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A "what to do" question

Kevin R.

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So I went to Hollister to exchange some clothes I got for Christmas. Got my shit, exchanged it for other shit, the hot girl at the counter put it into the bag and I left.


I get home just now, get my stuff out of the bag, and a shirt I bought is not in there. Checked the receipt - paid for.


Now, in my mind, if I go back and tell them this they will laugh at me, as I might due to myself.


Should I even bother or chalk it up as a loss?

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Doesn't hurt to call and ask. If all else fails, speak to the manager and bitch a lot an they'll give you what you want just to shut you up.


Ha. Just sucks I am not that kind of person at all.


It also sucks cuz' it isn't a drive down the street to Easton by any means for me. Ima tell them to ship it. :)

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Yeah, a place like that, you'd get it back if you called. Hell, play it off as though you left it so that you could come back and ask the hot chic out on a date. She'll think it was cute. You get sex, and then you hook me up with her hot friend since I helped you get laid. Deal?
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Yeah, a place like that, you'd get it back if you called. Hell, play it off as though you left it so that you could come back and ask the hot chic out on a date. She'll think it was cute. You get sex, and then you hook me up with her hot friend since I helped you get laid. Deal?




But, we'll change it up a little. I will say I left it there to see the girl who was helping the people beside me. Fuckin giggity giggity gooooooooooooo.

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so... you got shafted out of a shirt at Hollister and are wondering what you should do? Who the fuck cares what they MIGHT think, you had a shirt that you rightly paid for but didnt receive, go get what you are owed.


Oh and dont bother with those Hollister bitches, Ive known/been around plenty of them and 9 time out of 10 they will be too damn stuck to put up with.

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Oh and dont bother with those Hollister bitches, Ive known/been around plenty of them and 9 time out of 10 they will be too damn stuck to put up with.


I know a few myself that are all down to earth, cool...

Wait, maybe I'm stuck up too so I dont notice them being stuck up :(

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Go back...F that. Chances are she realized she forgot to put it in the bag just as you left...OR she did it on purpose hoping you'd come back to get some action later on, but you dropped the ball on that and posted on CR.
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From my mind:




Did no one else find this hilarious?


Ah, Kevin R, you make the Johnny Bravo LOL.


FWIW, if it were me, I'd roll back into the store, say, "I think I paid for a shirt but left it here" and when the girl produced the shirt I'd say, "Yup, that's it, but I'm still a little up in the air on whether or not I like it; see you in a few days" and then walk out, again leaving the shirt on the counter.

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Did no one else find this hilarious?




yeah, that did have me laughing pretty hard. i would go back into the store, and talk to the girl at the counter--chances are, you will get your shirt. if not, go to the manager--the customer is always right, and as long as you don't make a complete ass out of yourself, you'll get your shirt.

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