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will you help ban dihydrogen monoxide?


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Oh boy... where do I start....


This is a fantastic example of the left leaning people judging things by their feeling not with common sense. The left/liberals/tree huggers/hippies/bleeding hearts/birkinstock and granola crowd will do nearly anything to make them fell like they are helping the environment. When are the causiods going to get the point not to believe every crack pot idea that some one with a clip board/news channel/Hollywood star has?


In the 60's it was make love not war

In the 70's it was the wales and baby seals/Global freezing

In the 80's it was No Nukes

In the 90's it was political correctness/global warming (the beginning)

2001 to now... were are back to make love not war and still the global warming hoax

2010's maybe it will be dihydrogen monoxide..

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Rick, do you really want to go down this path? Are you implying that we can't find evidence of idiot conservatives being pwnt in the same way? Srsly?

I am sure you could.... idiots are everywhere. The right generally does not fall for the cause of the month club.

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I can show you a whole list of said morons that you voted for/ would have voted for if you were in their district. There were even some Dems on the list. You yourself were/are likely one of the supporters of the same issue.




I'll save you the usual off-the-cuff remarks like "The right fell for the bright shinny object in the last two consecutive presidential elections."

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I can show you a whole list of said morons that you voted for/ would have voted for if you were in their district. There were even some Dems on the list. You yourself were/are likely one of the supporters of the same issue.




I'll save you the usual off-the-cuff remarks like "The right fell for the bright shinny object in the last two consecutive presidential elections."



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It think we have covered this..... come on Bill, come up with another angle for attack.


BTW.. Don't you think it is ironic that you come on here and ask everyone to pray for your Aunt who was near death, but then you try to tear done the same bible that tells you to pray? You should be careful about using God like a genie in a bottle, you may have to answer to him some day....

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yeah, lets put the religion stuff in another thread, those tend to grow too fast.


Rick, Re: Terri Schiavo

You're people went to great effort to convein and pass legislation that REMOVED the spouses ability to choose. IIRC it was the fasting thing ever done by the legislative branch. If that's not diving head-on into the flavor of the month, I don't know what is.

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yeah, lets put the religion stuff in another thread, those tend to grow too fast.


Rick, Re: Terri Schiavo

You're people went to great effort to convein and pass legislation that REMOVED the spouses ability to choose. IIRC it was the fasting thing ever done by the legislative branch. If that's not diving head-on into the flavor of the month, I don't know what is.


When you don't have a concrete living will and also have conflicting stories about what here wishes were that is an issue that should side on the safe side of life. Also removing life support and what they did to her were two different things. Terry was not able to feed herself, but she was able to sustain circulation and respiration on her own. They took here food and water away, she died from dehydration, that is cruel.


My grandmother took a fall in the late 80's and sustained brain damage. She was on a ventilator for over 30 days. Finally we made the choice to take her off. She died several hours later. She died because she was not able to sustain respiration on her own. There is a huge difference between those two cases.


Just think how many people at the Mt. Vernon Developmental Center would die if we took the approach not to feed the disabled. They have a right to live even if it is not easy for you (society).

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When you don't have a concrete living will and also have conflicting stories about what here wishes were that is an issue that should side on the safe side of life. Also removing life support and what they did to her were two different things. Terry was not able to feed herself, but she was able to sustain circulation and respiration on her own. They took here food and water away, she died from dehydration, that is cruel.

That is how my grandmother died, after a stroke. Luckily, she was barely able to articulate her wishes to the doctor, and the feeding tube was never put in. For a man of faith such as yourself, I'd think forced sustained life in such a state would appear more cruel.

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That is how my grandmother died, after a stroke. Luckily, she was barely able to articulate her wishes to the doctor, and the feeding tube was never put in. For a man of faith such as yourself, I'd think forced sustained life in such a state would appear more cruel.

Just because we don't like the state that we/they are in does not meant that it is not Gods will. IMHO

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It think we have covered this..... come on Bill, come up with another angle for attack.


BTW.. Don't you think it is ironic that you come on here and ask everyone to pray for your Aunt who was near death, but then you try to tear done the same bible that tells you to pray? You should be careful about using God like a genie in a bottle, you may have to answer to him some day....

100% wrong I believe in god but I think to many people take the bible WAY WAY WAY to literal my point of that article is that the bible does contridict itself. That people do pick and choose what to enforce/believe and I think that poeple need to think for them selves and stop basing there beliefs on a lack of self understanding thats all.


There is nothing wrong with questioning religion. Smart people question dumb people follow blindly.

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Also how can anyone deny Terri from meeting her maker and being out of pain. I don't care if she did not feel physical pain. Imagine being trapped inside yourself no one can hear you..





Since there are so many demoniations and all of them have diffrent interputations no man has the right to claim there way is the way since you can easly interupt the samet hings.



I'm sorry that I'm a free thinker and it scares ultra consertives. To many of them would prefer people follow blindly. Do as we say we are here to protect you.....

Nanny state ftl.

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100% wrong I believe in god but I think to many people take the bible WAY WAY WAY to literal my point of that article is that the bible does contridict itself. That people do pick and choose what to enforce/believe and I think that poeple need to think for them selves and stop basing there beliefs on a lack of self understanding thats all.


There is nothing wrong with questioning religion. Smart people question dumb people follow blindly.

Sounds to me like you are the one who picks out of the bible what you like, and makes you fell good about yourself. Then you want to disregard anything that is hard for your human mind to comprehend.


Again I will beat the dead horse for you and say the bible is either 100% right or 100% wrong. If 1 part of it is unreliable... why believe any part?

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