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Just got back in town

El Karacho1647545492

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from a pretty cool vacation in the british virgin islands. Skin was sunburned, sailing was undertaken, beverages of considerable alcoholic content were consumed with alarmin rapidity.


So anyone feel like giving me the skinny on the latest CR drama? Cliffs notes?

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I have been studying and working all week and it sucks.


You can go to Jolly Pirates Donuts and take a two hour shit for all I care.







Actually, just to add a cherry to the monstro-deluxe sundae that was my caribbean vacation, i just spent the last 2 days in indianapolis watching lewis hamilton make the entire Ferrari team look like a bunch of drooling latchkey kids.

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From what I hear, some ricers got pwned last night at QS&L.

Do tell, for those of us not able to make it.



PS Lewis Hamilton will pwn F1 for the next 10 years if he keeps his head on his shoulders. He has been on the podium every race this year, its just knuts.

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Do tell, for those of us not able to make it.



PS Lewis Hamilton will pwn F1 for the next 10 years if he keeps his head on his shoulders. He has been on the podium every race this year, its just knuts.


I had to be at Whempys last night, so I dont really know the details, only what I heard from Crossle, but apparently everyone but CR members got kicked out.

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from a pretty cool vacation in the british virgin islands. notes?


That's funny...I just came back last night from a week on St. John (Rendezvous Bay...friend has a house there). Sounds like you did a lot of the same things I did, though I snorkeled a ton and also rented a Fountain boat to go over to Jost Van Dyke. Everything was expensive, but worth it.


Naples is beautiful, but no place on earth I've visited holds a candle to the Virgin Islands.

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Funny you made this post. I just got back tonight from Florida from a week's vacation and was trying to "catch up". Though admittadly I didnt even think to make a post about it and waste everyone's time. I'd rather just reply to a week's old thread and waste everyone's time that way.
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Funny you made this post. I just got back tonight from Florida from a week's vacation and was trying to "catch up". Though admittadly I didnt even think to make a post about it and waste everyone's time. I'd rather just reply to a week's old thread and waste everyone's time that way.

thread revival ftw.

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