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Starting to ride soon. Advice?

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Very true...


main thing that brings me to tell people to stay away from the RR and SS bikes when first learning. You can discover your limits faster on something like a gs500 or ninja250 for the main reason of they tend to start telling you much earlier when you're running your limit before the bike ends up on its side. I started on an 84 nighthawk650, then eventually got a SV650. If you don't necessarily mind running a standard position type bike the nighthawk rocks for the simple reason of it's rather comfortable and it can operate on very minimal matienance

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I am going to try no to sound like a killjoy with this statement, but "Just don't ride over your head" is a easier said than done, as often people don't know what is over their head, and teenage/college aged men tend to be run by their penis and hormones enough that they will knowingly push beyond their limit to try to impress someone, especially if said someone has a pair of boobs.



and thats why i cant understand why people bring their bikes to college...

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Just to mention that while the bike does get better gas mileage, they are more matienance heavy in order to keep the costs of operation lower than the car(i.e. cleaning and lubing the chain. Most forget to do that every 500 miles and their chains last 4-6k miles instead of 15k)
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Not sure your previous riding experience off road ect... but I started on a 95cbrf3 and it was great but I had previous years of riding experiense. But it is a nice bike, fast and good handling but of course not a new rr.
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