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How would you get rid of your neighbor?


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Ok. Little info. I live in a 2story duplex. In the time I've been here, there has been a few families next door. Not only have I never had a problem with any of them, but they've all told the landlord how good we were as neighbors.

Now, the new ones.

-Yelling and screaming

-3 little girls who never stop running up and down the stairs, jumping, pounding, etc.

-Parents who will not or cannot control them

-A yard that, by far, is the most horrid yard on the block, sometimes even 'leaking' into mine. This goes for the front, side, walkway, and back. Broken window, trash, toys, old ass lawnmower, entire xmas Manger scene (Jesus, Mary, Joseph, etc) still in the yard, knocked over, dirty, etc since before Xmas. This really gets me as they are supposed to be hard core Christians, send the kids to priv Christian school, church etc. You'd think they'd care more about that stuff.

-His Jeep is incredibly loud due to exhaust issues. This coming from a car guy, me. He lets it idle for at least 30min every morning and he does this multiple times a day disturbing everyone causing even more racket when he leaves.


To further cement my reasoning behind this thread:

I've asked them on more than one occasion, politely, to keep the noise levels down a bit, have moved there stuff, neatly and nicely, over to their side of the yard/driveway, offered to help him with his Jeep (my god, if someone has 3 used tires they want to get rid of that will fit, let me know. The belts show through his back tires and drives his family around in it. I honestly would just leave them in his yard without saying anything), and tried to be friendly in the beginning. I've had multiple complaints about them from many people in 6 different households not including mine. There are other little things that just really add up, ie, filthy house that'll attract bugs I have to fight, etc, but this is already too long.


Cliff Notes:

My neighbors really suck and I want them gone. How do I go about doing this without getting in trouble or actually harming them? I live in a two story duplex, no basement, attic access (but do I really wanna go there).

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Had to laugh when I read this.


He got it.


I was in a dead silent room and burst out into laughter after I read this.






He got it.


Duplex. Might backfire.


You didn't get it.



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Speak to the Landlord?



Will be doing this soon. At least to have them clean up their yard. It's the only one that looks like that and the first thing people notice when they come by.


burn their house down.

lfmao Brilliant.


Start cooking something smelly on a daily basis


If it is a duplex go buy a big fish and toss it on their side of the attic.

I don't want to smell, as well. However, I've thought about something smelly over there, but still think it'd permeate my side, too. Maybe a very small hole with a very small tube connected to a very smelly box with a very small fan? :p


I will take a look at this later. Thx.



I would like to and it will happen in less than a year, but not soon enough.


3 step process as follows.


1) Go download Aqua - Barbie Girl

2) Move speakers to wall next to neighbors.

3) Play song on loop and leave house for the weekend.

I have fought back with music. It remained very quiet the rest of the evening and night there afterward. However, I don't want to be given a noise violation ticket for blaring music all night. That, and I may want to watch some tv or something eventually and won't be able to hear it over my own noise. lol


Snakes In Duplex!

If only I could get my hands on enough. Otherwise, the tenants may stand their ground and fight back. Thus, many innocent snake lose their lives in my war.


Duplex. Might backfire. ;)


Write your landlord, call the cops. If you have 6 units of people complaining, get it in writing and pass it on.

I will be speaking to the landlord. I'm really not one to complain and would rather not go so far as to involve the police.



I really don't feel the need to speak to these people any further. Not to mention, my patience with them is incredibly limited at this point and the wrong thing said could escalate things. Why should I even have to speak to them more than the couple times I have before? It isn't my job to teach you how to be respectful of your neighbors. Anyone with some common sense and respect wouldn't be the way they are. It only shows me they don't give a shit. BTW, the people directly across from them, are related. And guess what, the neighbors directly across from me, have problems with them, too. :rolleyes:


Ok, I was expecting some more imaginative, useful ideas though many of these have been funny. Keep them all coming! :D

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