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Any Columbus PD in here?


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Got a ticket for reckless today in the parking lot outside my work, got the car a little sideways as I was parking out in the far end. 2133.02B is the sticker; I'm mainly baffled because I was in a private lot at the place of my employment, and I didn't think that traffic violations could be issued there, how wrong am I? This ticket will/would directly effect my ability to drive for the company, and also have negative influences on my near-future pursuit of entering law enforcement. Any advice?
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you can still get wreckless in parking lots.




Yeah, if it was private property tickets can't be assessed.





Lawyer up. You should be able to get a lesser charge. If it has that much influence in your future, not doing so would be retarded.

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True story. I did the EXACT same thing last year. I took a corner too quickly getting back from lunch because I was running late and the car slid a little and 2 cops in the parking lot followed me to where I parked. He said he would have given me a Wreckless ops if I hadn't had a clear record. Never will I do that again. :eek:
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just curious as to where and what PD ticketed you.


FYI...lawyer up. will likely cost you $500-700 total including lawyer and fine. It definitely will affect your job. I have a co. car and if you are issued a vehicle by a company like that, your record is checked upon each insurance renewal. 6pts and a WO will cause you to be high liability for them.

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