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Do you think you could handle an attacking dog?

Guest Hal

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I just fought off a pack of werewolves reading this thread. I know, technically, werewolves aren't dogs, so it doesn't really have that much relevance to this thread, but I figured I'd self-disclose anyway.


were you bitten?!


*points guns with silver bullets*

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Seriously, I'm unsure where I stand on this issue. I've been attacked by dogs before (i.e., more than one dog at once), fought them off, but got injured. My thinking is that, if the dog was of adequate size and determination, then, no, you couldn't escape without serious risk of injury.
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were you bitten?!


*points guns with silver bullets*


No, more like gnawed on; often I will distract werewolves by allowing them to munch on one arm while I prepare my weapon with the other. Normally, that would hurt, but it helps that I'm impervious to conventional harm.

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No, more like gnawed on; often I will distract werewolves by allowing them to munch on one arm while I prepare my weapon with the other. Normally, that would hurt, but it helps that I'm impervious to conventional harm.



but how conventional is a werewolf let alone a pack of them gnawing on your arm?

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you guys are comparing apples to oranges


you playing with your dog doesn't equal me fighting for my life. I am not sitting there letting a four legged dog jump up to my neck, I wouldn't bend down to his level until he was already upon me. If a dog jumps for my neck or head he is now at a disadvantage as I am manuverable on two leg a dog is not, all he can do is fall upon something else. DOGS CANNOT HOLD ON TO SOMETHING WITH IT BEING IN THEIR MOUTH. If you dog is holding you down without biting you then you are letting it do it to you. I have never had a dog pull me when I am actually serious about not being pulled, if you have you have let it.


Please don't bring up different articles or examples proving your point as I know no dog who is as strong as strong humans, (see lifting cars, and pulling buses) and I don't want to find all of the examples of humans killing dogs. Your dog is not a martial arts hero and can't compete with the fighting ability of a human.


Look you aren't going to get a good actual real life comparison out of this. But if you keep things equal, a human will kill a dog. If you set a supper huge dog against a weak person the odds are in the dogs favor. If you put a trained attack dog against a computer geek then the odds are in the dogs favor. You can also make it out against the dogs. But I would have to say you would have to put a person at a big disadvantage for a dog to beat it.


but the topic was could I handle one attacking dog of any size then yes I could. Am I dumb enough to want to try it no.


subtopic of this thread, there are a lot of people scared of dogs to the point of paralysis on here

I don't really think you have been able to grasp or respect what a dog is capable of. Yes, you have more muscle in you arm then most dogs have in their arms but the fact is, though, a fighting dog is able to conserve and use more of its muscles in ways that no human can. I do believe a lot of people can get away from an aggressing dog, but not without harm and most likely not being able to kill it. A pit bull becomes very tense and rigid to the point that its muscles seriously feel rock hard. I doubt most people would be able to hold on to a dog like that. I also can't imagine anyone being able to choke one out or snap it's neck because it would be nearly impossible to turn a tense dog's neck.


I'm speaking hand-to-hand and as if the human does not have any weapon of any sort.

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but how conventional is a werewolf let alone a pack of them gnawing on your arm?


Hmm, this man has a very good point. I'm also feeling obligated to point out that these particular werewolves were also cross-dressers, which, of course, only makes them even less conventional. You're definitely on to something, I think; this attack has unconventional written all over it.

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Hmm, this man has a very good point. I'm also feeling obligated to point out that these particular werewolves were also cross-dressers, which, of course, only makes them even less conventional. You're definitely on to something, I think; this attack has unconventional written all over it.



Liken can be tricky.

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I don't really think you have been able to grasp or respect what a dog is capable of...I also can't imagine anyone being able to choke one out or snap it's neck because it would be nearly impossible to turn a tense dog's neck.


I enjoyed your pun; thank you.

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O RLY? Well, if you're so smart, then how come


It stems from the fact that you are a natural blonde but dye and style you hair to better fit in with your "Color Me Badd" band mates. According to the Wikipedia Journal of Psychology, Fall 1987 issue "Rocket Scientists and Babes of the PacTen", Blondes have a genetic predisposition disposition to Shiny Object Distraction Disorder.


Oddly enough, this also explains your imperviousness to injury by the canine genus. CRAZY, isn't it?


Triple post block #2 bitches.

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you guys are comparing apples to oranges


you playing with your dog doesn't equal me fighting for my life.


I should show you the leather jacket and jeans my dog ripped up when he thought I was an intruder.


The one thing I keep hearing everyone say is "I would kill it after it bit me". Yes it is easier after a bite because the dogs weapon is tearing into your flesh. If you dont panic and make calculated moves against the dog it will die before you do. For the he-mans on here (not you Adam, you already said to stab it after it bit you) I doubt any of you can stop an attack dog without substaining some sort of injury.

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There are too many things of yours to counter, Adam. So, I'll shorten it by saying you are wrong. Your lack of experience betrays you.


This is all very situational, of course. Btw, I weight 300 lbs, my dog can lift me full of the ground with me laying full weight on him and my arm locked around his neck. (Which is as big if not bigger than mine.) And no, this isn't a "my dog is superman" (cuz he is ;) ), it's just an example of the strength of the dog. A few species of dog are capable of crushing bone when they bite. See how well any of you react when you feel your and hear your bones crunch. The problem is if you can't end it quickly enough, your chance decrease exponentially. I keep hearing, "well they only have a mouth", well that's why the fucker is so strong compared to many other animals of similar and even greater size. And don't tell me they don't use their arms. Some breeds are much more inclined to use their bodies, as well. Dogs have been used in wars throughout time. Against men w/swords and freakin armor, for shit's sake! But you're a bad ass with a buck knife. Titan held a friend of mine pinned with just his front arms and strength. Large mastiff were created with the sole purpose of being able to control a man without killing them. Have you ever had to subdue someone without physically assualting them or killing them? I have. I've been a security guard, bouncer, and bodyguard, it's not easy. But dogs can do it.

"They need a pack." Bullshit. Not all dog species run in packs. And even those normally inclined to, quite often rogue males will run lone and hunt for themselves. They may not take a bison down, but are quite capable of hunting game quite a bit larger than they are.

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If you are quick enough to react then it is very easy. If you punch/kick a dog hard enough in the jaw nose, they will back down alittle I would think. But I dunno, but I still think it is very plausible.



bingo. They are pussy for a head shot.



Those saying "just kick it" are fucking stupid. You have a 80 lbs slab of muscle running at you full go-aimed square at your nuts-your not kicking a fucking thing.



I only know you can-because I have been attacked-by a big german, and a cage fighting pit.


Me 2, dogs 0, but that pit Fauked up my calf. If a dog like that gets a HOLD of you, think lock jaw-think "yer fucked"

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There was a place in Canton, but I don't know if they are still there and have no experience with them. Big, mastiff dogs. Good family dogs. Their general temperment if very much like my dog temperment. What Fila breeders call "ojeriza". Very attached to owner and suspicious of strangers. It's very strong throughout the breed. Most think just because a dog lets them pet them, they're accepted as 'friend'. This is not normally the case with this dog. Some of my friends have had a hard time understanding why he seems friendly, but not when I'm around. You're accepted while the owner is around and under suspicion the rest of the time. Good luck with the search. Temperment should be your one of the top 3 most important criterias. As with any large dog, be sure it's ancestors aren't prone to hip dysplasia and the likes.
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Thorne is dead on. I'm not proclaiming boxers to be the end all be all mind you. I've been around them all my life. Dobermans too. if one of them were to attack a person head on, believe me, they won't be locking onto an arm and waiting for someone to try and choke them. Boxers bite and slash, they don't bite and lock. Very similar to a Doberman.


I guess not all boxer's are the same. My roommate has one, and after two different times when I had to smack it on the ass to get it to stop howling so I could sleep, it's been scared shitless of me. That dog will listen to me long before my roommate.

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1 correction a pits jaws do not LOCK they are just that strong.


bingo. They are pussy for a head shot.



Those saying "just kick it" are fucking stupid. You have a 80 lbs slab of muscle running at you full go-aimed square at your nuts-your not kicking a fucking thing.



I only know you can-because I have been attacked-by a big german, and a cage fighting pit.


Me 2, dogs 0, but that pit Fauked up my calf. If a dog like that gets a HOLD of you, think lock jaw-think "yer fucked"

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I guess not all boxer's are the same. My roommate has one, and after two different times when I had to smack it on the ass to get it to stop howling so I could sleep, it's been scared shitless of me. That dog will listen to me long before my roommate.


I love that dogs coat. I need to come back over and take some pictures of your dogs. Animals are fun to photograph since you never know what will happen.



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