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Don't give up my civil liberties you pussy's


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I never said the police don't make mistakes or break the rules to accomplish a goal. What I am saying is that they aren't going to break rules for the hell of it and create havoc or implement marital law for the sake of harassing innocent people. That's what everyone commenting here seems to be afraid of happening.


What the cops in your story did was to catch a bad guy, not hurt the innocent victim. I'm sure the rules are bent everyday by law enforcement so they can do what they believe is right and take down the bad guys.


What I'm saying is give them the tools and support the means to take down the bad guys without having to break the rules to do it. Our system is protecting the bad guys equally as much as the innocent people of the country....but hey, I'm sure O.J. Simpson is loving that part of our society.

First time I will agree with you :lol:

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the point im making is that you want things implemented that have abad track record of stoppping a fucking things, Yet they do have a track record of hurting poeple that are not breaking any fucking laws.


What you also miss is your saying lets catch some guy smoking a joint, the cost is the lives of americans who did not a damn thing wrong. I tell you what if a cop came in my house for something I did nothing on. they bettter anouce who they are very clearly because, Protecting my house means if I can't tell I'm shooting back because it dont matter my risk of being shot is ther IF 'm falsing getting hurt I'm taking someone with me.


I would ike you to please post your email address and password so ic an read it and makesure you dont braekt he rules. You say the info wont be misused and your wrong. its happened like at the guy who stalked his GF.


There is no checks and balances. If im on the phone talking about dnd and the guys i killed in game an i get fucing investgated for playing a game is that fair.. No its not becasue your scared of the world.


you also said due process should not exist. WTF there are people charged with murder who did nothing. do you thinkthose people would come out ore pissed off or less.


what about the children that see this cop break in and take there innocent daddy those kids are crimnals in the making..


A good portion of the protection on the internet "Fixes for hacks including banks" are found by people who test hack. do they need investigated allot of the it you use today was founded by people like me who learned about hacking for fun.


my friends and me play capture the box. we setup a box with a flaw and try and break in. so when im investigated for tht and they notice I have books about war and stratgegy "Tom clancy" now I'm under more scrutinty .


you feel that i should have no due process . I think your a fucking goof since you feel your shit dont stink.



So prove you don't care please post personal info.


I think the reason we see thinks so diffrent "IT" vs your fear, Is my job has been about privacy since before you know what hte internet was.


I have had acces to read thosands to millioons of pope email for years, Do I. Not a single time. I've even had to provide alw enforcement with info. I've not once reviewed it. But thats because i respect privacy. eventhough my job is to also protect our network from malintent.


You have no proof all this violation of privacy helps but i have proof it hurts. I want you to prove your ok with these things. Can I please go threw your house and look around. If I see guns I want to ntoe that so if shit happens I can come take your guns from you. Even thought 2nd says you can. If you have stuff abut being a muslim I want to mark you as a terroist and wathc everthing you do so if you do something I can come down on you.


I want you to also share you ie history. Unless your willing to post all this info then your a hipocrit.


Give me a reason why youthink thise is going to bust badguys. I am not a badguy. I'm a upstanding citizen I've been a nehgbor watch, I've helped poeple finicaly and emotionaly that i did not even know. But I should have to be under scrutinty?




I fail to see how a SWAT team bursting into a house correctly or incorrectly is a problem with DHS. As I've said before, the mistake is likely due to human error such as a typo or something.


Is it okay? No.....but then perhaps if they were allowed through better, more effective means to locate the bad guys then this shit wouldn't happen....but nooooo, we have to protect everyone's rights so bad because a few are so afraid of the big bad Feds that the bad guys can duck and hide easily. That's my real point...when the bad guys can hide behind the rights, freedoms and liberties that the good guys have, something needs to be done about it.




DHS/law enforcement doesn't make things that we as normal citizens have in our closet public for all to see. If you're guilty of a crime or have something to hide that could lead to being charged with a crime, then I have zero sympathy for you. If you're gay or on medication or have gone chapter 7, the feds don't care and it's not like they are going to toss your life in front of the world for all to see over personal matters.


ya know people got shit in there lives thats not to be fucking public.[


So you have a family member who got into trouble, is running from the law and since the police didn't have the means to dig deep and his "rights" were protected and an accident happened, it's their fault the kids experienced what they did?


Sounds to me like your family member needs to 'man up' and face his punishment dude. I'm sorry but if they are after him so badly and he's a criminal, then I have no concern about his rights or liberties as he's simply using them to protect himself from being brought to justice or facing a trial where his guilt or innocence will decided.




It's happening now because they have inadequate information. Perhaps if they had his phones tapped or were able to dig into his life a bit more without his hiding behind the legal system, they would have had the proper information to pinpoint his location and nail his ass. Again, I don't blame the police. Perhaps you should have turned him in? Why are you not in some way morally guilty of what happened to those kids? Maybe it's you're hiding your relative or not helping the police bring a wanted man to face the system that caused it?


You're right, I care more about living in a care bear world than protecting the rights and liberties of the guilty. My wife's worked in the legal system for a long time and grew up in the world of the prosecutors office here in Cbus. I've heard and seen way too many bad guys hide behind the law that I have innocent people hurt. There will always be the exceptions, always. However, there will be far less of these exceptions and bad things happening to good people if when/if we can rid society of more and more of the bad guys.


I have no problem not bringing my bottle of water from home on a plane, or having them search my bags, or having them probe my PC along with everyone else's if we're suspected of having illegal material on it, if it's going to insure my plane doesn't blow up or that the guy next door isn't downloading kiddie porn. They can tap phones all across the country for all I care. I have nothing to hide and if I'm gay, get AIDS or sleep with animals, I'm sure they don't give a crap about that if they are looking for the bad guys.


You're blowing it all out of proportion anyway. Take the phone thing.....they are tapping the phones of suspsected terrorist associates and faimlies. I'm sorry but if they are tapping the phones of every middle eastern family with even 1% Persian Blood in them, I don't care. THat pretty much means I'm in the clear along with a huge majority of people. AGain, the Feds don't care what I say on the phone and don't have the manpower or ability to tap everyone in America.


Now let's say they do have a super computer that taps all the cell phones in the US and they peg you for talking about killing Prez. Bush....perhaps in just good debate/fun and not really meanining it....I really don't care....I think they should follow up on that and insure you're not some sick bastard.


Now, you may have done drugs, you may have been busted by the DHS for some networking thing recently, you may have a fugative in the family....well, shit that sounds more like you're going to get picked apart than say me.....'cause I don't have any of that shit in my closet. Sorry about your luck, but you made those choices and will have to deal with them picking at you a bit closer.....and yes, in the name of safety for me and my family, I support that.




I'm all for the legal system for getting the data, etc....but it also allows the bad guys to rid themselves of the evidence. I think it was the folks at Enron that were shredding documents but had so many to shred they didn't get rid of them all before they got busted....hmmm....so even the white collar criminals will hide their tracks. I say fuck that, if they want to go after suspected bad guys in such a way to prevent them from hiding behind the law or erasing any evidence, then go for it.


So far as a box that sniffs my email.....they'd be pretty board actually. Outside work, I have family and friends that I talk to and don't have any terrorist talk or kiddie porn to worry about....and I don't think the Feds are interested in much else that's in my email system. Besides, I'm not in any way associated with a crime that's going to warrant them to sniff me out. Now If I get caught dealing drugs or laundering money, then I opened Pandora's box and brought that upon myself. Then it would be time to pay the piper I suppose.


Look at the black box in your car. They already have it and I support it. It was a few years back that I remember a cop was killed on 270 near Gahanna and the defendant insisted he wasn't speeding and drunk, yet the box confirmed he hit the cop at over 95mph. Hmmm....sounds to me like a case of big brother served the justice system well in that case.




I think about it all the time. I think about how I am impacted and if what is being done is a good or bad thing for the good people of the world. I really don't care what happens to those that open Pandora's box and are thrust into the spotlight of Big Brother and are being investigated. We are way, way too concerned about the rights of the bad guys in the hopes of protected the rights of everyone. Instead I think the rights of the good guys should be protected as you say, but those that are crossing into the gray area or are accused or just plain guilty....the rules need to change so they aren't hiding behind them.




I don't hate America and what we stand for. I travel all over and love the US. I think the freedoms we have are awesome. I just am sick and tired of the bad guys hiding behind the law or demanding the same freedoms as the good guys. Our legal system has flaws and loopholes that need closed and I am going to support what it takes to do that.


Also, please don't comment on how I feel about the military. Both my brothers and my father served many, many years. I am however, not bent so far in one direction that I can't see both ways.




I'm not saying your full of shit or making any personal attacks on you or others in any way. I actually try pretty hard not to and my history here proves that. I can't say others don't but I can't control them or prevent them from attacking me or others so I don't worry about it. If I'm in the minority that's okay. If it wasn't for someone making a stand in the other direction the thread would have had like three posts saying they agree with you and that would be it.....that would be pretty boring if you ask me.




I don't....although you are a little aggressive and personal at times, but I look past that. I don't hold any ill will or malice towards you or anyone else either. Some care some don't and still hate, but again, I can't stop them. We're cool. Just debating things out on the web like millions of others.

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do you think for yourself. Or do you just go with whats said onthe media.. Its really sad proof exists that iraq did not do shit. We need to help home and protect ou fucking boarders not police the fucking world.


and 41 lives is 41 lives. your skipping family friends whos lives are fucked from then on. But you think x badguys are stopped you hae no fucking proof.


so real vs hypothetical.


You don't think there are better ways to protect america. I thinks its obvious you dont do your own resarch and are just a sheep. YOur in the 26% of people who think we should be at war . But we did not persue the real problem.


You fell for the fear mongering. Do some rearch read the reports.


You incorrectly think survelance protects. It has not helped else wear so why should it here.


Why don't you leave america, Britian sounds like a good palce. Since most of america likes our liberties and your a sheep about giving them up.




According to the data on the map only 41 innocent people died as a result since 1985. That's less than 4 people per year Nationwide.


I would bet there's more than an average of four innocent people per year seriously impacted or killed by the bad guys that got away.


Is it right that 41 died? No, but it's less wrong than protecting all the bad guys that are getting away in the mean time? No.


I don't mean to take this thread off topic a bit, but it's the same justification about the war in Iraq. Thousands of innocent lives are being taken half a world away in the efforts of holding off terrorists from hurting us here at home.


See, agree with a statement that Redneck-Scott made once that by our troops being over there, the terrorists/extremists are more busy fighting on their turf than carrying out plans to hurt us here at home.


What makes that war more right than the war we're fighting here at home where only 41 innocents died in 12 years vs thousands in less than 6 years over there?

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again kicking down my door and me protectin my family next im in jail for shooting at a officer. Again this would be like me sleeping "thirdshift" my door is kicked in. I have no clue if its a cop or a "Bad guy" When i anounche i have a gun they are going to already be edgey


I get fucking shot. Thats fucking lame you think thats ok.


Post your info prove you are ok with it.

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Thorne, I really want to respond to your long post but the grammar and structure is so far out of control I can't even read and comprehend what you're saying. Not slamming you but it's not clear.



the point im making is that you want things implemented that have abad track record of stoppping a fucking things, Yet they do have a track record of hurting poeple that are not breaking any fucking laws.


What you also miss is your saying lets catch some guy smoking a joint, the cost is the lives of americans who did not a damn thing wrong. I tell you what if a cop came in my house for something I did nothing on. they bettter anouce who they are very clearly because, Protecting my house means if I can't tell I'm shooting back because it dont matter my risk of being shot is ther IF 'm falsing getting hurt I'm taking someone with me.


I would ike you to please post your email address and password so ic an read it and makesure you dont braekt he rules. You say the info wont be misused and your wrong. its happened like at the guy who stalked his GF.


There is no checks and balances. If im on the phone talking about dnd and the guys i killed in game an i get fucing investgated for playing a game is that fair.. No its not becasue your scared of the world.


you also said due process should not exist. WTF there are people charged with murder who did nothing. do you thinkthose people would come out ore pissed off or less.


what about the children that see this cop break in and take there innocent daddy those kids are crimnals in the making..


A good portion of the protection on the internet "Fixes for hacks including banks" are found by people who test hack. do they need investigated allot of the it you use today was founded by people like me who learned about hacking for fun.


my friends and me play capture the box. we setup a box with a flaw and try and break in. so when im investigated for tht and they notice I have books about war and stratgegy "Tom clancy" now I'm under more scrutinty .


you feel that i should have no due process . I think your a fucking goof since you feel your shit dont stink.



So prove you don't care please post personal info.


I think the reason we see thinks so diffrent "IT" vs your fear, Is my job has been about privacy since before you know what hte internet was.


I have had acces to read thosands to millioons of pope email for years, Do I. Not a single time. I've even had to provide alw enforcement with info. I've not once reviewed it. But thats because i respect privacy. eventhough my job is to also protect our network from malintent.


You have no proof all this violation of privacy helps but i have proof it hurts. I want you to prove your ok with these things. Can I please go threw your house and look around. If I see guns I want to ntoe that so if shit happens I can come take your guns from you. Even thought 2nd says you can. If you have stuff abut being a muslim I want to mark you as a terroist and wathc everthing you do so if you do something I can come down on you.


I want you to also share you ie history. Unless your willing to post all this info then your a hipocrit.


Give me a reason why youthink thise is going to bust badguys. I am not a badguy. I'm a upstanding citizen I've been a nehgbor watch, I've helped poeple finicaly and emotionaly that i did not even know. But I should have to be under scrutinty?




I fail to see how a SWAT team bursting into a house correctly or incorrectly is a problem with DHS. As I've said before, the mistake is likely due to human error such as a typo or something.


Is it okay? No.....but then perhaps if they were allowed through better, more effective means to locate the bad guys then this shit wouldn't happen....but nooooo, we have to protect everyone's rights so bad because a few are so afraid of the big bad Feds that the bad guys can duck and hide easily. That's my real point...when the bad guys can hide behind the rights, freedoms and liberties that the good guys have, something needs to be done about it.




DHS/law enforcement doesn't make things that we as normal citizens have in our closet public for all to see. If you're guilty of a crime or have something to hide that could lead to being charged with a crime, then I have zero sympathy for you. If you're gay or on medication or have gone chapter 7, the feds don't care and it's not like they are going to toss your life in front of the world for all to see over personal matters.

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I don't want to take this OT any further, but in the end, if you recall long list of posts from my past e-battles here on CR, you'll see that I'm hardly all for the war in Iraq. I'm sure Redneck-Scott and others can recall this, I'm not sure why you don't.


I'm simply agreeing with what he stated and it's true, while we're there in force, the efforts of the Terrorists and rebels that are in Iraq now, are preoccupied and can't organize and hurt us as easiliy. I don't think it's simply a coincidence that since the war began that we've not been hit on our turf.


do you think for yourself. Or do you just go with whats said onthe media.. Its really sad proof exists that iraq did not do shit. We need to help home and protect ou fucking boarders not police the fucking world.


I don't need proof, 41 is a very low number of 12 years and if you don't think tons of bad guys were out there causing harm, then feel free to research those 41 cases and show me the impact of those bad guys that were not caught didn't impact just as many if not more lives. Perhaps not simply through murder or death, but I'm sure those occurred at their hands as well.


Again, this whole subject is off topic as I don't see how it relates to big brother taking away our rights. The cops made errors, they weren't out taking away rights for the sake of putting innocent people in place. It was an effort of going after someone and simply getting the wrong house. There's no malicious intent directed at the innocent like what you're fearing is happening in America.


and 41 lives is 41 lives. your skipping family friends whos lives are fucked from then on. But you think x badguys are stopped you hae no fucking proof.


So I guess the recent handfuls of terrorist attempts that were squashed were just though shit luck and not through good intelligence or surveylance?


I'm not the one in fear here....I have no fear....no fear that I who have done nothing wrong am going to be pinned under the thumb of "the man." Ironically, you're the one in fear of things. Fear of losing your rights, fear of being caught? I don't know...you're the one who's had more encounters with the police and DHS for a number of things. I've never once had an anywhere near such an encounter. The closest I've come is being caught speeding when I don't believe it was me....but hey, I did admit that I wasn't going 65mph so who knows. The good news is they did bust two other cars that were also speeding and taught us all a lesson and perhaps saved some lives.


so real vs hypothetical. You don't think there are better ways to protect america. I thinks its obvious you dont do your own resarch and are just a sheep. YOur in the 26% of people who think we should be at war . But we did not persue the real problem. You fell for the fear mongering. Do some rearch read the reports. You incorrectly think survelance protects. It has not helped else wear so why should it here.


I have absolutely no reason to leave. I'm cool with everything so far and with what's coming down. Again, I'm not afraid of losing any rights as I don't feel I need to worry about whatever it is that's keeping you on edge about it all.


Please don't tell me 'I think my shit don't stink'.....I haven't obviously egged on the cops or done the things you've done to draw attention to yourself as in the examples you've provided, but I've not put myself on a pedestal. You've made your bed and I've made mine....period. We all have choices and have to face those choices bring. Yours have brought you your life and mine just the same.



Why don't you leave america, Britian sounds like a good palce. Since most of america likes our liberties and your a sheep about giving them up.
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What does posting my info have to do with anything?


I don't need to post shit, if you believe the feds are spying on the innocent, tapping my phones, reviewing my web pages and looking in my windows and it's all public already, then why do I have to give a shit?


Obviously the DHS hasn't published my W2's or tax returns for the world to see yet is what you're saying? So either I don't egg them on enough, draw enough attention to myself by the way I live, they don't have my information or they just don't care about me, Joe Citizen and have no reason to make me feel as if my rights have been violated.


Dude.....if you feel big brother now or in the future is going to mess with me in any way for absolutely no reason and in a manner of malice, I appreciate your concern, but am not drinking that Kool Aid; and I'm more than willing to take the chance on an accidental involvement in something as that's same risk exists today....even more so as if they had more information such as calls that I've made, emails I've sent or videos of my daily routine, and places I've traveled, they would be even less likely to come knocking on my door.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating a system to monitor all the above for every US Citizen on a regular basis, like you're trying to imply but if they suspect someone is a drug dealer making trips to Mexico and hundreds of cell phone calls to other known drug related folks, and other fairly clear fucking signs that I'm up to something illegal, then by all means, have at them. Tap their phones, check their background, financial history, daily activities, etc......do what needs done to clarify things and bust the bad guys.


But guess what, if that person is completely innocent from that activity and it's all a complete mistake......like it would be if they looked at someone in Care Bear Land.....than case closed. I doubt that person would know if they looked into their life and the cops will move on to get the real criminal.


Like I said, the bad guys are hiding behind our laws and manipulate the system worse than anyone realizes. The good citizens are safe. It's the crooks that need to worry.


If they are going to catch more killers, rapists, child molesters, terrorists, drug dealers and tax evading white collar folks, then by all means, let me review what they are planning and I'll tell you if I agree and am willing to forgo my privacy as it relates to my emails to my sister or conversations about dinner with my wife or my trips to Oregon to see my brother.


It really doesn't matter if they tap phones of suspected terrorists or folks they even suspect of something and are in fact completely innocent....they aren't pulling the innocent out of their homes and putting them in some secret jail for the hell of it. They are going after the bad guys, so unless you're one of them, you can chill.


You're photographed and caught on tape doing more things in any given day than you realize....do you freak out about that? OMG, they have pictures of you at the Kroger Pharmacy buying Herpes medicine.....shit! Now the world will know!! OMG!!! I really don't care that they caught me running a red light on a camera or know that I travel to Japan for business four times per year.


Post your info prove you are ok with it.
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I'm stating for the record, I agree. We need a wall up along the south for sure and the illegals need to be tossed back over it. However, I do think we need to address who's going to make my bed in NJ at the Embassy suites and who's going to wipe the piss off the walls at the airport then.


Regarding Iraq, I want our tropps out of their too. We may have fucked up, but we do have to figure things out before just leaving and saying goodbye. It's a lose-lose situation and we have to figure out how to lose less, especially down the road.


We also need to get our manufacturing back here but I don't think a labor worker at GM Should be bitching about not making big bucks as they are just laborers making an hourly wage and in the working class of Americans not the Salaried professionals of the Upper Class. (income wise, to clarify that)


We need to help home and protect ou fucking boarders not police the fucking world. that is so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Choices! the things I've worked on have protected poeples finical info. Taught sys admins how to protect all kinds of things and I had to deal with it. WTF How can you justify that.


Post your damn info just because your info has not been posted, That don't mean others have not because I already shown where it has.


I don't feel I'm spied on but I do feel if things continue It could become a major issue for poeple like me who work in jobs that on a regular basis protect your privacy.

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Since we want to war in IRAQ I've yet to have a lion attack me so its doing a great job protecting it


YOU CANT PROVE A FUCKING THING ITS NOT DONE SHIT ITS JUST THEY HAVE NO SUCCSEDED. People have tried. Remeber the mall that was going to be blwon up. The war did not prevent that,


Why dont you face the facts, You can't prove that any of these things have protected a damn thing. BUT it has inhibited poeple like me from doing there jobs/ Educating people on things that are important.


I don't see why u don't publish your info. If your get your way people will be reading it on a regular basis. If the info is intersting enough itw ill get posted online.


Stop hiding behind your FEAR and lack of understanding that these things are helping becasue you have 0 proof they are.


Spain has more survaleance then america but there have been attacks it did not help them.

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Thorne I'm sorry to say, but you're nit picking at the craziest off the wall shit. Shit that may happen once in a great while, and that's not the majority. And we haven't given any rights up even though you may believe that. Talking about drinking the punch, you got a left wing cooler in your hand. Just be glad you live in America.
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all of thise related as I'm trying to educate you on the complete failure of the intelligences info we already have, Look with the smaller exposure we have now is already hurting poeple. With increased info comes increased failures.
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Since we want to war in IRAQ I've yet to have a lion attack me so its doing a great job protecting it


YOU CANT PROVE A FUCKING THING ITS NOT DONE SHIT ITS JUST THEY HAVE NO SUCCSEDED. People have tried. Remeber the mall that was going to be blwon up. The war did not prevent that,


Why dont you face the facts, You can't prove that any of these things have protected a damn thing. BUT it has inhibited poeple like me from doing there jobs/ Educating people on things that are important.


I don't see why u don't publish your info. If your get your way people will be reading it on a regular basis. If the info is intersting enough itw ill get posted online.


Stop hiding behind your FEAR and lack of understanding that these things are helping becasue you have 0 proof they are.


Spain has more survaleance then america but there have been attacks it did not help them.

True, you can NOT stop EVERYTHING! But, I garuntee we've stopped a lot more possibilities than you and I both could imagine. Granted you state all these facts, but again, are they directly in the Government? CIA? NSA? So, you're kinda just rambling off your "facts".

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all of thise related as I'm trying to educate you on the complete failure of the intelligences info we already have, Look with the smaller exposure we have now is already hurting poeple. With increased info comes increased failures.

Who honestly is it hurting? I haven't been harmed in anyway, shape or form from any of this. Freedom ISN'T FREE, just remember that.

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I egged on nothing. If you would listen to my words I'm expressing how I'm a innocent person being harrased. my harrasement was not direct but the founder of the group Was. I've got certs and qualifcation to teach security. I've did presentation for CPS.


Why is it I don't want my shit out there is because I respect others privacy and i expect mine to be respcted. Why are you missing that


Your guilty until innocent actually sickens me. You've upset me in the past 2 days so much because of your complete lack of info.


show me the terroism busts please.


You've stated that I did someting wrong wher eI have not. You've stated that you have nothing to worry about . Who cares if you broke laws its your person fucking life. like i said if you like to tie each othe rup and have fucking fun in the bedroom and you talk about it somewhere why should some joe blow know that? WHAT RIGHT DO THEY HAVE TO KNOW..

None and your missing that


Who has fear, You your affraid of terroism the best part is Terroism is exactly as tsated they have won because you fear the nonexistant. I fear losing my liberty.

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If you're working in a professional manner documented correctly and under the proper supervision within the business community that you serve, then you should have nothing to worry about.


You work at Time Warner (TW) right? I'm sure TW has plenty of experience at keeping the authorities and folks that want to know what's going on in regards to network security in the know as it relates to what they are up to.


If you're off doing something on your own related to network security, I would hope that you do the same and follow proper business procedures. I would also hope that you're not exposing yourself or taking unnecessary risks and drawing the attention of the authorities, DHS or others like them to look upon you with suspicion.


I work in IT and have plenty of experience working with companies involved in Networking and Security and disaster recovery, etc....exposed to very sensitive data....and none of them operate in a fashion that would draw that type of attention to themselves.


You think you're at risk of something? Dude, there have been folks invovled and working at much higher levels in Gov't and security protecting my privacy and who have clearances and what not that go through much more scrutinization that you're fearing will happen.


Guess what....they live normal lives and don't have a reason to fear the checks that go on in their lives. Again, if you're innocent, stop living the worst case scenario.


If you think the Feds are out to get you or that things in the future will become a major issue for you in what you do, then you better either insure you're on the up and up and then not worry or that you pack it in before you get busted doing something wrong.


Choices! the things I've worked on have protected poeples finical info. Taught sys admins how to protect all kinds of things and I had to deal with it. WTF How can you justify that.


Post your damn info just because your info has not been posted, That don't mean others have not because I already shown where it has.


I don't feel I'm spied on but I do feel if things continue It could become a major issue for poeple like me who work in jobs that on a regular basis protect your privacy.

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I'm not discounting whatever it is that you're working on man, especially since I don't know what it is, but I highly doubt you're the only one in the US doing it. Given that I find it very odd that out of the blue you feel you're being inhibited in some way by "the man."


Something you did or are doing or something isn't adding up as again, I highly doubt anyone has you specifically on their list to crack down on for no fucking reason. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us on why you suspect things will become a major issue for you in the future. What specifically will harm you in what you're doing and why?


Choices! the things I've worked on have protected poeples finical info. Taught sys admins how to protect all kinds of things and I had to deal with it. WTF How can you justify that.


I don't feel I'm spied on but I do feel if things continue It could become a major issue for poeple like me who work in jobs that on a regular basis protect your privacy.

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Thorne I'm sorry to say, but you're nit picking at the craziest off the wall shit. Shit that may happen once in a great while, and that's not the majority. And we haven't given any rights up even though you may believe that. Talking about drinking the punch, you got a left wing cooler in your hand. Just be glad you live in America.

I have no desire to help the poor I want to protect my fucking rights. I've been impeeded So I have lost rights do you fucking understand people have been wrongly jailed people have been wronly harrassed



This is bullshit. I can't believe It blows my fucking mind you would say I'm drinking coolaide I've posted LEGIT FUCKING FACTS showing its happening every single fucking day.

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WOW, who taught you how to look upon things with a glass half full and that things get better with age. The statement below certainly doesn't follow the trend as I've seen the country grow over the past 250 years.


Somewhere along the lines I hope you heard that it's when we fail that we learn and grow. I certainly am not going to teach my kids that failure is a bad thing. It's trying learning from the mistakes that makes us stronger. Not by hanging onto the way things were and have always been in hopes that things won't change until the end of time.


Change is good....and either you learn to adapt or you go extinct. That's true in nature and in society.


With increased info comes increased failures.
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I've said this before and you're statement about not caring about the poor and just protecting your own rights is re-enforcing the selfish nature that I've addressed in previous e-battles. The world doesn't just revolve around you and your rights and liberties. Maybe on Liberal Island, but not here in the US....never has so far as I remember. We are the land of the Free but still One Nation....not One Person.


Dude, people have been and likely always will be wrongly harassed, etc....but that comes with the territory of laws and justice and freedom. It's been said before, freedom isn't free and it's not always the soldiers on the front line that pay the ultimate price.


Kool-aid or not, it's fear born from a far one-sided opinion that fears authority for some reason. I'm still trying to figure out why. Set aside the exceptions and wrongly accused, etc...and look for the greater good of society and not just at the exceptions and about yourself.


I have no desire to help the poor I want to protect my fucking rights. I've been impeeded So I have lost rights do you fucking understand people have been wrongly jailed people have been wronly harrassed


This is bullshit. I can't believe It blows my fucking mind you would say I'm drinking coolaide I've posted LEGIT FUCKING FACTS showing its happening every single fucking day.

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