don't make a man, it just makes up a public perception of the man. This is the reason I personally think he is a complete idiot without knowing who he is as a person.


The people that are sponsoring him have done so during or after other racist comments. While the people that employ him have done the same. If you create an environment where people feel they can get away with things like that, thats exactly what they will do. If they loose sponsors they should be pointing the finger at themselves along with him. If they were smart he would have been fired before this incident.


Something to think about,

I know a few white people with nappy hair, and I know black people with blonde hair and blue eyes.

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