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What would you guys get?


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I have been thinking about getting a game console. I play games on PC right now but I want to get a console also. What would you guys get. The XBOX, Wii, or Playstation? What are the pros and cons of each? I dont know much about any of them but I have played the XBOX 360 a few times and it was pretty cool.



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Guest mrhobbz
I have been thinking about getting a game console. I play games on PC right now but I want to get a console also. What would you guys get. The XBOX, Wii, or Playstation? What are the pros and cons of each? I dont know much about any of them but I have played the XBOX 360 a few times and it was pretty cool.




Don't get the Wii, you're old and you might hurt yourself.

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For the time being, expect more-or-less the same from both the 360 and PS3, though the online play is better received on 360. Basically, most of the games are the same. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue comes out next week, though, as well as Metal Gear Solid later in the year.


If you are a visuals guy when it comes to movies, PS3 will have better experiences with the built-in Bluray player.


If you have friends and family play games with you a lot, the Wii would probably benefit you the most, but I think it gets boring after awhile of single player games. They're difficult to find still, though.

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Guest mrhobbz
LOL, I think I would be alright.


I think Im leaning towards the 360 just want to weigh the options



I love my 360, except it is a 1st gen and got the red rings. Now I have a 400$ paper weight :)

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I'm very happy with my 360. I really recommend the Elite though (high end one), it comes with a bigger hard drive and HDMI. I'm not sure if it's still this way, but when I bought my Halo edition, the standard version was hit or miss as to whether or not it came with HDMI. Also, you will be sure it has the newer, cooler running chipset so much lower chance of the ring of death. I would also recommend Halo edition as it's a bit cheaper with a smaller hard drive, but I doubt those are still available.


My mom bought a Wii and loves it. It's cheap to buy, but STILL hard to get ahold of. Gameplay is different, I haven't played one yet to decide if I like it or not. Not as many decent games as Xbox, and they are more kid/family oriented.


PS3 has Bluray. What else does it have? I dunno, shit for games? PS3 is crap, unless you want the bluray player. To be honest, the only way I would buy a PS3 is if I decided to get a bluray player. I would probably never game with it.

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I only suggest the Wii to people that are occasional gamers. If you are looking for a game system to pick up for an hour or to to play simple easy games, then this is for you. This is me, so the Wii works great for me.


If you want something hard core and games that will take a good amount of time to play, go for the 360 or PS3.

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Dont get a PS3 to get a Bluray player - you're punching yourself in th cunt.


There's a lot of features on deck for bluray discs that first gen players cant' do - including the PS3.


Wait 12 months to 18 months when the bluray selection of movies is actually large enough not to suck and the player prices will be in the $100 range. And more feature rich than a PS3's player.


Get the XBox - it'll have a bluray player within 6months anyway.



EDIT - and bluray will be dead in 5 years anyhow...

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definatly a 360. right now, it has THE best games(really, check review scores, although the wii might beat it), and, without a doubt, THE best online. well worth $50 a year. you get what you pay for with the online on consoles. gotta say though, you really cant go wrong with either.
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EDIT - and bluray will be dead in 5 years anyhow...

Why? They won the format war, I do not see them going anywhere for at least 10 years.



DVD-Video is a standard for storing video content on DVD media. In the U.S., mass retailer sales of DVD-Video titles and players began in late 1997.[16] By June 2003, weekly DVD-Video rentals began out-numbering weekly VHS cassette rentals, reflecting the rapid adoption rate of the technology in the U.S. marketplace



the sandard DVD came out and become popular between 1997 and 2000 and In about 10 years there has been Mp3 and Mp4 formating and other Compat media storage.... I see everything going to Small drives in the next 10 years.

But this is just my 2 cents

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