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Mid-Ohio Honda Indy 200, Le mans, GT road race July 18-20


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Anyone have the pleasure of parking in a muddy field? I got to take the GTI mudding for the first time to get out of there after the race lol.


I wish I could have camped, it makes avoiding the crowds easier, and boy were there crowds. That event is getting so huge it's almost no fun. I'm thankful most ALMS teams hadn't left this morning so I could get a look at the cars, especially the DBR9's, mmmm.

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Anyone have the pleasure of parking in a muddy field? I got to take the GTI mudding for the first time to get out of there after the race lol.


I wish I could have camped, it makes avoiding the crowds easier, and boy were there crowds. That event is getting so huge it's almost no fun. I'm thankful most ALMS teams hadn't left this morning so I could get a look at the cars, especially the DBR9's, mmmm.


1 thing I noticed that I didn't get to find out about is the odd ducting in the side/rear of the DB9R's, you notice the side vents that went into the rears of the cars? Also,did you catch the Ford GT with the vice grip for a shifter just down from the Astons?? Thought that was pretty funny.


Parking is not bad if you get there early enough, we still missed out on infield parking again though. Camping would have sudked as hot as it was!! The crowd doesn't bother me at all except when you can't get through the one paddock area because there was always a crowd around Danica's trailer.

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Great time, great racing, 2.5 cases b/t 2 isn't bad I suppose. Those C6R's are the best sounding race cars IMHO but what exactly is the point of racing in a class of a field of 2 where the 2 are teammates? Can't believe what they did, idiots.


Tom from Dream Car Garage did a grat job announcing, guy cracks me up. Scotty didn't seem too impressed by him though which was also funny.


Those were some nasty storms, had a few folks "borrowing" our canopy in the infield. Pretty much have to buy that infield pass in before May, they sell out pretty quick. We usually just buy the cheapest ticket (Friday Only) to get one in case plans change later on down the road and aren't out too much $$. I was actually hoping to see a wet race, would've been a first for me anyways.

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I'm guessing the ducting on the rear is for a cooler back there for the differential fluid? They could even run down to the brakes?


The three lights on the cars identify its position (1-3) within its class. Just a way to help the trackside fans figure out where everyone is.

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the ford gt40's were dog slow and one of them kept losing a wheel...twice in one weekend...first time was a front wheel, second was a rear wheel.


The astin Martin was also dog slow but sounded good.


The vettes owned at usual....


Loudest road race car was the black acura tsx that was in last place in the first race on sunday

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Yeah. i was the first medic on scene. He got really hurt. I have never seen someone burned that bad ever..... I hope that he pulls through it, but he is going to take a very long time to recover. The fire was beyond crazy, it happened soo fast.


here is the only video I could find.



We saw him dumping fuel, from turn 11 I think it's where he spun on the track, I knew as soon as he came to a stop it would be trouble.

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We saw him dumping fuel, from turn 11 I think it's where he spun on the track, I knew as soon as he came to a stop it would be trouble.

Is that what happened>?I figured a sloppy pit stop and the gas can was still attached to car as it left???

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Is that what happened>?I figured a sloppy pit stop and the gas can was still attached to car as it left???

Not a can, a hose. Meaning allot of fuel was spilled.

The lolly pop man tries to time things perfectly with the last guy to finish working on the car, in this case the fuel man. To cut that extra half second off of a stop, he'll lift the lolly when the fuel man yanks on the nozzle, NOT when the nozzle is clear. The logic being that it will time out and the car will pull away just as the nozzle clears..... unless the nozzle sticks. :(


I heard he was in bad shape, intensive care and all that. I really hope he pulls through without much suffering, I intend to try and stay up on things.

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Great time, great racing, 2.5 cases b/t 2 isn't bad I suppose. Those C6R's are the best sounding race cars IMHO but what exactly is the point of racing in a class of a field of 2 where the 2 are teammates? Can't believe what they did, idiots.


the reason the vettes are in GT1 by them selves is that no one else can hang with them, last year or the year before when the aston martins were actually trying and had a 2 car team the vettes were penalized 300 lbs and have to have a restricter on the intake because they were so much faster. they still won if you have ever seen the t-shirts that say "FREE THE C6R" thats what thats about.


the aston martins race in some of the races and earlier this year there was a masseratti MC12 entry but it didn't do so well and hasn't been back.

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the reason the vettes are in GT1 by them selves is that no one else can hang with them, last year or the year before when the aston martins were actually trying and had a 2 car team the vettes were penalized 300 lbs and have to have a restricter on the intake because they were so much faster. they still won if you have ever seen the t-shirts that say "FREE THE C6R" thats what thats about.


the aston martins race in some of the races and earlier this year there was a masseratti MC12 entry but it didn't do so well and hasn't been back.

I must have one. :lol:

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the reason the vettes are in GT1 by them selves is that no one else can hang with them...

... in the ALMS world. Wasn't the case at Le Mans proper, was it? ;) Chevy is the only maker in that class that actualyl invested in that class. By pricing their competitors out, they've essentially killed the class and will only end up hurting themselves.

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... in the ALMS world. Wasn't the case at Le Mans proper, was it? ;) Chevy is the only maker in that class that actualyl invested in that class. By pricing their competitors out, they've essentially killed the class and will only end up hurting themselves.


what do you mean priced out their competitors?


2010 corvette is going for an overall win at Le Mans. :)




of course this was based on the rule change that might not go into effect now so who knows.

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