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What do you do when someone follows you?


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Mirroring hotrodmomma's thread. I got to thinking about a situation that happened to me the other night. And want to know how you all handle stuff like this. (Long story though)



Coming home from work, approaching an intersection the road goes from one lane to two lanes. The intersection is kinda fucked up as once you go through the intersection, the non original lane abruptly ends. There is no merge section to come back into the original lane, it just stops at the intersection of a gas station.


99% of all people who take this road know so, and therefore stay in the original lane. However, there is the inevitable jack ass who will swing out into the second lane to pass the line of traffic, who have been patiently waiting at the light, in order to pass them all and then cut someone off and swing back into the original lane before they run off the road (well the shoulder anyhow).


My situation was just that. Some dumb ass cunt an a minivan decided she was going to blow by all of us as we were going through the intersection. I was keeping no more than a car's distance between me and the car in front as I knew exactly what she was going to do.


Predictably, she gets her driver door past my bumper and turns on her turn signal to come over in front of me.... .un uh, NOT going to happen. I patiently waited for 2 red lights to go through the intersection and in no way am I going to let her over.


So whats she do? She starts to merge over. No biggie, with my lift and wider tires her body panels were going to become victims of a tire tagging long before she'd damage my truck. She realizes I'm not going to let her over by the time the lane ends and becomes nothing but a shoulder, so she starts to gun the van and try to get ahead of me to cut me off, still didn't work. I kept a cars distance still and there was no where for her to go.


So this bitch ends up on the shoulder, still trying to get me to back off and let her merge. Finally she runs out of shoulder and has to concede and slows down to cut the guy off behind me and merge in. Inevitably she flips her brights on an rides my ass now the whole way to my city. (less than 3 miles from the intersection to city)


She follows me into the main road, and I thought no biggie maybe she lived out there too. But when she started following me out the long desolate road to where my community is, and by this time its just me and her on the road, I thought something may be up, but by now she was keeping her distance.


My turn comes up, and low and behold she follows. I know now she's following. Her van isnt recognizable, and my suspicions are confirmed when I do 2 loops around 2 seperate blocks. So, at the next intersection, I turn, slam the breaks, and hop out of the truck and stare at her. Now however, she just looks and drives straight through (I see her talking on the phone now to someone).


Anyhow. At this point I'm hitting boiling point. Following me is not a good idea. I go around the block to confront her, and find that she has turned around in a drive way and headed back. I figured she was going to follow me home or something, but didn't give her the chance.


Karma is a bitch and so I follow her. Just about end up back at the beginning of the city where I catch up to her at a stop sign. Pull up next to her and look over and yell "Think your funny following me whore?" Still talking on the phone she yells something and starts to look petrafied. I continue to yell if she thinks its funny and she screams "I'm going to report you."


I about fell out of my perpetual chair thinking of what she just said. She tares off from the stop sign, as do I, only she does a screeching stop in the middle of the intersection (trying to shake me maybe?) Anyhow, I stop too, then she full throttle's the little van, all the while I'm staying right next to her scaring the shit out of her as she keeps repeating "I'm going to report you."


Report me for what I have yet to figure out, she tried to hit me, she was the one who didn't yeild, she (originally) was the one who followed me... and yet I was going to get reported LOL at her.



So anyhow, she does a jerking motion with her van like she was going to side swipe me. This is NO NO number 14 by now, and so I grab a metal bracket for my garage door (why it was in the cup holder I don't know) and wing it at her car. The passenger window spider webs and I see her let go of the wheel and cover her head. I think she thought I shot a gun at her. Then she lays the pedal to the floor and tears off in the 35mph zone at what had to be 60mph.


At this point. My point was made. And turned around and headed back home. She didn't follow.



I should have let it go, but NEVER FUCKING follow me home. Next time the semi auto will want to come out and play.



Who here has had similar situations, and what have you done?

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lol great post bro. I woulda done the same thing if I were in ur shoes. luckily i carry all kinds of random shit in my daily so if shit happens like that and I'm followed, they're fucked. and yes, this could bite us on the ass if they are carrying a concealed weapon but if thats the case then i'll just roll up to the state patrols hq. lol
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No offense man, but I think you handled that wrong from the beginning.


I would have let the bitch in my lane before she ran out of road.


If she followed me, I would have given her the finger, and reported her for being a fucking creeper.


Definitely wouldn't have gone so far as damaging her car.


Then again, if she was a hot creeper, its a whole 'nother story :nod:

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My truck billows lots of black smoke, so someone following me will have to wear a respirator, and have some really bright lights to overcome the opacity of my exhaust when I'm on the throttle. They usually fall back in disgust after a few bursts.
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No offense man, but I think you handled that wrong from the beginning.


I would have let the bitch in my lane before she ran out of road.


If she followed me, I would have given her the finger, and reported her for being a fucking creeper.


Definitely wouldn't have gone so far as damaging her car.


Then again, if she was a hot creeper, its a whole 'nother story :nod:


This 18 year old kid (no offense) has shown more maturity and composure in his 5 lines of text than you have in the short story you just wrote.


I just have to ask this, what would you have gained/lost by simply letting her slide into your lane? So you flip her off, flash your lights maybe even honk your horn but in the end who the fuck cares? Yeah so she's an impatient bitch in a mini van, do you know how many of these people are in the world, what are you going to do chase them all down? This is how road rage spirals out of control, situation's like this where all you need to do is step back and say "what am I fighting about"?

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I didn't chase her down because she was a bitch driver. I chased her down because she had the audacity to follow me to where I live. Try to keep up.


After she had got behind me I didn't care any longer, even with her brights on. I simply flipped the mirror down.


I didn't break check her, I didn't provoke her, I simply didn't care.


Following me all the way home (almost 5 miles out of her intended way) is a NO NO. That is baring on intent and making me question my safety. Maybe she wouldn't have done anything, but who knows how stupid psycho her husband could have been and came back at a later date and retaliate. Cut the shit off at the pass and it becomes no more.

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Cut the shit off at the pass and it becomes no more.


THATS THE POINT! Had you simply let her into your lane you would have 'cut the shit off at the pass'. Im not saying you were wrong for not wanting this person to know where you lived but all you had to do was taken the higher, more mature road and simply let her into your lane. I hate being devils advocate for this crazy bitch but you instigated the situation from the beginning and now want to brag about it.

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Holding onto "your spot" in the road isnt even worth it. You would have saved exactly $5.27 in gas if you would have just let her merge ;)


My story:

I followed a few guys once when they thought they were going to be freeway hard asses. They did the go in the fast lane during rush hour, skip 100 cars, and dive in right before the exit thing. When I blew my horn 2 of them flipped me the bird(with the kind of day I had this was a huge no no). I followed them reving my engine for about 3 blocks. At the end I pulled up beside the guys and started to open my cutout. The driver rolled down his window to say something to me... As soon as he went to open his stupid mouth I gunned it! In my rear view I saw all of them holding their ears in obvious pain :)


When thinking about it I know I acted immature. Now when people cut me off I just ignore them.

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something that really bugs the shit out of me is when im out on the back roads where the speed limit is 55. i usually do around 60 and the cars get right up on your ass blowing there horn. i usually slow down to 20 mph till they either pass or turn off. or if there really bugging the shit out of me i tap the brake peddles to the brake lights will come one, sometimes they seem to understand that i dont like people following me that chose and they back off, some right back on your ass... after this..its brake peddle to the floor, cuz they hit me there paying...uninsured following distance :D


call it stupid if you want but its the one thing that really annoys the fuck out of me....

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Here's a fun story.


About 5 years ago, my wife and I were heading home to Newark, after bar hopping in Zanesville (yes, it is possible). I owned a convertible S-10, so I took the absolute longest path home I possibly could so that we could enjoy the night. Well that, and I was getting head.


We drove through the neighborhood surrounding Licking Vallery H.S. at a slow rate of speed. When I was leaving that area, I noticed a jacked up F150 riding my ass. I continued to take the scenic drive home through subdivisions, and this asshole continued to follow me... move for move.


This lasted for about 10 minutes, and it was beyond obvious he was following me.


Enough was enough.


I threw it into park in the middle of Rt 16, walked back to the truck not knowing whether it was 1 guy or 4. Yelled something along the lines of, "what the fuck, man? What is your problem?"


He explained that a bunch of high school kids had been egging and tp'ing his neighborhood. I in turn explained that I was a 26 year old married man trying to get a decent bj.


He apologized and drove away. While walking back to my truck, I realized my fly had been undone during the entire confrontation, so he probably knew I was telling the truth.

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Here's a fun story.


About 5 years ago, my wife and I were heading home to Newark, after bar hopping in Zanesville (yes, it is possible). I owned a convertible S-10, so I took the absolute longest path home I possibly could so that we could enjoy the night. Well that, and I was getting head.


We drove through the neighborhood surrounding Licking Vallery H.S. at a slow rate of speed. When I was leaving that area, I noticed a jacked up F150 riding my ass. I continued to take the scenic drive home through subdivisions, and this asshole continued to follow me... move for move.


This lasted for about 10 minutes, and it was beyond obvious he was following me.


Enough was enough.


I threw it into park in the middle of Rt 16, walked back to the truck not knowing whether it was 1 guy or 4. Yelled something along the lines of, "what the fuck, man? What is your problem?"


He explained that a bunch of high school kids had been egging and tp'ing his neighborhood. I in turn explained that I was a 26 year old married man trying to get a decent bj.


He apologized and drove away. While walking back to my truck, I realized my fly had been undone during the entire confrontation, so he probably knew I was telling the truth.



haha best story


only thing that happend with me is some bitch kept tryed to follow me and then i just went into a complex and just kept going round and round till i was behind her and followed her. she just sped off and left it at that. throwing shit at other peoples cars is a bad move because they can sue you for it.

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You should have just gotten her plate and reported her ASAP.


Now that you have damaged her car, she can file charges against you and you may be in serious shit at this point.


Not saying some people don't deserve what you did but a Mom in a mini-van is far from meeting the requirements based on the details you provided.

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calll me young or not ide do the same thing, you never know what this person could do so if she follows you home and possibly endangers you family theres no call for doing that because you were some impatient person so she got what she deserved
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