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!!!Huge Party East Side Beer Pong 7/12!!!


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death cup death cup death cup death cup death cup death cup death cup death cup death cup death cup



Heres the deal lets try to keep the basics rules the same, however if your the winning team you can add your little death cup shit, but keep in mind its my house so when im on the table im playing by my rules :)

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BP should be all about speed. Death cup takes up time with wasted shots unless it is the one in a million time it is made. OR two people will sit there and shoot at them same cup until they get lucky and they both go in. IMO this shows no skill. Calling cups just eats up time cuz dickfucks will do it every time.


I say play the game. Bounce = 2. Shot = 1. Drink the beer and move on. Too much thought goes into drinking games these days.


Phil, are we going to have to explain what "3 or more" means this time?

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i swear to god im going to make a we hate paul thread.


:qoute:Glad you can admit defeat phil!:



you can suck my balls, as a matter of fact you can hang on the left while paul swings from the right.



mike if there are too many dudes there im starting a riot, im throwing beer bottles and punching mother fuckers in the face. thats how i role son. jk jk ill be there, hopefully bringing the chix me and craig met at the bar this weekend.

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Well i always tell people to come at 9pm, however eveyone thinks that its cool to come at 11pm to be in voge, so i say shoot for 10ish and get a couple of quick games of Beer Pong in :)


I think we truly have enough people to get 3 kegs so if anyone comes and plans on smashing the beer with us bring a buck or two to contribute.

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Sounds good sir. Black 94 5.0 with a dent in the side. If you see me come say wadup because if Phil isn't there I will know none of yazzz. I'll try to bring some hunnies but if this party is anything like CR they will get creeped out. :p
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