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The we hate Pat(MegamanEXE) thread

V8 Beast

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Columbus Racing does not condone illegal street racing.:bs:


Apparently, Pat speeks more of the truth than most of you. And yes, I know Pat - and have since the day he was born. Yes, I know about the Columbus street racing scene since before most of you were born. It was done in parking lots with near Pro Stock prepared cars - and we didn't endanger innocent drivers - if someone screwed up, any harm was limited to them.


If all of you having a "meet" haven't learned anything from the recent tragedy and the backlash - the "kills" forum is gone(?) - all I can say is God help you if any of you winds up hitting/injuring anyone I know. What a bunch of selfish asses!


As to Pat - if any of you were man enough to have actually lived the past 5 years in is shoes, you would all STFU!


^^^ Catholic priest??

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Steak N Shake, none of this Sonic bullshit.

The meets aren't to find races, dumbass. They are to meet.

Linn, when you get your ass kicked by the fuzz this year because you haven't learned anything from what has taken place, I am going to laugh my ass off.

I am not trying to turn this into an E-battle, however I do think (like I have said before) that public street racing is dead. Meets are gatherings of enthusiasts, not a place to see how close someone can get to going to jail.


The last statement is key, let me break it down for you. In bold above, you can think all you want, the fact of the videos of racing on here is proof that it isn't. Your next statement is to try and sway others from doing so. That is you putting your nose where is does not belong. The truth of the matter is you don't know at all what you are posting about. Just because you don't "approve" doesn't mean anything, your opinion doesn't matter. Most of the members who post about racing are adults (much more so than you I think at times) and take their risks in life as they see fit. That's the beauty of this country, something may be illegal but you can still do it, you will just have to take the consequences. Nobody needs you to be miss Nancy. Nobody needs your liberal ass to tell them what they should do or what they can do at events. Hell what makes you think if I show up with Linn at Steak and Shake, that we will magically not race if we want to because you have mandated that no racing will occur if you are in the lot of steak N Shake? Who the fuck are you, and who gave you what authority? I'm begging you as a person not a "Mod", Mind your own business and worry about yourself. By all means sit in a lot and bullshit about a video game you played. I have no problem with that, it's your right, I can respect that.


For the record, I think 3-4 people make up this bitch session and have posted weak shit. Not the whole board, you are too conceded if you think all the members respond to you. I have to read your bullshit, if I was a regular I would have you on "ignore".


To those 3-4 Post whores on here enough is enough, start using PMs I'm tired of reading your pointless, mis-typed, mis-spelled and lack of punctuation that I am going to start deleting posts if I have to read another thread with the three or four of you posting to each other for 5 pages. Give the keyboard a rest.


Seacrest Out!

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Guest EM1 2ENVY
Columbus Racing does not condone illegal street racing.:bs:


Apparently, Pat speeks more of the truth than most of you. And yes, I know Pat - and have since the day he was born. Yes, I know about the Columbus street racing scene since before most of you were born. It was done in parking lots with near Pro Stock prepared cars - and we didn't endanger innocent drivers - if someone screwed up, any harm was limited to them.


If all of you having a "meet" haven't learned anything from the recent tragedy and the backlash - the "kills" forum is gone(?) - all I can say is God help you if any of you winds up hitting/injuring anyone I know. What a bunch of selfish asses!


As to Pat - if any of you were man enough to have actually lived the past 5 years in is shoes, you would all STFU!




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Internet is serious business!!


So I should get some peoples fathers to post on here and act all cool and mention god a few times? Wow, thats the lamest fucking post I've EVER read. Bottom line is MegaFag needs to keep his nose in his own shit. If you don't like it GTFO? I'm racing to work tonight and hope to hit a few pedestrians on the way.

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So I should get some peoples fathers to post on here and act all cool and mention god a few times? Wow, thats the lamest fucking post I've EVER read. Bottom line is MegaFag needs to keep his nose in his own shit. If you don't like it GTFO? I'm racing to work tonight and hope to hit a few pedestrians on the way.


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lol I like how everyone thinks I said that street racing is bad, even the people on my side.


I said its not a good idea to walk around a parking lot full of strangers going "Hey, wanna race? $20"


Edit: Sorry if I ended up offending some people.


Internet is serious business.

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Columbus Racing does not condone illegal street racing.:bs:


Apparently, Pat speeks more of the truth than most of you. And yes, I know Pat - and have since the day he was born. Yes, I know about the Columbus street racing scene since before most of you were born. It was done in parking lots with near Pro Stock prepared cars - and we didn't endanger innocent drivers - if someone screwed up, any harm was limited to them.


If all of you having a "meet" haven't learned anything from the recent tragedy and the backlash - the "kills" forum is gone(?) - all I can say is God help you if any of you winds up hitting/injuring anyone I know. What a bunch of selfish asses!


As to Pat - if any of you were man enough to have actually lived the past 5 years in is shoes, you would all STFU!

I wonder... Were you cupping his balls while you typed this?


Pat - I believe, in this particular instance, you may've been misunderstood. However, due to other's past experience with you on this forum, they may be prone to jump the gun a bit. I'm sure you understand. ;)

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I also like how the Camarowned bandwagon jumped all over you, Pat. BTW, I drove to the nearest Wendy's and started walking around offering $20 to race random people; everybody declined. :confused:


Excuse me? Camarowned your little girly car for sure.

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Wow, I didn't know there was such an active gay community on CR - I guess CR DOES condone GAY street racing! I have been fascinated by your knowledge of gay activities and gay art that you can call on at a moments notice. You all can return to your private sword fight, I think I will decline your offers to join in. :D


I really should know better than to join into kids' little spats.


BTW - Catholic yes, priest, no - I only mentioned God in the context of He may be the only one to save you from me if you hit/injure/kill someone in my family while your playing boy racer on the street - and doing whatever other gay things you do in your car - both hands on the wheel please!

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Wow, I didn't know there was such an active gay community on CR - I guess CR DOES condone GAY street racing! I have been fascinated by your knowledge of gay activities and gay art that you can call on at a moments notice. You all can return to your private sword fight, I think I will decline your offers to join in. :D


I really should know better than to join into kids' little spats.


BTW - Catholic yes, priest, no - I only mentioned God in the context of He may be the only one to save you from me if you hit/injure/kill someone in my family while your playing boy racer on the street - and doing whatever other gay things you do in your car - both hands on the wheel please!


Nope we've just had plenty of experience over the past 7 years dealing with fags such as yourself and your boy lover. I can see why Mega is the way he is, with influences like you I would be a flaming homo that can't keep his fucking mouth shut and out other peoples business too.

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Wow this whole thread is sad

1.I don't care what linn or others do on the street as even at 100 they drive better than the fuck sticks I have to deal with every day all over this state.

2. Why do you guys care enough about what a 19 yr old kid says to make multiple mutilple page threads ?

3. I know Craig and he is just speaking from a matureness from being 47. After all Like I said I don't care what you do BUT it is illegel AND we have lost one to it this year already. So you should at least see that it is a bad idea and why other whould try to talk you out of it for your own good if nothing else.


Oh and also Calling everyone gay as a cut ? WTF are we ALL 16 or what. Next you know we will be saying eeeew he has Kudies!!

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