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Who do you want for President?


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I posted the link on CR, Ohio Riders, MySpace, ZX10r.net, 600rr.net and Craigslist. People from there have passed it on.


It is not rigged, and in fact is being logged to prove such.


The national polls like CNN's is why I made this. Whenever the discussion comes up among friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc Ron Paul has been the overwhelming lead. However in the polls he shows as a piss ant. These polls are completely unbiased. I'm not restricting anyone from passing out the link. In fact, I encourage it. Post it up on other sites. Get more people voting. There are no ads, no spam, etc. I'm not asking for email addresses, and I'm not pushing any candidate. Fuck, I put the candidates in alphabetical order for Christ's sake. Take a look at CNN's poll. 347 people were "randomly selected" to be surveyed. 347 people represent who this country wants for president? I don't think so.


Ben just so you know I tried not to make a debat in your thread but you made me. I tried to have it taken care of but we were too late. We can still be saved!!! This thread can still be saved though before the evening Rush.



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I posted the link on CR, Ohio Riders, MySpace, ZX10r.net, 600rr.net and Craigslist. People from there have passed it on.


It is not rigged, and in fact is being logged to prove such.


The national polls like CNN's is why I made this. Whenever the discussion comes up among friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc Ron Paul has been the overwhelming lead. However in the polls he shows as a piss ant. These polls are completely unbiased. I'm not restricting anyone from passing out the link. In fact, I encourage it. Post it up on other sites. Get more people voting. There are no ads, no spam, etc. I'm not asking for email addresses, and I'm not pushing any candidate. Fuck, I put the candidates in alphabetical order for Christ's sake. Take a look at CNN's poll. 347 people were "randomly selected" to be surveyed. 347 people represent who this country wants for president? I don't think so.


I dont know about CNN polls, but check http://www.pollingreport.com. it lists most polls from reputable sources that usually have 3-5% MoE. And Ron Paul is no more than 8% on any of them, and usually much less than that.

So if its not rigged, then its not a sample that represents the population

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I dont know about CNN polls, but check http://www.pollingreport.com. it lists most polls from reputable sources that usually have 3-5% MoE. And Ron Paul is no more than 8% on any of them, and usually much less than that.

So if its not rigged, then its not a sample that represents the population


You must be captain of the retards Jono. USA Today does the same thing CNN does. Those polls do not represent the masses. Did you get surveyed? No. Neither did I nor anyone I know.

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You must be captain of the retards Jono. USA Today does the same thing CNN does. Those polls do not represent the masses. Did you get surveyed? No. Neither did I nor anyone I know.


Reuters, gallup, they've been doing this a lot longer than you have. You cant just throw a poll up and use it to say how much the country supports Ron Paul when its from a bad sample.

For one, depending on the poll they may have only polled republican primary voters...are you one of those? No. If Ron Paul dosen't win the primary is he even going to run for president? probably not.

Random sample dosen't just mean 1000 joe-schmoes from off the street, or from columbu racing.

Try learning how polling works before you claim it dosen't....oh almost forgot, retard.

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Reuters, gallup, they've been doing this a lot longer than you have. You cant just throw a poll up and use it to say how much the country supports Ron Paul when its from a bad sample.

For one, depending on the poll they may have only polled republican primary voters...are you one of those? No. If Ron Paul dosen't win the primary is he even going to run for president? probably not.

Random sample dosen't just mean 1000 joe-schmoes from off the street, or from columbu racing.

Try learning how polling works before you claim it dosen't....oh almost forgot, retard.

i'm not saying the country supports ron paul.

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So if its not rigged, then its not a sample that represents the population


This sums up your experiment. Unless YOU go out in search of RANDOM people (which is what any good polling service does) then your data is from voluntary participants, and is biased. Just because you "posted this to a bunch of forums and anyone can vote if they want" doesn't make it scientific in ANY way. It is an interesting sample of forum-participating internet folk, but it is nowhere NEAR a true cross-section of the voting public.


Sorry to burst your bubble.

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This sums up your experiment. Unless YOU go out in search of RANDOM people (which is what any good polling service does) then your data is from voluntary participants, and is biased. Just because you "posted this to a bunch of forums and anyone can vote if they want" doesn't make it scientific in ANY way. It is an interesting sample of forum-participating internet folk, but it is nowhere NEAR a true cross-section of the voting public.


Sorry to burst your bubble.


I never said it was scientific. I never said it was a true cross-section of the voting public. I said it was an unbiased (as in, not for one party or candidate) and completely open internet poll. No money or business is involved. Obviously it isn't exact. No survey or poll is. It can't be. The only way to get exact numbers is to have everyone eligible to vote get there asses out and vote.


Why is everyone crying about this? If you feel the numbers are a good representation, then post the link on more websites. Email it to your Thompson buddies at work. Email to anybody/everybody. The more people that vote the more accurate the numbers.


There aren't only Ron Paul and Obama supporters on the internet. The internet is made up of every type of person, pedophiles to nuns.

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yeah, ron paul definitely doesnt have this much support in other groups. Im an international relations major.... and i cant say that i know of a single person in the political science/IR departments who support Paul.


i saw this over on a v6 site... its getting spread everywhere!

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Well, the votes have increased a thousand-fold since I voted late last night. It is hard, no impossible, for an interent poll to cover all peoples and groups. For example, a large percentage over a certain age will never vote on an internet poll. This goes the same for those without internet access. Which is suprisingly a very large amount. Either way, I commend you for the attempt and believe this poll is about as relevant as any other and take from it what you want. I don't know why there are people nit-picking and bitching about it.
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If you feel the numbers are a good representation, then post the link on more websites. Email it to your Thompson buddies at work. Email to anybody/everybody. The more people that vote the more accurate the numbers.


This is the point. The numbers will NEVER be accurate, if you subscribe to a voluntary voting process, especially one based on the internet, spread with the help of forum-dwellers. Don't cry about how Ron Paul is the man because 'the internet says so'. He is a fringe candidate, plain and simple. No amount of polling will overcome this fact. Statistically accurate surveys bear this out, and this is why we don't use the internet to vote!

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This is the point. The numbers will NEVER be accurate, if you subscribe to a voluntary voting process, especially one based on the internet, spread with the help of forum-dwellers. Don't cry about how Ron Paul is the man because 'the internet says so'. He is a fringe candidate, plain and simple. No amount of polling will overcome this fact. Statistically accurate surveys bear this out, and this is why we don't use the internet to vote!


Do you see me saying Ron Paul is going to win? Do you see me promoting Ron Paul anywhere other than here on CR and the occasional MySpace bulletin? No. Why? Because I would love to see him as president but it probably won't happen. I'm still going to vote for him. However, to see the numbers on this poll is amazing to say the least. The forum-dwellers have spoken, and keep speaking. Does this mean only forum-dwellers are voting? Are you a forum-dweller? If so, did you vote? Did you pass it on?

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yeah, ron paul definitely doesnt have this much support in other groups. Im an international relations major.... and i cant say that i know of a single person in the political science/IR departments who support Paul.


i saw this over on a v6 site... its getting spread everywhere!


Cough .... cough....(under my breath) He is the only candidate not paying homage.

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