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stupid girl gets what she deserves


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Extremely professional and excellent use of verbal commands.

The only thing he did wrong, which I did wrong the first time too, treating a female like a female instead of treating a resister like a resister. One mistake you dont make twice, treat everyone equally even if they are of the opposite sex. Use enough force to stop the threat, even if that means someone gets hurt.

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I dunno. I understand the use of force, but punching her in the face? C'mon. If he'd handled the situation properly and used the necessary force to cuff her in the first place, then it would've never came to that. Punch my 13yr old daughter in the face and I guarantee I'll find you.
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I dunno. I understand the use of force, but punching her in the face? C'mon. If he'd handled the situation properly and used the necessary force to cuff her in the first place, then it would've never came to that. Punch my 13yr old daughter in the face and I guarantee I'll find you.


Why would your 13 yr. old daughter be walking the streets after curfew?? and hopefully you taught her to be respectful to police....

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Extremely professional and excellent use of verbal commands.

The only thing he did wrong, which I did wrong the first time too, treating a female like a female instead of treating a resister like a resister. One mistake you dont make twice, treat everyone equally even if they are of the opposite sex. Use enough force to stop the threat, even if that means someone gets hurt.


I completely agree. The reason that his "force" seemed so brutal, is it looked like he was trying to be gentle at first. I always wondered why cops are so freaking forceful.....now I'm begining to understand why.


He may have not used too much force, but he certainly gave the illusion he did.................and the punch my be a tad on the no-no side.

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Extremely professional and excellent use of verbal commands.

The only thing he did wrong, which I did wrong the first time too, treating a female like a female instead of treating a resister like a resister. One mistake you dont make twice, treat everyone equally even if they are of the opposite sex. Use enough force to stop the threat, even if that means someone gets hurt.


I'm not expert, but you are so is that when they bring in the female cop?



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I dunno. I understand the use of force, but punching her in the face? C'mon. If he'd handled the situation properly and used the necessary force to cuff her in the first place, then it would've never came to that. Punch my 13yr old daughter in the face and I guarantee I'll find you.


And I'll laugh in your face for raising your child like a little brat...


I agree with what he did. Jesus Christ people, he could've just broken her arm, that works just as well.

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Jesus Christ people, he could've just broken her arm, that works just as well.


I would have used enough force to deffinatly rip or tear something... thats alos why i refuse to be a cop. I dont know my own limits, let alone what i can do to other people.

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Annoying little fucker, isn't it? :D

Yes, it's caught me off guard a number of times. Dick.


As far as the video goes I think everything was handled extremely professionally. How many times must one ask to, 'put your hands behind your back'.


I may not be an officer like DragKnee but always been a goal. With a year and a half of law enforcement classes under my belt it seems from all the videos, as they are resisting is the time they start yelling about how they aren't or how they aren't doing anything. Classic and very well handled. I may be no expert nor am I in the field everyday but that's just my .02.

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Extremely professional and excellent use of verbal commands.

The only thing he did wrong, which I did wrong the first time too, treating a female like a female instead of treating a resister like a resister. One mistake you dont make twice, treat everyone equally even if they are of the opposite sex. Use enough force to stop the threat, even if that means someone gets hurt.



denny ever tell you the story abuot how he got slapped by some cracked out bitch, and he didn't use enough force, and ended up getting slapped a second time? the whole class thought it was funny.

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Punching a person in the face that is resisting arrest is fine in my book. She's lucky he's a nice guy. If she bit me I would have had to slam her head against the car until she stopped resisting :mad:


In the future if I see a situation where an officer is being rough, I wont blame them... I'll blame stupid bitches like this that made him feel the has to be rough at all times.


"Get your hands behind your back grandpa!!! I dont care if you're 85, you wont get a chance to use those dentures on me!! I've already learned my lesson!" :p

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