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what would you do....


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Lets say you are one of three guys that knows/does a specific job at your company. Lets further supposed the other two guys quit. You can smell the fear/blood in the water.


Do you immediately start asking for a raise or do you just ignore it?

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I already have another job or two if I want them. I like the company but this is an economics problem.


Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources. For the company it is money, for me it is time. They will be requiring more of mine, therefore I require more of theirs.

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Seriously though. Depending how long you have served this particular position within the company and how competant you are in doing so I wouldnt see the problem in asking for more compensation for your time and increased workload. In laymen's terms, they just cut 2 salaries, no matter how much more they give you it wont equate to all three of your salaries put together so the company is still saving money.
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Well, I asked for the raise. I made it pretty clear that I know they are going to either put me on the road more or give me piles of more work. I did mention that the group budget is doing much better now that this guy is gone. Should be fun to watch them squirm as they start wondering how serious I am.
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