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Would You Cheat?

Guest Hal

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Not in this or any other situation would I cheat. There is no situation on earth that I would cheat. To me, there is nothing more disrespectful, despicable, and terrible as cheating. My fiancée (wife in less than four months :) ) is the most important thing to me in the whole world, if she wasn't I wouldn't be marrying her. Marriage vows are not something that I take lightly; they're a commitment to a life with that person. Aside from any religious aspect of vows, they are a person’s word. I am a person of my word, and vows are the highest form of my word that I can give, they are unbreakable. My wife is my equal, and I will treat her with the same respect that I treat myself. Self respect is the highest form of respect that I hold for anyone or anything. I will not sell self respect out for anyone or anything. Without self respect I am nothing. If I didn't know that she felt the same way, I wouldn't be marrying her.


Call me naive, tell me that things change and time can do serious damage, and I’ll agree with you – for a lot of people it’s true. But most people treat their vows like the many other promises and lip service they give every day which are broken out of personal convenience. Many people have lost their resolve to be honest, faithful, and committed – and not simply to a marriage – but to every aspect of their life. Call it laziness. Call it treason, to yourself, your partner, or to society as a whole. Call it whatever you want. Whatever happened to having good values and being of your word?



Someone stole Chris!!!!!


Give him back!!


In answer to the question nope not a chance.

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News Flash


All of you guys who said they would not cheat, well i got news for you 3 out of 10 of your other half are cheating! I am the proof


A wise man once said (you just lease the pussy, she can give it to any one she wants to at any time

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It's funny when people I know say "my (boy/girl) is the one. I know it." it's hilarious...yeah...fresh out of high school. I know rarely it happens but some of those people have such messed up relationships, they are definitely not for each other.
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Guest 614Streets
Ah. Some else with a brain int his thread...



There is a reason the divorce rate is over 60 percent people...and 1/2 of it is living in a fantasy world where the one girlfriend you've ever had is "the one" for you, and temptation will never swede you-or HER.



Guys love to forget that a woman can get laid anytime-anywhere she wants. Its not us we should be worried about...and thats coming from some that has never been cheated "on"



As much as I hear you when you feel that way about women , just remember that thats not true that a woman can get laid by whomever she chooses.

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"Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me"

"Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me - I SAID"

"Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me"

"Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me - I SAID"

MIKE JONES!!!!!!!!!!!

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My Fiancee and I were discussing whether or not we would cheat if the other person would never find out. This is more for the people in a committed relationship.


So I pose the question; would you cheat on your wife/fiance(e)/long term girlfriend if you KNEW she/he would never find out?


cheating . . .well depen-ds on circumstances, before i was 22 at the first sign of trouble i bolted or took other ckicks up on most offers wether i was with somone or not.


conversely once you think you could spend your life with somone, even before being engaged . . . DON'T FUCK IT UP!!! I have a big consience, and a big mouth. never finding out is not an option.


has it been offered, yes. i even told my wife about it :)

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News Flash


All of you guys who said they would not cheat, well i got news for you 3 out of 10 of your other half are cheating! I am the proof


A wise man once said (you just lease the pussy, she can give it to any one she wants to at any time


Basically what you are saying is that you could not fulfill her needs. Its that simple if you arent gettin what you need in a relationship you find it elsewhere.

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Basically what you are saying is that you could not fulfill her needs. Its that simple if you arent gettin what you need in a relationship you find it elsewhere.


your ignoring the fact some people are just fucked up.


Somone can have the best steak they ever had every day of thier life, eventually that person is going to miss what it's like to have a burger or hotdog. human nature.

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Somone can have the best steak they ever had every day of thier life, eventually that person is going to miss what it's like to have a burger or hotdog. human nature.

The mind may wonder, but, such is fantasy. Everyone has fantasies. Perhaps a little too much info, but I've been with my Fiancee 5 years and she's the only person I've ever laid down in the biblical sense. I don't really care to try anything else. There's always a 3some for that.

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As much as I hear you when you feel that way about women , just remember that thats not true that a woman can get laid by whomever she chooses.



Ok- I should not have said WHOMEVER they choose. But, they can and do when they want to. You may hate me-but Im that guy. I have been a home wrecker on more than one occasion. One life to live-remember..



As per my comment-even fat white chics- have black guys they can get with. If anyone even tries to give me shit about that comment-they need to come out form under their rock.

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The mind may wonder, but, such is fantasy. Everyone has fantasies. Perhaps a little too much info, but I've been with my Fiancee 5 years and she's the only person I've ever laid down in the biblical sense. I don't really care to try anything else. There's always a 3some for that.


then that brings up what defines cheating then, kissing? making out? oral? or sex.

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Basically what you are saying is that you could not fulfill her needs. Its that simple if you arent gettin what you need in a relationship you find it elsewhere.






You dont get it do you ( I am the one getting the 3 out of 10 )


maybe its guys like you that make it all happen for guys like me

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Brain wash your woman into thinkng its human nature for men to sleep with other women. Then do it as much as you want. Or even better, get your woman to video tape it so she feels more involved ;)


To be serious we have convinced ourselves that these multiple forms of lust are actually love. We then feel committed to have sex with only one person as a sign of respect and loyalty. In the end we are nothing more than evolved monkeys that have learned to control our desires.


As men we are all "dogs"... some just have more control than others.

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then that brings up what defines cheating then, kissing? making out? oral? or sex.

Personally, if I wouldn't want her to see what I am doing, that involves cheating. Maybe I'm odd but I believe that cheating isn't a physical thing. Cheating can be anything you do that violates the trust of your significant other. Integrity seems too hard to find in this day. Integrity is something I highly value.

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Not in this or any other situation would I cheat. There is no situation on earth that I would cheat. To me, there is nothing more disrespectful, despicable, and terrible as cheating. My fiancée (wife in less than four months :) ) is the most important thing to me in the whole world, if she wasn't I wouldn't be marrying her. Marriage vows are not something that I take lightly; they're a commitment to a life with that person. Aside from any religious aspect of vows, they are a person’s word. I am a person of my word, and vows are the highest form of my word that I can give, they are unbreakable. My wife is my equal, and I will treat her with the same respect that I treat myself. Self respect is the highest form of respect that I hold for anyone or anything. I will not sell self respect out for anyone or anything. Without self respect I am nothing. If I didn't know that she felt the same way, I wouldn't be marrying her.


Call me naive, tell me that things change and time can do serious damage, and I’ll agree with you – for a lot of people it’s true. But most people treat their vows like the many other promises and lip service they give every day which are broken out of personal convenience. Many people have lost their resolve to be honest, faithful, and committed – and not simply to a marriage – but to every aspect of their life. Call it laziness. Call it treason, to yourself, your partner, or to society as a whole. Call it whatever you want. Whatever happened to having good values and being of your word?



there needs to be more MEN like you in the world... when you are concerned with meeting your mates needs and they are concerned with meeting yours then everyone gets taken care of & cheating is a non-issue.


See but thats my point. If you did that when your single, who the fuck cares your single and can do whatever you want. If your with someone then that should remain monogomous and there are many reasons for it. Some of which are the simple emotional aspect (ok maybe not for YOU but for her :) ), the fact that when your unfaithful you usually have to cover it up meaning more work for you in the end. Not to mention I dont always want to be interrogated every time I go out with my friends simply because of "that one time".


Every time my ex brought up the fact that I MIGHT cheat I would simply say, "have I ever given you a reason not to trust me, no? then until I do you should" simple as that. As soon as I gave her a reason it was DOWNHILL from there on.


+1 thats exactly what happens....


Basically what you are saying is that you could not fulfill her needs. Its that simple if you arent gettin what you need in a relationship you find it elsewhere.

... thats unfortunate isnt it.... there is NO reason to cheat ever.. if you aren't getting what you need then you need to move on!

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