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Christmas Party 12/27 - Who's coming and what are you bringing?


Christmas Party - Are you coming?  

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  1. 1. Christmas Party - Are you coming?

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Thanks to everyone that came, a good time was had by all, and the K of C thanks you for being our guests. We look forward to hosting for you again. Yota, you make a killer pecan pie... and Casper thanks for lighting up my taste buds with your chili concoction. Kawi, sorry I had to bail on the foosball game, but I'm glad you came and had a good time... It was great to hang out and party with all of you... Hopefully we can make this an annual event and more people will be able to attend in the future...

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Yeah it was definitely a good time. Thanks again to moose for setting everything up and thanks to Ben and Carrie for letting us crash at your place.

I didn't realize people needed a place to stay. Carie I thought ur place was packed with family. If I'm ever around at an event I have 2 beds and 2 couches for people to sleep on. The queen bed in the spare room is a bit hard but at least it will save u $$$ for hotel rooms. Just let me know next time....

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Party was fun! Good to see everyone :) Next time I'll make more stromboli

That stromboil was great!!

Great meeting everyone and putting face to names. And of course BIG thanks to Chris for everything he did!

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i had a blast everyone ill get my pics posted up soon enough.

wanna thank moose for setting everything up and everyone that showed and made it fun. cant wait till the next one again.

Thank u for that sexy pic of us in my PM! I do have to admit Ohio Riders are a good looking group of people! :badgerrock:

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I didn't realize people needed a place to stay. Carie I thought ur place was packed with family. If I'm ever around at an event I have 2 beds and 2 couches for people to sleep on. The queen bed in the spare room is a bit hard but at least it will save u $$$ for hotel rooms. Just let me know next time....

I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in Cbus :D

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Thank everyone for a good time! It was good to meet some new people and see the people I met in indy again.

OMG...has hell frozen over???? Jeff is actually posting everyone!!!

And u might want to take the hyabusa off there since u went and bought one of those darn road kings!!!! See how much I ride with u this next season!!!!

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Hey Ben, I think I dropped my pocket while I was at your house... See if you can find it for me. Thanks! Im offering a very large reward!! I loved that pocket. It had a hole it in, so thats how you will know it my pocket and not someone else's pocket. that is all. Happy hunting

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