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Went to the foot doctor today...


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... and he yanked off the ENTIRE big toe nail on my left foot.


It was so badly in-grown that he said he could cut the sides off, but it'll just end up growing back eventually. So I said fuck it. Take it off.


It won't be growing back ever. Just a little stub of a toe nail (sort of). It's not actually called a toe nail, but something will be growing there.


I actually took a picture of the toe nail when it was on the tray. I'll try and get the pics up later :).


No, it doesn't hurt right now, half of my foot is still numb but tomorrow will be fun when it wears off.



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I wonder how much it would cost to get all 10 ripped off, it's such a hassle to clip them all the time. I'd get a necklace with all of them on it.



That would be very nice. I could do without mine as well.

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Yeah I had the same thing done when I was about 13 on both big toes. I had a problem with ingrown toe nails all the time. Anyway, like Akula said, it does grow back. It didn't bother me after I got it done. I never liked getting the shots into the toe, but once the pain meds wore off I didn't have any pain problems. I think I kept my wrapped up for about a week while it healed.
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I had the same procedure done to both big toes (after having the quick fix a few times on each). The soft part under the nail toughens up quickly, and you'll get most of the middle part back. You'll still need to clip that part when it grows into the end of your toe. Eventually with no nail over the end of it the toe starts to round out in shape, so it still sucks. I usually end up mangling myself every 2 months or so trimming them back.
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I had the same procedure done to both big toes (after having the quick fix a few times on each). The soft part under the nail toughens up quickly, and you'll get most of the middle part back. You'll still need to clip that part when it grows into the end of your toe. Eventually with no nail over the end of it the toe starts to round out in shape, so it still sucks. I usually end up mangling myself every 2 months or so trimming them back.


that's pretty much what he said.


I guess my doc doesn't like pain medication. He said on my sheet "extra strength tylenol for pain"


Fuck that. I was just at the doctor for a sinus infection yesterday and gave me liquid codene for my cough. I'll be taking that in a little bit.


In about 3 or so hours I get to unwrap it and soak my foot in a salt/vinegar bath. That'll be fun.


I didn't get any pics of the toe nail when it was on the foot.., just off :).


I'll see if I can get some pics of it when I unwrap it.


what sucks is that my main computer down and that's what I use to transfer the picture files. I probably could email them though, but I turned that service off.

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I'm actually kinda worried that both my big toes are ingrown. The left side of my left big toenail and the right side of my right big toenail seem to be digging into the skin, pushing it up over the nail. And it's rather painful if I push on either.



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I had a doc tell me I needed to have that done when I was about 14. I said no way, and kept on digging it out my self. I got pretty good at that minor surgery. Eventually the ingrown nails went away. Its been about 15 years since I had one.
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I'm actually kinda worried that both my big toes are ingrown. The left side of my left big toenail and the right side of my right big toenail seem to be digging into the skin, pushing it up over the nail. And it's rather painful if I push on either.




that's like my left foot..it's almost oval shaped and not flat like the normal one. When he pulled it off and i looked at it, it was almost starting to make a complete circle and the sides were starting to curl. That's the painfull part is when I would push down on it.

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Be glad your foot does not look like these...

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ew. thats neeeasssty.





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i had them on both big toes around middle highschool, 15-16. they still grow into the skin, but like anthony, i just get a small razor blade, a good tweezer, cut down, and pull out the nail and usually some of the skin that has attached itself to the nail growing in. pour some peroxide on it a couple times and im good as new for at least a few months


hasnt bothered me lately though

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