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What do YOU think


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Ok, this was a topic of conversation recently for me, in which there were various opinions, and I wanted to see what people on here think. Ok, when I was a teenager, I never looked older than the age I actually was. Yes, that was 8 years ago :eek:, but still, today it's different. I see girls and guys, anywhere from 14-18, who look as if they are 21-25, :confused::wtf:. It's almost as if now, and this is mainly for guys, you have to check a woman's id to make sure she's of age :doh:. Anyways, what does everyone think?
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I think it is the hormones in all the meat people eat. And that's a good thing. :)


I looked older than I was in middle and early HS. Looked my age the rest of HS. Have looked younger than I am ever since. This will hopefully prove valuable in the years to come.


But yes, check the ID. They didn't build them like this back when I was in HS.

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I completely agree that girls are developing way faster, and, for some reason, I don't see the guys doing the same. It stumps me, bt, it is just another reason to marry a girl that is 16 when I turn 21: so I can turn her into a long lasting pin cushion





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