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Question for married guys or guys with serious relationships


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i usually just go to bed with her until she falls asleep (25-30 min) then i get back up and do whatever i need to do...surf the internet, download porn, watch tv, clean house, etc etc




This seems to work the best.... ;)


If something is important to your significant other, it should be important to you. You don't need to understand why. That should go the other way as well; things important to you should be important to her.


You must not be married or are a newly wed.... :p

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i usually just go to bed with her until she falls asleep (25-30 min) then i get back up and do whatever i need to do...surf the internet, download porn, watch tv, clean house, etc etc


This is exactly what I do. I generally watch tv, surf, and dl pron all at once, though. :D

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You are lucky. I get bitched out for not going to bed and cuddling till she goes to sleep because of COD4, interwebz, or t.v. plus I am a night owl. She tells me I am talking to ladies on the web? She cannot fall asleep without me in the bed with her. Sux because if she sound asleep and I am watching t.v. in the bed and get up :eek: pops right up.
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Some times I give him a hard time but never really a fight. I like the bed all to myself I can get comfortable faster.... normally laying crossways on the bed. My body is a little wacky right now on regulating hot and cold being pregnant. He is always hot and it just makes me hot which makes it hard for me to sleep.


F- cuddling! You stay on your side, I stay on my side. I have to be cool to be able to sleep well.

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Some times I give him a hard time but never really a fight. I like the bed all to myself I can get comfortable faster.... normally laying crossways on the bed. My body is a little wacky right now on regulating hot and cold being pregnant. He is always hot and it just makes me hot which makes it hard for me to sleep.


F- cuddling! You stay on your side, I stay on my side. I have to be cool to be able to sleep well.



you just got 1000 extra bonus points

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Some times I give him a hard time but never really a fight. I like the bed all to myself I can get comfortable faster.... normally laying crossways on the bed. My body is a little wacky right now on regulating hot and cold being pregnant. He is always hot and it just makes me hot which makes it hard for me to sleep.


F- cuddling! You stay on your side, I stay on my side. I have to be cool to be able to sleep well.


This is so true especially when pregnant. I was pregnant all last summer and it was terrible being hot all the time. He just got an extra blanket and cranked the a/c up for me. :)

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If something is important to your significant other, it should be important to you. You don't need to understand why. That should go the other way as well; things important to you should be important to her.


+1 (been married 14 yrs / together 17 yrs)

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FUCK THAT. I would never put up with someone bitching at me all the time regardless of what it is about.


But, why is it such a big deal for your to actually fall asleep with her? I dont see the point. I mean its not like your sleeping with someone else?



Yeah its to the point now where it goes in one ear and out the next. I cant even explain how much of a raging cunt she is.


I wish I knew why it was such a big deal. Its probablly one of those just because things.

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If something is important to your significant other, it should be important to you. You don't need to understand why. That should go the other way as well; things important to you should be important to her.



My fiancée and I don't live together yet (got to sell one of our places first), but spend the night at eachothers place a lot.


I'm a cuddler, so that doesn't bother me at all. We are both semi-night owls, so no biggie. I can't imagine her ever bitching at me for not going to bed at the same time, but that has never been an issue. Usually we fall asleep on the couch together anyway.


I don't think I could handle marrying a woman that bitched all the time. Hell, mine RARELY does, and usually has good reason to if she does.

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Yeah its to the point now where it goes in one ear and out the next. I cant even explain how much of a raging cunt she is.


I wish I knew why it was such a big deal. Its probablly one of those just because things.

wow, why are you with her if you think she's a "ranging cunt"?

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Think? she is one. Its a long story, but now she is pregnant and I dont think it is right for a child to grow up with seperate oarents so I am going to try and make it work.

Better sign a pre-nump. Including child support provisions.


This is GOOD advice, whether you want to hear it or not.

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Think? she is one. Its a long story, but now she is pregnant and I dont think it is right for a child to grow up with seperate oarents so I am going to try and make it work.


So the child can, instead, grow up in a home with a raging cunt bitching at you all the time; which (if I have to guess) you don't just take without a word and argue back? Sounds like a lot less healthy of a home to me.


**This is just a judgment of how the situation sounds as you described in this thread and may not be like this at all. But, I don't think it is going to work with any woman you think of as a "raging cunt" as there is obviously no respect in the relationship. However, good luck with everything.

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Me and my wife have been married for 10 years. She always goes to bed first. I dont have to worry about the cuddle thing. If I'm playing video games and being loud she goes to sleep in the kids room. If I'm watching TV or posting on CR she lays in the bed next to me and passes out in like 20 seconds.
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I dont know what a pre-nump is?


I would like to marry her but I just hope she changes for the better after the kid. She will be an excellent mother.


I see what you mean as it would not be healthy for a child to grow up in that environment. Hopefully she changes. You are correct, I do argue back, its just has to happen. There is some respect in the relationship. "raging cunt" may be a little much of an insult but I just wanted to get the idea out there. I hope it all works though.


She use to not be like this untill her brother killed himself. After that she did a 360 and its like she hates the world. I understand her pain and try to talk to her about it but it just doesnt seem to help. This was 2-3 years ago and I have just been waiting for her to change back to the person she use to be but I am not sure she will.

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I've always believed that in the unfortunate case I have an unplanned child it would always be better for my kid to grow up in two mature, loving households than in one that is in constant strife and battle.


I shutter when i hear people explain they got or are getting married simply because she's pregnant. Its 2008, not 1958. A woman can have a career on her own and as long as your mature adults theres no reason why you cant successfully raise a child without being married.

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Earl- I know, but I really just want it to work. I will see how things are going after the baby.


HotCarl- I am not saying I will marry her becuase of a child only. I know she will be a great mother and when we get along and she is actually nice, I enjoy being with her. Thats why I am saying I want it to work and would marry her.

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