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Don't give up my civil liberties you pussy's


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I'll give up any and all of my civil liberties to stop the men who are trying to eliminate my childrens chance at a future. I'm pissed that were not supporting Israel in a stronger sense. I'm pissed of not protecting our coutries future by attacking those who regret our prosperity and aim to destroy it. I'm most of all pissed that the world isn't fair and coming home and hiding in the corner won't solve shit.


Giving up some civil liberties now is worth it. I'd rather give some up now to protect all of them in the future, rather than keep them now and have NONE in the future.


In my opinion, the only good point about Rudy is that he's centrist enough to grab some of the democratic votes.........while my personal favorite Romney sits back and get's egged.


This is just 1 example of some of the people's views out there that will give up there freedoms for no fucking reason. I am not trying to attack this specific person but this type of person pisses me off to no end.



So It's ok if I watch everything you do from piss in to morning to what time and how long and what position including pictures sound and full video of how you fuck your wife or boyfriend if your gay not saying you are just sayin.


Is It ok for me to listen to everything you say on the phone?


Ever think that its still just people like you and me listening to that shit. Who watches the watchers? Did you see were the guy got flagged by DHS and in his notes it showed that when he went on a trip he had a pen with a potleaf on it ?



Since when is it illegal to have a pen? or a book? So If I read the next clancy book and the goverment knows I checked that book out from the library I get added to some database that went filtering for suspicious activity I now show up. Then If I have something else again could be benign against me I'm now a suspect. Think I'm being far fetched go learn about Datamining.


Fucking A, Why do you live in America if you don't want the land of the free? How would you like it if your eligibility for things was determed based on what type of church you go to?


What about anything else, You make a bold fucking statement back it up. Post up here all your personal info including bank statement family pics, Income reports I would also Like to put a tap on your phone lines so I can listen to it. I want to make sure your not doing anything wrong.


Please also give me all of your user logins and sign these waivers I want to look at your internet traffic. If you download 1 mp3 I'm going to go ahead and turn your ass in. Don't send any emails that might be taken as antigoverment I will have to flag you.


Tell me right now that you've never once in your life downloaded a single copyrighted item off the internet. I will call you a liar because I'm sure you did it on accidentally. Well If now I'm keeping tack of everything you do and I run a audit of that data I get to bust you now. You broke the law right knowingly or unknowingly. You still broke the law.


So instead of what we have no we switch to a nice book that was written .



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* Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

o This statement was used as a motto on the title page of An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. (1759) which was attributed to Franklin in the edition of 1812, but in a letter of September 27, 1760 to David Hume, he states that he published this book and denies that he wrote it, other than a few remarks that were credited to the Pennsylvania Assembly, in which he served. The phrase itself was first used in a letter from that Assembly dated November 11, 1755 to the Governor of Pennsylvania. An article on the origins of this statement here includes a scan that indicates the original typography of the 1759 document, which uses an archaic form of "s": "Thoſe who would give up Essential Liberty to purchaſe a little Temporary Safety, deſerve neither Liberty nor Safety." Researchers now believe that a fellow diplomat by the name of Richard Jackson is the primary author of the book. With the information thus far available the issue of authorship of the statement is not yet definitely resolved, but the evidence indicates it was very likely Franklin, who in the Poor Richard's Almanack of 1738 is known to have written a similar proverb: "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power."

o Many paraphrased variants derived from this saying have arisen and have usually been incorrectly attributed to Franklin:

+ "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"

"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."

"If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both."

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither"

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* Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

o This statement was used as a motto on the title page of An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. (1759) which was attributed to Franklin in the edition of 1812, but in a letter of September 27, 1760 to David Hume, he states that he published this book and denies that he wrote it, other than a few remarks that were credited to the Pennsylvania Assembly, in which he served. The phrase itself was first used in a letter from that Assembly dated November 11, 1755 to the Governor of Pennsylvania. An article on the origins of this statement here includes a scan that indicates the original typography of the 1759 document, which uses an archaic form of "s": "Thoſe who would give up Essential Liberty to purchaſe a little Temporary Safety, deſerve neither Liberty nor Safety." Researchers now believe that a fellow diplomat by the name of Richard Jackson is the primary author of the book. With the information thus far available the issue of authorship of the statement is not yet definitely resolved, but the evidence indicates it was very likely Franklin, who in the Poor Richard's Almanack of 1738 is known to have written a similar proverb: "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power."

o Many paraphrased variants derived from this saying have arisen and have usually been incorrectly attributed to Franklin:

+ "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"

"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."

"If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both."

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither"



Thorne, I wholeheartedly agree with what your saying! These are the facts and unless we the people do something about this we are all screwed!!Ron Paul has my vote and he should have all our votes!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:

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Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are two of the worst things to have happened to this country in my lifetime. Oops, now Big Brother is watching me.


It appalls me how much we've turned into a police state since 9/11. It makes it even worse than my saying this makes me an enemy of the state :rolleyes:

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Someone has to start the other side so here we go....


Haven't see an example of how much of what you say is happening and likely is in some cases, is really going to impact me as a normal decent citizen. If anyone wants to come watch me bang my wife, have fun jacking in my barberry bushes, just clean it up when your done. And please don't say I have a nice ass as I'll spew my food back up. In the end, I doubt anyone is interested in watching me do anything.


So It's ok if I watch everything you do from piss in to morning to what time and how long and what position including pictures sound and full video of how you fuck your wife or boyfriend if your gay not saying you are just sayin.


again, as normal citizen, I don't think big brother is after what I'm saying on my phone. if they are out to nail terrorist or a drug dealer or child porn freak, then so be it. I'll gladly help them. basically I see your point, but I hardly think the average citizen has anything to worry about....and the guilty ones....I want them busted and am tired of them hiding behind our fucked up legal system and creating loopholes to jump in. The one thing that came out of the Iranian Prez yesterday that I agree with is that they execute drug dealers and rapists. I think we should too. There's way too much trash walking the streets and fucking up the world for everyone else. Home invasion fucks that shot that old man yesterday.....I don't even see a need to give them a trial. Kill 'em all. Gun, no gun, they were all there, they should all be executed. Trash, pure trash that walks and talks is all they are.


Is It ok for me to listen to everything you say on the phone?


I don't know anything about the example you point out to comment, but a link would be good. I have a friend named Gareth Wallace in Florida. He's Caucasian and from South Africa. He's flagged big time for some reason and every time we travel he's Searched by hand, etc....but he's used to it and even the TSA tells him up front, he's flagged and to step aside.


Somewhere in the world is someone that looks similar and has his name that is wanted badly. Shit happens and he's dealing with it until further systems are put in place to verify folks better.....or they catch the bad guy. Ask him any day and he'll tell you the U.S. is the best place on earth to live. He left South Africa for a number of reasons and he chose the U.S for many more.


Same with my employee from Sweden and the other from the Bahama's. They all came to the U.S. and consider it the best place around. Funny, how so many folks fight to come here and yet the ones who do live here bitch but don't ever get the fuck out. The door is open you know...if you don't like the U.S. and what we're becoming, you can leave you know.


Ever think that its still just people like you and me listening to that shit. Who watches the watchers? Did you see were the guy got flagged by DHS and in his notes it showed that when he went on a trip he had a pen with a potleaf on it ?


Again, there's nothing wrong with a pen or book and given that, you're stressing too much about big brother following you. Shit, even Krogers knows exactly what I buy and cc's are a pretty good source of Datamining everything from what you buy when and where you did it. If the Feds want to track you they will and if you're guilty, man up...if not, don't sweat it. They aren't going to stalk and pursue and cripple the life of everyone they sniff at. Are there those that get innocently baggered...sure, but that's been the case since time began. There are always exceptions.


Since when is it illegal to have a pen? or a book? So If I read the next clancy book and the goverment knows I checked that book out from the library I get added to some database that went filtering for suspicious activity I now show up. Then If I have something else again could be benign against me I'm now a suspect. Think I'm being far fetched go learn about Datamining.


are you thinking of a specific example in your notes below? Please provide a link so we can read up. so far, I don't see where I'm any less free to do what I want to do, including go to church, etc....


Fucking A, Why do you live in America if you don't want the land of the free? How would you like it if your eligibility for things was determed based on what type of church you go to?


I regularly go on sales calls into Gov't offices including the Pentagon and am sure I've been sniffed by the feds. I've had my SS# and birth history provided to them and guess what....ain't shit happened.....I get admitted in, sell stuff and go home. If they tap my lines or review my bank accounts, I really don't care as I have nothing to be afraid of them finding.


What about anything else, You make a bold fucking statement back it up. Post up here all your personal info including bank statement family pics, Income reports I would also Like to put a tap on your phone lines so I can listen to it. I want to make sure your not doing anything wrong.


I doubt the Feds care if I have used limewire or newsgroups to grab music. They barely communicate internally let alone provide proof to the RIAA. In the end, if you're guilty, then there's not much anyone can do except hope, hide, and man up if you're caught. Email wise, I'm sure they have their share of computers searching all our emails. Again, who cares. Weather I hate Bush or Love Clinton, I don't care if they know. Now if I have a teen next door preparing to execute a teacher or sending anything threatening evening in a joking manner, especially about the President, then by all means, sniff his ass out and toss his emails around. I want him caught. Me and my family...again, they don't give a shit about the average Joe. There's not enough man power around to worry about the piss-ants of the world doing nothing.


Please also give me all of your user logins and sign these waivers I want to look at your internet traffic. If you download 1 mp3 I'm going to go ahead and turn your ass in. Don't send any emails that might be taken as antigoverment I will have to flag you.


If you're guilty, break the law and they find a way to catch you, tough shit. I Don't like the RIAA doing what they are doing, and can debate that all the way to capital hill too, but guess what.....if they are busting folks who are guilty then there's not a whole lot left to say. Break out the checkbook. The rest of us watching have choices. I don't think Ignorance of the speed limit will get you out of a ticket and I don't think it's going to get you out of much else either.


Tell me right now that you've never once in your life downloaded a single copyrighted item off the internet. I will call you a liar because I'm sure you did it on accidentally. Well If now I'm keeping tack of everything you do and I run a audit of that data I get to bust you now. You broke the law right knowingly or unknowingly. You still broke the law.
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Interesting reads, but times change and I think that the founding fathers, who wrote the below some what, 250 years ago....a pretty freaking long time ago, accounted for all the crimes and events that we're seeing today. They were more concerned with what they experienced back in England, which doesn't hold a candle to all the crap we're experiencing today, both here in our own country and what is happening around the world.


Times Change. Just like we changed the laws of slavery and rights for women to be treated equals, other things must change too. I'm tired of folks hiding behind old school laws and words that no longer properly apply to our world as it is today. They were written with a great underlying theme, but the details need to be changed and are evolving as they should.


Paraphrased a number of ways, the statement essentially reads.

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


Well all I can say is that will all the drug dealers, rapists, murders, illegals, child molesters, terrorists and all the rest of the no good wastes of life around, that there's no leaving your doors unlocked and very little safety and liberty....I don't think it should be taken so damn literally and applied to everyone. It's a damn shame I can't leave my car unlocked or let my kid play down the street without worrying. Hell, kids can't even walk on the OSU campus without some fear of shit happening.


Liberty.... The condition of being free from restriction or control. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.


I think the founding fathers were out to cite the servitude point a bit more than saying you have the right to commit a crime and hide behind the laws to shield you from being caught.


I sure as hell don't think I want my neighbors to run free and do as they want and able to completely run reckless doing what they want of their own free choosing without some laws in place. Liberty is way to easily abused and I think there are a huge number of examples that show folks can manage their own actions in a safe and responsible manner, let alone those same actions that then impact others.


Laws are good thing. They keep the world in check and the freaks in place. IMO we need to fix the legal system and start the due process of cleaning up the crime in our own country a bit more. I don't believe in any type of Absolute anything....even freedom. Not everyone is an angel from heaven looking to do good....and the good ones aren't the ones we need to worry about. The bad folks in life.....don't deserve any freedom.


Laws help protect us all and I for one don't think that just because one can do something means they should or that they should be allowed to do it. We live in a society and it's not all about you. It's about living together with peace and order. Structure that furthers society as a whole.


It's no different than the day you got married. On that day the one thing that changes immediately is that nothing you do affects only you. It's a joint move and a joint decision. Same as living in society. You are married to those around you and to the folks want to run a muck and do what they want, then they need to go away from society and break off that marriage and live on their very own liberal island.


It's been said that:

"If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both."


and I say that if we continue to hand out absolute liberty we sure as hell won't have security and that's exactly what's happening today. the bad guys are hiding behind the law and we see it every day.


The time has come to correct the laws and rules in place in favor of those willing to live as a society and respect the laws that very liberty and freedom you speak of. It's time for the terrorists to realize, yes, we are going to listen in on your calls and spy on your family and friends.....all in the name of liberty and justice for all. It's time for the rapists to get caught and those that think that just because they can, they will.....I don't think so....not unless they live on liberal island all by themselves. Then they can do whatever they want all alone.


* Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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I will quote my sources , I apologize for not doing it in the first place. See, I agree its good to catch bad people but how many times are poeple hassled for things when they should not be. Thats fine your willing to give up your liberties DON't GIve up mine.


You don't think DHS has affected anyone not doing something wrong. I was investigated along with a few of my friends because we run a Network SEcurity group. What we did was educate systems admins how to run safer networks.


We had 0 I mean 0 blackhats. Everything was on the up and up. Yet we were forced to shut down to avoid further legal issues. Could we have fought it yes. Should we have to NO.


America was founded on certain princples. I don't feel its ok for a person "again not attacking" to give up those choices for me because they have fear. The goverment can't properly sort the info they have why do they need more info they can confuse and falsely accuse or hender peoples lives.


The reason your friend likes america vs S Africa is because they are more fucked up they we are. Does that make it ok for us to continue making things worse? I don't feel it is.


Whats a drug dealer? If someone smoked a joint is that a drug dealer? Did they harm anyone? Are there many other things those resources could be used for? The drug war is a joke. Legalizing pot would change the entire status of money fund and cut down on cocaine trafficing.


That is not what this thread is about though. I feel that tomany poeple will quickly give up because they think its going to help when in reality there hurting everyone.


Lets say your gay, No one knows your gay. You live a private life. Now joe blow jim bob knows your gay. This guy is a worker bee for DHS. Its very possible that person knows them. Now that info is not private any more.


Was that fair to the gay man? This scenario could be anything that you consider private. I'm sure your wife and you talk about things that are ment for private. Those thigns in my opinion are ment for private use only. Not BigBrother.


All you see is the fear based reasoning. Thats not a fair way to view things.


My statement are based on REAL things not the hypothetical terrorist they might catch.




^DHS EMPLOYEE Exploting power- As I said its just regular people .

- I don't feel someone should be aloud to do that.

- For every 1 they catch how many go uncaught.

- If I goto porn store and buy a toy for the wife I don't need jimbob knowing.



-This person was hassled becasuse of his job. Again WHY.

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I get your argument that if you don't have anything to hide then you shouldn't worry about it anyways, but the fact of the matter remains that you have a right to privacy. Could you imagine how half of us would be 'flagged' if they checked our surfing history after one day of looking at the shit that Linn puts in the pics/vids section? Shit he'd probably be hauled off to jail :) What if you tried to apply for a gov't job that you were qualified for, would they be able to look at the stuff your flagged for and exclude you based on assumptions?? That may be a shitty example but don't you think you have a right to privacy? I'm all for living in a safe country but when is enough enough? People are f'n freaks and no matter how much of a police state you try to move towards theres always gonna be some completely normal soccer mom that snaps and drives her Town n Country off a bridge killing everyone, or some freak who finally gives into his urges and kidnaps some little kid....the list goes on. I honestly don't think the gov't has the resources to pull off the shit you guys are talking about and probably won't any time soon while we're busy f'ing up the rest of the world at our expense.
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PDPQDPDPD I do agree with you on some of the things you say, But I also hate the idea of violating lots of poeple to catch a handful of people.



History has shown us that all this Knowledge is useless we know about the 9/11 attacks well we know it was a possiblity. But we did nothing.


Look at the links i posted. For everyone thats caught there are 10 more the slip between the cracks. Personally I would prefer to live next to some guy sell some weed then some guy who's reading everything about me my fincial records or anything else because they can.


I don't think times of changed to the point were the entire structure of the society needs to change to the point we live in a police state. I do not desire to live in a 1984 society and people miss that its slowly slipping into Furwishion. I work in IT and not just some low end sys admin. I have a perspective on things that many would not see.


There are things I see and know that happen that bother me. to think that this info could get worse scares me.

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Interesting reads, but times change and I think that the founding fathers, who wrote the below some what, 250 years ago....a pretty freaking long time ago, accounted for all the crimes and events that we're seeing today. They were more concerned with what they experienced back in England, which doesn't hold a candle to all the crap we're experiencing today, both here in our own country and what is happening around the world.


Times Change. Just like we changed the laws of slavery and rights for women to be treated equals, other things must change too. I'm tired of folks hiding behind old school laws and words that no longer properly apply to our world as it is today. They were written with a great underlying theme, but the details need to be changed and are evolving as they should.


Paraphrased a number of ways, the statement essentially reads.

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


Well all I can say is that will all the drug dealers, rapists, murders, illegals, child molesters, terrorists and all the rest of the no good wastes of life around, that there's no leaving your doors unlocked and very little safety and liberty....I don't think it should be taken so damn literally and applied to everyone. It's a damn shame I can't leave my car unlocked or let my kid play down the street without worrying. Hell, kids can't even walk on the OSU campus without some fear of shit happening.


Liberty.... The condition of being free from restriction or control. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.


I think the founding fathers were out to cite the servitude point a bit more than saying you have the right to commit a crime and hide behind the laws to shield you from being caught.


I sure as hell don't think I want my neighbors to run free and do as they want and able to completely run reckless doing what they want of their own free choosing without some laws in place. Liberty is way to easily abused and I think there are a huge number of examples that show folks can manage their own actions in a safe and responsible manner, let alone those same actions that then impact others.


Laws are good thing. They keep the world in check and the freaks in place. IMO we need to fix the legal system and start the due process of cleaning up the crime in our own country a bit more. I don't believe in any type of Absolute anything....even freedom. Not everyone is an angel from heaven looking to do good....and the good ones aren't the ones we need to worry about. The bad folks in life.....don't deserve any freedom.


Laws help protect us all and I for one don't think that just because one can do something means they should or that they should be allowed to do it. We live in a society and it's not all about you. It's about living together with peace and order. Structure that furthers society as a whole.


It's no different than the day you got married. On that day the one thing that changes immediately is that nothing you do affects only you. It's a joint move and a joint decision. Same as living in society. You are married to those around you and to the folks want to run a muck and do what they want, then they need to go away from society and break off that marriage and live on their very own liberal island.


It's been said that:

"If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both."


and I say that if we continue to hand out absolute liberty we sure as hell won't have security and that's exactly what's happening today. the bad guys are hiding behind the law and we see it every day.


The time has come to correct the laws and rules in place in favor of those willing to live as a society and respect the laws that very liberty and freedom you speak of. It's time for the terrorists to realize, yes, we are going to listen in on your calls and spy on your family and friends.....all in the name of liberty and justice for all. It's time for the rapists to get caught and those that think that just because they can, they will.....I don't think so....not unless they live on liberal island all by themselves. Then they can do whatever they want all alone.



i'm not good at typing what i believe or feel but i tend to agree with you. i dont mind someone looking at my info, theres nothing there they want. i dont consider that a violation of my rights, they are there to help the greater good, right? (whether those people who have power use it or not is another story)


preach it brotha

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I get your argument that if you don't have anything to hide then you shouldn't worry about it anyways, but the fact of the matter remains that you have a right to privacy. Could you imagine how half of us would be 'flagged' if they checked our surfing history after one day of looking at the shit that Linn puts in the pics/vids section? Shit he'd probably be hauled off to jail :) What if you tried to apply for a gov't job that you were qualified for, would they be able to look at the stuff your flagged for and exclude you based on assumptions?? That may be a shitty example but don't you think you have a right to privacy? I'm all for living in a safe country but when is enough enough? People are f'n freaks and no matter how much of a police state you try to move towards theres always gonna be some completely normal soccer mom that snaps and drives her Town n Country off a bridge killing everyone, or some freak who finally gives into his urges and kidnaps some little kid....the list goes on. I honestly don't think the gov't has the resources to pull off the shit you guys are talking about and probably won't any time soon while we're busy f'ing up the rest of the world at our expense.


I have nothing to hide minus my personal life ya know my example of the nutcase stalking that chick is a prime example. If I am in to BDSM does that mean I'm a crimnal but I bought handcuff now I'm a crimnal... thats the key is they have no way to proper analyze said data. But people do have the ability to abuse it.


Imagine what kinda of audio tapes and video would leak the more data thats compiled. The things I'm talkinga bout the goverment doing are 100% posibble. again working in IT I understand things about what data can be analyzed and quickly scanned for keywords or patterns. Look at googles abilities .

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the greater good is always a plus but at what point do you draw the line. And I draw it now.


I know allot of poeple have talked dirty on the phone with sig other . How would you feel if someone was listening laughing "you can't hear it" and even possible sharing the audio tapes.

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Where are you going to find the manpower to listen and watch everybody that is doing something questionable??????? There are 24 hours in a day, and over 281,421,906 people in the united states alone. Considering that we have to watch other countries as well where are you going to find enough people to do this? That would make roughly 6754125744 hours of time that needed to be monitored each day in the US. The number above is why I think you are full of shit. If you investigate every person that types "terrorist", or "bomb" online you wouldnt have enough manpower to check on that person in the same year.



They have had the abilty to spy on people for longer than you have been on this planet. The government has already taken away more of your freedoms than you know. The reality is that they are just now making it more public. Why do you think people were held responsible for not acting fast enough and not preventing 9/11.



The government already has access to anything they want in the name of "home security".



Presidents promise the entire world, but never deliver. For some reason you people trust the fuckers everytime. Learn from your mistakes. I bet you were doing the same shit when Bush was running for office...



Most politicians base their decisions on polls and surveys that have been taken over the last few years. This guy you are following is just as fake as the rest of them. He's answering questions based on what answer had the highest response in an internet poll. He's not telling you his ideas, he's telling you your own ideas. Thats why they sound so good to you.... you told him to say it.



Everybody running for president is full of shit.

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the greater good is always a plus but at what point do you draw the line. And I draw it now.


I know allot of poeple have talked dirty on the phone with sig other . How would you feel if someone was listening laughing "you can't hear it" and even possible sharing the audio tapes.


i worry about that everytime i do it but it doesnt really stop me lol



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i worry about that everytime i do it but it doesnt really stop me lol



please email all audiotapes/mp3s to lnxgodATgmail.com



Brian, I agree about the spying abilities. It just how far its gets pushed.

The more Leadway there given above the radar the further they go below.

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