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What The Fuck


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background checks suck. i have stuff on my record from a harmless prank last year. because of that, i had a hard time finding a job over the summer... most places didnt give me time to explain that all of the theft charges were from about $12 worth of christmas lights around town.


but yeah, no reason to hire a deadbeat.


We just fired a guy becasue he lied on his app saying he would pass a background check, then got promoted to a shift, and fialed it for a petty theft of less than $50 7yrs ago.


If youre a thief... why would i want you working for me? Whats to keep you from stealing my cell phone from my office, getting into files that arent for your eyes, or even jacking cash out of my registar? Maybe you should go apply to some banks... i bet theyd hire you right up :rolleyes:


I swear the kids today are fucking stupid. They fuck up, then get upset that it comes back around to haunt them.

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We just fired a guy becasue he lied on his app saying he would pass a background check, then got promoted to a shift, and fialed it for a petty theft of less than $50 7yrs ago.


If youre a thief... why would i want you working for me? Whats to keep you from stealing my cell phone from my office, getting into files that arent for your eyes, or even jacking cash out of my registar? Maybe you should go apply to some banks... i bet theyd hire you right up :rolleyes:


I swear the kids today are fucking stupid. They fuck up, then get upset that it comes back around to haunt them.


thats a good point. i took the responsibility for my mistakes. but tell me this, would you rather hire someone who walked into a store and tried to steal something, or someone who was driving home from dinner one night, and the people in his car thought it would be funny to hop out and snag a strand of christmas lights off some random bush?


all im saying is that you cant see someones character just by looking at a sheet of paper.

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thats a good point. i took the responsibility for my mistakes. but tell me this, would you rather hire someone who walked into a store and tried to steal something, or someone who was driving home from dinner one night, and the people in his car thought it would be funny to hop out and snag a strand of christmas lights off some random bush?


all im saying is that you cant see someones character just by looking at a sheet of paper.


That may be true, but think about how many other people are applying for the same position. Many of those people have probably never stolen anything and have a perfectly clean record. So if you were in a manager's position, which would you pick? The kid who may have fucked up once, even if it's something stupid like christmas lights, or the kid who has a clean record? There is nothing to keep the manager from thinking you could do something dumb again. It's easier for him to just hire the guy with nothing on his record and not have to even worry about it.

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thats a good point. i took the responsibility for my mistakes. but tell me this, would you rather hire someone who walked into a store and tried to steal something, or someone who was driving home from dinner one night, and the people in his car thought it would be funny to hop out and snag a strand of christmas lights off some random bush?


all im saying is that you cant see someones character just by looking at a sheet of paper.


Something you learn as a manager is the trend of "friends". If you hire a kid that goes to church every Sunday, gets a 4.0 in HS, doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, and only wants to work about 20hrs a week, 999 times out of a 1000, they are going to be damn good at the job if you teach them properly. 95% of the time, you can hire thier friends w/o even interviewing them, just because most kids hang out with other kids of the same type. Very few times do you get a good worker that hangs out amoungst slackers. So if your hanging out with a kid that will snag something that doesnt belong to him, the odds are stacked against you. I always hung out with the good kids... somewhere along the way, i became a damn good thief. I used it to my advantage and took a position as a Loss Prevention Specialist, and turned my skill into a positive credit towards my character. Needless to say, if i wanted to rob someone blind for serious coin and they never know it for at least 24hrs, i could, but i dont, because its more valuable to keep my resume` filled with the Loss Prevention expierence than a petty theft charge.

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Dave i could pass both, no prob I dont have reliable transportation right now and it would be hard to get to where you work you know where i live ha




what do we need to do to make your transportation reliable?


the sooner I can get back to 5 days and no weekends the better :)

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what do we need to do to make your transportation reliable?


the sooner I can get back to 5 days and no weekends the better :)



well i ordered some brackets to make my rear discs work with my fox length axles, but im gonna need to put a lil more cash into it if you wanted me to work a couple days a week starting asap i could get a ride to work with my bro he doesnt do shit except go to osu and that might help but once my car is finished i could work mon-sun


let me know



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The answer, unfortunately, is to get into a buisness where you're not hiring from the bottom crust.

Trying to fill a $10/hr job? Guess who's going to be applying: Losers and kids. Why do they lie on their applications? Umm...because they're criminal drug addicts. :)


I will say that not everyone with a record is a bad guy, some learn. While at WC, I trained 3 ex-cons on various machines, 2 of which ended up being damn fine workers...the other one left to pursue a legitimate buisness opportunity: Knocking up a rich girl and using a loan from her dad to start a day-care.

True story.

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>> If you hire a kid that goes to church every Sunday, gets a 4.0 in HS, doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, and only wants to work about 20hrs a week, 999 times out of a 1000, they are going to be damn good at the job if you teach them properly.>>


This is very true for an employee that will do exactly what they are told and only that, maybe slightly more depending on the paygrade- as academia teaches us so well. And they will leave you as soon as a better offer comes around, and it will, as everyone is looking for these types of on-paper employees. I would agree that the friends factor is generally a good predictor more times than not.


I would rather hire someone with a 3.0-3.3, with obvious confidence, superb communication skills/charisma, natural business sense/street smarts, and honesty. Over time, I would pay this person well and give them responsibilities as soon as they could handle them- build a partnership/friendship so as not to lose them. these are the employees that will bring big money in for you and for themselves. The 4.0, non-smoking, non drinking, bible beater hasn't experienced enough of life to be persuasive/relate to people/grow a business. In academia you are not rewarded for thinking outside of the box, questioning authority figures, or having any sort of independent thought in general- how many books did you not even read but get A's on papers by regurgitating what the teacher told you the book was about? I guess this is why I liked science.


I went to catholic schools (church included) in middle school, had near a 4.0 in HS (drank a decent amout/never smoked), graduated cum laude with honors in molecular biology and got a masters degree in molecular genetics. I am big enough to realize that I missed out on a lot of development in my quest for high grades and high acchievements in the academic world. This is one of the reasons I married my wife- she has these abilities and while she is an outlier in the gpa category (HS valedictorian- this is only because of where I met her) Most people with her abilities I have met over the years did not have a 4.0 gpa.


And to the OP- I think the consensus is right- it is the paygrade- you are not going to get top notch applicants for the job if it is indeed "lube bitch".


And to the fellow with the nick in his record- occasionally bad things do happen to good people and unfortunately you will be discriminated for it- I would say work your personal network and build your resume to overcome that one deficiency.

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I'm not looking for top drawer here fuck I don't even care if they can speak english


applicant needs to be able to piss clean and not fail a background check


stimmel apply online if interested or pm me and I'll work out a way for you to get to work untill your stang is back on the road if you get hired

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This is very true for an employee that will do exactly what they are told and only that, maybe slightly more depending on the paygrade- as academia teaches us so well. And they will leave you as soon as a better offer comes around, and it will, as everyone is looking for these types of on-paper employees. I would agree that the friends factor is generally a good predictor more times than not.



In my business, what is written in bold is all i want. You do what i need you to do and thats it. If you wish to move up, you will have to go abouve and beyond to impress me with forward thinking, forsight of what the business is going to do, before it actully happens.

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i can piss clean pass a background check and can work everyweekday night ( i get out of school at 3) and all day every weekend day all day long. Im just out job because i was a server at bob evans for almost a year and got canned because i broke a leg and got severely ill within a 6 month period. I closed the restuarant 4 days a week and work 30 plus hours a week. If its a automotive job all the better because i go to a votech program for the industry.
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