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Who do you want for President?


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haha, Its either rigged, or you're only sending the link to Ron Paul support forums.

For one, he his at the bottom of the barrel nationally but yet hes got an overwhelming 1125 to 83 over the next guy in your poll.

and is there really 600 people that clicked paul on one poll, but then didnt care enough to not even click "don't care" on the democrat side?

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Damn it. Never mind Ben... Not you stillman



While I respect Ron Paul for speaking truthfully about the war in Iraq I do not think that his stances on other issues are right for America. I respectfully disagree with the tenants of Libertarianism.


I think that Ron Paul truly believes that Libertarianism is right for America and that he's doing the right thing. This puts him in stark contrast with most politicians who just say whatever they think needs to be said to get a vote today. He has integrity.


Ron Paul is NOT for universal health care. As a Libertarian he would never support the government's involvement in health care. This is unfortunate because it's clear to me that something as basic as health care should be the realm of the government just as firemen and policemen are. Would we want a private company policing our streets? no of course not. So why do we place something as basic and important as our health in the hands of businessmen who have nothing but their profits in mind?


Ron Paul does not support the right of women to make their own choice about whether or not to have an abortion. He believes each state should have the ability to make their own law regarding abortion. If the states were to make their own abortion laws this would inevitable lead to most southern states making abortion illegal. This would bring us back to the dark ages before Roe. Why should a woman have the freedom of choice in New York but not in Georgia? All women in America deserve the right to make their own choices about their bodies. To me this should be considered a basic civil liberty that is protected at the federal level. That being said I am not willing to not support Ron Paul just because of the abortion issue. As voters we are too easily controlled by these sorts of hot button topics.


Paul believes that the US Department of Education should be abolished. He thinks that all education decisions should be left up to the states, local governments, and personal decision. While this may seem like a reasonable position, in reality it will stretch the divide between the rich and the poor even further.


Every child in America should have the right to a good education. I believe education should become more federalized not less so. Why? Because right now children in rich districts (those with rich families) get a good education while those in poor districts (those with poor families) get a poor education. There must be more equality of opportunity in this country. All children whether poor or rich deserve a quality education. This is not only a matter of fairness to all Americans but a matter of national prosperity.


Libertarians such as Ron Paul believe in a free market to the highest degree. This means little if any governmental oversight. This means that big businesses would have even more power if Ron Paul had his way. Big business must have governmental oversight or they will absolutely trash our environment.


While I agree with his non interventionist policy militarily the last thing America needs is to make more enemies internationally. The United Nations has done a lot of good for the world and we should be a positive part of that. Ron Paul wants America to pull out of the UN.

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Not to debate but,


Ron Paul is NOT for universal health care. As a Libertarian he would never support the government's involvement in health care. This is unfortunate because it's clear to me that something as basic as health care should be the realm of the government just as firemen and policemen are. Would we want a private company policing our streets? no of course not. So why do we place something as basic and important as our health in the hands of businessmen who have nothing but their profits in mind?


If I lived in the UK where they have government run Health care, I would have had to wait 2 years for my Knee surgery after the accident on the bike, I also would have had to wait a long time in Canada. That would have put my family in a bad situation. Health care should be private. Think about going to get your DL renewed at the DMV, would you want that experience at your doctors office in an emergency or when you are sick?

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LOL yeah untill I saw Bens question of why not? Then I thought well what the hell its just my good friend Ben.


My main point to the statement made is this year there is not really anyone good for the Republican party. Do the research its all there. As a Repulican I am just not happy about this coming election. This wasnt meant to be a Paul Bash. I could write whole articles on why each canidate in bad for this country. Its not just about the war. As we all know Canidate find a hot topic and make America believe. Damn it I should be working right now.

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Not to debate but,




If I lived in the UK where they have government run Health care, I would have had to wait 2 years for my Knee surgery after the accident on the bike, I also would have had to wait a long time in Canada. That would have put my family in a bad situation. Health care should be private. Think about going to get your DL renewed at the DMV, would you want that experience at your doctors office in an emergency or when you are sick?


I see what you are saying I should have made that more clear. Im sure you know the government regulates health care provided by private companies. If you give all the control to the private company then who regulates them? And then you may have what you are saying Ben. If a private company is more concerned with there profit who do they help first and when do you get helped?


As a small business owner myself I could relate to that example. I look at two jobs in front of me at the same time and ask myself which should I do first. For the money in my pants side of it I chose the small faster one. And that larger one may sit for a while, in the mean time I have done 3 other jobs that were small and the larger one is only a 1/4 of the way finished.

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haha, Its either rigged, or you're only sending the link to Ron Paul support forums.

For one, he his at the bottom of the barrel nationally but yet hes got an overwhelming 1125 to 83 over the next guy in your poll.

and is there really 600 people that clicked paul on one poll, but then didnt care enough to not even click "don't care" on the democrat side?


I posted the link on CR, Ohio Riders, MySpace, ZX10r.net, 600rr.net and Craigslist. People from there have passed it on.


It is not rigged, and in fact is being logged to prove such.


The national polls like CNN's is why I made this. Whenever the discussion comes up among friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc Ron Paul has been the overwhelming lead. However in the polls he shows as a piss ant. These polls are completely unbiased. I'm not restricting anyone from passing out the link. In fact, I encourage it. Post it up on other sites. Get more people voting. There are no ads, no spam, etc. I'm not asking for email addresses, and I'm not pushing any candidate. Fuck, I put the candidates in alphabetical order for Christ's sake. Take a look at CNN's poll. 347 people were "randomly selected" to be surveyed. 347 people represent who this country wants for president? I don't think so.

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