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Okay, who's the a-hole on 270 today!


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Okay, I'm driving along 270E about 10am this morning in the center lane with a fair amount of traffic at about 75mph occasionally needing to move left to pass.


I'm in the left lane and I see a car coming up from behind...I move right, Heads Up Display reads 80mph when he flys by going at least, at least 110-120mph. No shit, he is hammer down then proceeds to weave around cars no less than three times going from the far left to center lanes and even over the right lane, right near 23N exit where 315 comes on. The most crazy section of 270.


All I could see is it was some type of Nissan/Honda/Mazda? Accord or older Maxima....I really was in too much shock and intent on watching the other drivers to even tell. It was black I know that and it didn't look new.


Wet roads, and assholes like that make me wish I was a cop. I seriously felt like taking off as best I could and calling the cops, but I had to be someplace and didn't feel the risk to me would be worth it.


Makes me wish I had a dash camera too. No doubt I'd be sitting with a cop reviewing the video right now.


Sorry for the rant but I feel better now.

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sry i was late and felt confident that my yokohomo tires and outdates braking system that is better on wet pavement, would allow me to blaze by everyone since anyother day they would probably be blazing by me in my underpowered whip...
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Okay, I'm driving along 270E about 10am this morning in the center lane with a fair amount of traffic at about 75mph occasionally needing to move left to pass.


I'm in the left lane and I see a car coming up from behind...I move right, Heads Up Display reads 80mph when he flys by going at least, at least 110-120mph. No shit, he is hammer down then proceeds to weave around cars no less than three times going from the far left to center lanes and even over the right lane, right near 23N exit where 315 comes on. The most crazy section of 270.


All I could see is it was some type of Nissan/Honda/Mazda? Accord or older Maxima....I really was in too much shock and intent on watching the other drivers to even tell. It was black I know that and it didn't look new.


Wet roads, and assholes like that make me wish I was a cop. I seriously felt like taking off as best I could and calling the cops, but I had to be someplace and didn't feel the risk to me would be worth it.


Makes me wish I had a dash camera too. No doubt I'd be sitting with a cop reviewing the video right now.


Sorry for the rant but I feel better now.


So wait, you were doing 80mph in the rain, and you're whining about someone speeding?? Do you reguarly ride the short bus, or is this just a once in a while thing??



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I was cruising at about 70-75mph right along with traffic which is fine, but I goosed it to move over and out of his way as he was coming up behind me quickly. I just remember the HUD as it's right up on the windshield and when he blew past I made a determination of his speed based on my speed at that moment. I was completely fine and in line.


So wait, you were doing 80mph in the rain, and you're whining about someone speeding?? Do you reguarly ride the short bus, or is this just a once in a while thing??



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Okay, I'm driving along 270E about 10am this morning in the center lane with a fair amount of traffic at about 75mph occasionally needing to move left to pass.


I'm in the left lane and I see a car coming up from behind...I move right, Heads Up Display reads 80mph when he flys by going at least, at least 110-120mph. No shit, he is hammer down then proceeds to weave around cars no less than three times going from the far left to center lanes and even over the right lane, right near 23N exit where 315 comes on. The most crazy section of 270.


All I could see is it was some type of Nissan/Honda/Mazda? Accord or older Maxima....I really was in too much shock and intent on watching the other drivers to even tell. It was black I know that and it didn't look new.


Wet roads, and assholes like that make me wish I was a cop. I seriously felt like taking off as best I could and calling the cops, but I had to be someplace and didn't feel the risk to me would be worth it.


Makes me wish I had a dash camera too. No doubt I'd be sitting with a cop reviewing the video right now.


Sorry for the rant but I feel better now.


plus....if it was a honda/nissan/mazda he must be on Columbus Racing so you should be able to get right to the bottom of this and find out exactly who the a-hole was.... :rolleyes:

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not like this guy under todays conditions....and I certainly wouldn't weave in and out of traffic.


Wait, your the same guy who has posted stories before of how fast you have gotten up on public roads. You should sit down and right a list of what is/is not acceptable in what conditions for us to follow!
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taking things a bit litterally today are you.....must have missed my rant comment :rolleyes:


plus....if it was a honda/nissan/mazda he must be on Columbus Racing so you should be able to get right to the bottom of this and find out exactly who the a-hole was.... :rolleyes:
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regardless speeding is speeding if your post would have said you were going the speed limit and some asshole almost blew you off the road I might feel a tiny bit of sympathy but I don't when you get pulled over they will only be concerned with you and not the other traffic
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get over it. people act stupid all the time. practice good lane discipline and youll be fine.


this made me LOL.


This man can't bitch about people weaving but you post up about kids on a school bus flipping you off and annoying you....and we're supposed to care? Read your own advice and GET OVER IT.

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