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What's your favorite drinking game?

El Karacho1647545492

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I've got two...one you can only play once a year, the other you can play whenever an abundance of longnecks is found.


1) The Annual George W. Bush State Of The Union Address Drinking Game Extravaganza.

Ingredients: A case of your favorite beer and a bottle of your favorite liquor. In my case, I use Jager and Bud Light because its cheap and tasty.

Rules: Every time G-dub mispronounces a word, you take a shot.

Every time he uses the words "liberty/freedom", "homeland security", or "America" you take a swig of your beer.


To this day, I have never done this with anyone that could survive the whole address.


2) Land Mines.

Ingredients: as many cases of Bud Light bottles as you can fit in your trunk, enough cups for the people that are playing, and a quarter.

Rules: everyone sits around a table with a beer and a cup. the first person pours any amount of beer in the cup, spins the quarter, drinks ALL the beer in the cup, and picks up the quarter with the same hand they drank with without their ass leaving their chair, ALL before the quarter stops spinning.

Should they fail to pick up the quarter in time, they must repeat the cycle but use more beer than last time...now you see why its important to budget your beer consumption.

Once you've finished your beer, grab another but hold onto the empty bottle. At any time when someone has spun their quarter, you may slam the bottle down on it to cause it to stop, and they will have to drink again. But you leave the bottle in the place where you slammed it, and it becomes a "land mine" so if anyone hits it with the quarter, it goes ricocheting off and becomes harder to pick up.


After about 6 rounds, everyone is completely shitfaced and the table is covered in beer bottles. after 10 rounds, people are usually calling for substitutes to come help while they go puke.

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the NASCAR word game. typically with just beer any time liquor is involed bads things happen.


Simpling everytime the word tiresis said you drink. typically half way through the race everyone is passed out. good times.

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The CR drinking game.

I have one shot while watching each vid linn posts.

One shot for pics from the bunny ranch.

Keg stand for each post in the classroom that is longer than 5 pages.

Shotgun a beer for rumors involving 1xxx hp supras and porsches.

One shot for each time someone refers to the latent homosexuality of certain members.

One shot for a coltboostin call out.

One shot for each posting of turbosluts mugshot.

Waterfall for religion or politics thread in the kitchen.

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Some quarters game I don't know the name for. You have two glasses and sit around the table. Two people try to bounce the quarter into their glass. If you get it the first try you can pass your glass left or right. If you get it after first try, you have to pass to your left. Eventually it will work out to where you pass your cup to the person still trying to make their quarter and stack it on top. They then have one chance to get the quarter into the stacked glasses. If they don't, the person who stacked em gets to spin the quarter and they drink the whole time. It is good fun. But usually results in a lot of broken glasses.


Also, beer pong and flip cup of course.

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Some quarters game I don't know the name for. You have two glasses and sit around the table. Two people try to bounce the quarter into their glass. If you get it the first try you can pass your glass left or right. If you get it after first try, you have to pass to your left. Eventually it will work out to where you pass your cup to the person still trying to make their quarter and stack it on top. They then have one chance to get the quarter into the stacked glasses. If they don't, the person who stacked em gets to spin the quarter and they drink the whole time. It is good fun. But usually results in a lot of broken glasses.


Also, beer pong and flip cup of course.


Speed Quarters is the name you are looking for. :)


I am a huge fan of beer pong, flip cup, and kings but everyone knows these.


Ones that are lesser known include:


Up the River, Down the River

Cardinal Puff


And my new favorite: Chug-a-lug. I found this game in my basement. It's a board game kind of similar to Monopoly and is from 1969 (it was my mom's). It takes a few hours to play correctly and is not for the 4 beer queer. You are not allowed to do anything (include drink) unless the game tells you to, or you drink penalty beer(s) for each mistake. It's best to be played with 6 coed teams becuase you will probably end up fully or partially naked. You can of course substitue removing clothes for more penalty drinks. Check it out, you will not be let down!


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HOckey? please Esplain.


2 teams of 2, partners sit accross from each other, like spades. Each teammate controls a opp. team mates drinking and they controll yours. all cards are dealt, the 1st person left of the dealer lays down any card except for 8 or jack. all cards are the same except for 8 or jack. * or jack can not be led unless its your only card. and 8 is an assist, and jack is onetimer. assist skips the next person and the skipped person has to drink until the person who laid down the 8 snaps his or her fingers. jack is a onetimer and counts as a goal. keep goals like "book" in spades. a normal goal can be scored by matching the card laid before you, i.e if i lay a 6 and you have a six, lay it down you score, now my team must drink untill you snap for me and your team mate snapps for my team mate. play 3 periods and you will be screwed up, normally 14 goals are scored a period. Remeber treat people how you want to be treated.

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Mushroom.. take a can of beer and put one card under the tab. all other cards are face down. pick card, red card = you drink, black card = give drink. 2-10 drinks, face cards are 10 drinks as well(you can split up drinks). put card on top of can with 2 edges hanging over, repeat. whoever knocks over the cards has to chug the can. We had about 6 people playing and went through 30 beers in 2 rounds. It gets rough. The end result will look somthing like...



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My game is simple. I take a swig when I am thirsty and also make sure the drink is gone before it gets warm. Then I repeat with another drink. If you happen to run out of drinks you drive to the store for more. =)
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Mushroom.. take a can of beer and put one card under the tab. all other cards are face down. pick card, red card = you drink, black card = give drink. 2-10 drinks, face cards are 10 drinks as well(you can split up drinks). put card on top of can with 2 edges hanging over, repeat. whoever knocks over the cards has to chug the can. We had about 6 people playing and went through 30 beers in 2 rounds. It gets rough. The end result will look somthing like...




we usually play kings with "the mushroom rule"

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