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Don Imus....what are your thoughts?


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Umm excuse me as I make a few statements


1. I'm black

2. We really don't care about this situation

3. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Farakan DO NOT represent the WHOLE black community I think personally they make us look bad..

4. Who gives a fuck about Imus anyway?

5. that is all

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The Greggo show can burn in hell. I was pissed off listening to them one day say women who get raped once and then more do it by the way they are. And he infered they liked it.



He's nothing more then a white trash pos.


Greggo verbalizes what many, many people are thinking but afraid to say, due to fear of not being politically correct. I didn't hear the show that you speak of, but I heard him this morning talking about the whole Imus issue, and I agree with him. Especially his call-out for Al Sharpton to apologize to the Duke Lacrosse team that had the rape case against them DROPPED. As much as I hate talk radio, I've become a fan of Greggo.

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Umm excuse me as I make a few statements


1. I'm black

2. We really don't care about this situation

3. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Farakan DO NOT represent the WHOLE black community I think personally they make us look bad..

4. Who gives a fuck about Imus anyway?

5. that is all


As man of color(the good half;) ), I agree as well, but I will add:


They don't make me look bad, because they do not represent me. I represent my parents, and how I was raised (white mother/black father). If some ignorant people want to lump everyone in together, because they don't like the above mentioned, usual suspects, that's their issue...and frankly, I don't give two shits what they think.


They (Sharpton/Jackson) will not apologize for their mistakes because they're pretty much self employed, and don't really have to answer to anyone. They hide under their religious titles.


Imus being fired is ridiculous. If I were a member of the Rutgers team, I wouldn't even give his comments any weight, because he has been pretty much an irrelevant radio figure since Stern left him in the dust 20 years ago.


If you're annoyed by Sharpton, Jackson or whom-ever, that's fine, and understandable. If you think the majority of black folk care, or even think like that, then you need to get out out more, and stop communicating with people that only look like, or think like you. You might be pleasantly surprised.






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Umm excuse me as I make a few statements


1. I'm black

2. We really don't care about this situation

3. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Farakan DO NOT represent the WHOLE black community I think personally they make us look bad..

4. Who gives a fuck about Imus anyway?

5. that is all





** edit**


6. It was degrading, not racial

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Umm excuse me as I make a few statements


1. I'm black

2. We really don't care about this situation

3. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Farakan DO NOT represent the WHOLE black community I think personally they make us look bad..

4. Who gives a fuck about Imus anyway?

5. that is all


I don't typically get in many discussions on this forum...but please don't get it twisted that we (black people) don't care because many of us do. Just like you feel Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make us look bad, I can say the same for you with this post.


Speak your opinion by all means, but please don't speak on behalf of us as a whole and think we all agree with your opinion.


- this from a black woman, with nappy hair.

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My post is clouded by my anger. It's not anger. It's disgust and disappointment in society, not anger. Most of the athletes and rappers haven't earned shit. They have very little true talent that results in anything truly positive to society. They are simply rewarded and extorted for what they are producing....and that product of their "abilities" is income for the sponsors and companies. No different than Imus.


Take away the money income from a rapper or hip-hop punk and you're left with nothing but another ignorant punk with very little schooling (in most cases) and no true talent to contribute anything. Not all but most. Same with athletes. Not all, but most are in college just for football and nothing else. Take away the money and potential to earn it and you're left with another Maurice Clarette. Race doesn't matter here either. Show me the ones who have true contributions and talent to help be a positive human being and you'll find the percentages of those are so small it's that which you'll find ridiculous.


The raps songs and they way you portray them is wrong. You can bleep words, but the underlying mentality and lack of intelligence that forms the songs is pathetic and is the underlying sickness of society that I'm referencing. You can bleep the words, but the you can't hide the truth and ignorance behind the creators or the meaning of the hidden words. Who their comments are or aren't directed at doesn't matter....again, the comments regardless and so called "talent" that fools believe is "creating music" is pathetic and worthless.


You saying that professional athletes haven't earned anything discredits the rest of your post, as it shows that you allow your anger with a race to cloud your judgement. Also, Any of the words like Nigga or Hoe in those rap songs is bleeped out when it's played on NATIONAL RADIO. Also, those words are never (or very, very rarely) directed at a specific person or specific group of people. Saying "All these niggas and all these hoes, somebody here gonna fuck," is wayyyy different than Don Imus saying "The rutgers women's basketball team are a bunch of Nappy Headed Hoes" on his nationally syndicated, unedited radio program. Again, the pay and exposure his job provides him come with the added stipulation that he restrain himself to the point where what he says does not enrage a large portion of his audience, thus causing the radio station he works for extensive problems including a loss of Sponsor Dollars. I guarantee you that the price of advertising space on Imus Show dropped considerably within several hours of that comment.



So sure, the thing that started the ball rolling with his firing was his initial derogatory comment that had racial overtones, but I'm sure that sponsor and community backlash is what eventually led the Station to fire him. They Suspended him for two weeks for the comment (which I was fine with), and once the sponsors started pulling out and the station got sick of all the crap they were getting, they canned him.



PS: I dont want to see any more comments like "They havent earned it" in here, that's absolutely Ridiculous.

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IMO....because he made the comments about the wrong school/team. Had he made this comment about a team where the players were not well spoken kids from a very reputable school with a well spoken and coach, etc.....the whole situation wouldn't likely have seen the light of day. Still not right, but that's what I think happened. He just plain left himself wide open on this one. Just the chance he took as a shock jock.


I don't see why people are getting their panties all bunched up about.
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I think this thread proves something. No matter what people hope for we still are Black Vs white on a hole. It’s a shame. I feel bad for slavery, and repressions that existed. These things are not gone yet. I'm just now changing my view towards this kind of shit.


Is it fair that we whites started with HUGE advantage since we lived on the backs of blacks who had there whole other thing going on? They enjoyed there tribes just like the American Indians did before we pwn3d them.


There are some things allot of whites don't seem to understand. I herd my mom say the other day, I don't see what the problem whites are the minority. No we are not. African Americans are. They also started from lower on the pole then we did and are still in the progress of making there ways up the ladder to catch up. The best schools get the best jobs most of the time. Guesses what Allot of black families game up through the times of massive racism. Watch older 70’s movie people still make fucked up comments.


This does put blacks at a disadvantage and for some self righteous bastard to rip on some young Americans that are at least to the college level, that’s fucking wrong.


Try this if you support this douche, Walk into work tomorrow and shout I hate them Nappy headed black some or another mean. IBET YOU GET SHIT CANNED.


Why should this guy be different? Because. He has money?


Sorry for the long post.



Thanks MS WORD for pimping my ride.

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He's a moron, and morons should be fired.


Also, whoever said that one mistake should never cost someone their job was wrong. I think of plenty of jobs - including mine - in which one mistake routinely (and justifiably) results in immediate termination.



The Pharmacist who signed off on a 2x.x dosage amount for the little girl who was perscribed a 3 or .3 amount of meds.. immediate termination on 1 mistake.... granted totally different scenario but similar

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I think this thread proves something. No matter what people hope for we still are Black Vs white on a hole. It’s a shame. I feel bad for slavery, and repressions that existed. These things are not gone yet. I'm just now changing my view towards this kind of shit.


Is it fair that we whites started with HUGE advantage since we lived on the backs of blacks who had there whole other thing going on? They enjoyed there tribes just like the American Indians did before we pwn3d them.


There are some things allot of whites don't seem to understand. I herd my mom say the other day, I don't see what the problem whites are the minority. No we are not. African Americans are. They also started from lower on the pole then we did and are still in the progress of making there ways up the ladder to catch up. The best schools get the best jobs most of the time. Guesses what Allot of black families game up through the times of massive racism. Watch older 70’s movie people still make fucked up comments.


This does put blacks at a disadvantage and for some self righteous bastard to rip on some young Americans that are at least to the college level, that’s fucking wrong.


Try this if you support this douche, Walk into work tomorrow and shout I hate them Nappy headed black some or another mean. IBET YOU GET SHIT CANNED.


Why should this guy be different? Because. He has money?


Sorry for the long post.



Thanks MS WORD for pimping my ride.



Slavery is always brought up into these conversations and it makes me ponder why, every time. Slavery is past, not from the near past, but something nobody here has experienced or the gen before them. It's bullshit, I didn't slave people, so why must I hear a lecture from a guy who also never experienced either side of slavery, not to mention how many years ago its existance diminished.


You say black vs. white like it's some competetition. I say this all the time: the race war is kept alive by the people who cry "racism!" Should people be upset about Imus' comments? Some will, but they're obviously people that don't take much to get under their skin. Remember, words don't kill you, REAL racist people will kill you.

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No I'm just saying that people seem to forget We are not talking 500 years. this was recent. It does take time to get back up the food chain. Think about it , If you start with 0 no formal education. that means a less spayingjob less school which puts next generation behind. and slowly you catch up. Thats what I'm saying.


WTF I can;t believe I'm on this side of the fence honestly I was on the other.

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No I'm just saying that people seem to forget We are not talking 500 years. this was recent. It does take time to get back up the food chain. Think about it , If you start with 0 no formal education. that means a less spayingjob less school which puts next generation behind. and slowly you catch up. Thats what I'm saying.


WTF I can;t believe I'm on this side of the fence honestly I was on the other.

People havn't forgot that slavery existed. You're under the impression that since people don't bend over backwards for every minority that it means they aren't respected. To reiterate, slavery was recent in terms of U.S. history, but it still wasn't anything the current population experienced. We should be far past racism by now, but the defensive side is always crying in order to gain ground on their agenda.

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I was in a Wendy's the other day and a group of young African Americans were being very loud and obnoxious and running around the place. One said to the other "Grab this n***** some napkins!" in front of the whole fucking restaurant. I was offended. Now if I told them I was offended by this sort of behavior what do you think the outcome would be?
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People havn't forgot that slavery existed. You're under the impression that since people don't bend over backwards for every minority that it means they aren't respected. To reiterate, slavery was recent in terms of U.S. history, but it still wasn't anything the current population experienced. We should be far past racism by now, but the defensive side is always crying in order to gain ground on their agenda.


I don't agree with every point your conveying but I do agree that if the racism card is played too often it loses its meaning, and unfortunetly it makes some of the actual cases of racism go under a storm cloud of controversy.


As far as being "past racism" you have to admit that you can't get "past" it when its still prevelant. I'm not talking about cracking racist (but often funny) jokes with your buddies. I mean real racism. Which I myself have been unfortunate enough to experience. I'm not going to give you my sob story either, because the way I see it, the people involved I could care less about, they're grade A morons anyway, and all around losers at the game of life. So it doesn't effect me, or how I live.


One side is saying that they're "always crying".


The other side is saying that they're "always racist".


The truth lies somewhere in the middle. In the grey side.

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It is frustrating. And Nigga is not Nig@3r. Nigga has be come slang for homie friend. I say sup my nigga to some of the friends. Also look back to our Western days White poeple where quite the rowdy bunch to.
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As far as being "past racism" ...

I'm talking slavery, not modern racism.



It is frustrating. And Nigga is not Nig@3r. Nigga has be come slang for homie friend. I say sup my nigga to some of the friends. Also look back to our Western days White poeple where quite the rowdy bunch to.

Um, you do realize where "Nigga" stems from, correct? (btw, the kid said "n***er, not nigga) It's not just some cool and hip thing some guy made up. How is this okay to say? This is fucking rediculous! "It's okay for a black man to call someone a WORD but not another man..." THAT is racism.


And as far as "feeling bad for" slavery/racism: if you do not condone it or commit it, I'm unsure as to why you feel so apologetic. Feel bad for Native Americans? How about citizens of other countries living in oppression?

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No I'm just saying that people seem to forget We are not talking 500 years. this was recent. It does take time to get back up the food chain. Think about it , If you start with 0 no formal education. that means a less spayingjob less school which puts next generation behind. and slowly you catch up. Thats what I'm saying.


WTF I can;t believe I'm on this side of the fence honestly I was on the other.



I'm just barely 28 and my household income is more than $100k per year. I would also like to point out that I have taken two I.Q. tests. The first score was a 129, and the second one was 125 (that's with graduating from Brookhaven, and not having a college degree). I do not feel I have been held back in any way shape or form. I also did not allow my Columbus Public schooling to place a cap on the level of education I could achieve. As a black man I admit it can be harder EDIT -(depending on where you live). However, it's not as hard as people seem to think. Hard work and determination can overcome any type of setback. It just takes longer in certain situations. I know people of all races that have life issues. It's not the fact that we are starting from a lower point. Its happening because people are using slavery as an excuse to be lazy. If my grandfather were to say this it would make sense. However, his generation went through hell and high water to make life easier for us!


Where we fail is that we don't pull enough people to the top with us. Too many have made a better life for themselves and turned their back on the community that raised them.


I am a firm believer of your life is what you make it. Sorry for the novel but you hit a soft spot. I don't like hearing excuses. Sometimes you have to start off mopping the floors before you can own the company.

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I agree, I'm 26 IQ tested on paper 154 (WTF IS THAT, Still cant spell. Can figure out complex puzzles and patterns but english...), I've got no formal school and make above 65K now. I agree its possible but the odds are stacked against you. its those of us who fight to swim that make it.
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I agree, I'm 26 IQ tested on paper 154 (WTF IS THAT), I've got no formal school and make above 65K now. I agree its possible but the odds are stacked against you. its those of us who fight to swim that make it.

BUT not everybody thinks like you. I'm 20 and have to pay for college myself and I work full time. I hate all of my bills and I'm definately nothing more then middle class, but I would never consider myself to be struggling. At one point I couldn't get a job and had no car, now I have a nice car and I'm a manager. Just because someone thinks they have it rough gives them no warrant to force stress upon others to get some sort of reward or help from them (aka welfare, affirmative action etc.)


I can't think of how else I can word what I'm trying to portray. What I'm trying to say is it's wrong for a person to force a burden upon a nation because they "feel bad" for a person who has a different skin color.

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I agree, I'm 26 IQ tested on paper 154 (WTF IS THAT, Still cant spell. Cant figure out complex puzzles and patterns but english...), I've got no formal school and make above 65K now. I agree its possible but the odds are stacked against you. its those of us who fight to swim that make it.


There are some that would say affirmative action makes it easier for us. Less qualified candidates are being hired based on their ethnicity and not their credentials. You are definitely right, but at the same time your are wrong... if that makes any sense (I have been up for about 24hours)

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