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whats your take on this website??

Black ITR Guy

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i dont know how to take this site. at first i thought it was to do the whole motorcycle awarness thing, but then i saw the "the your photo here" thing and it is kinda disrespectful i thought along with name.




***Warning*** the link has some pretty graphic pics.

~V8 Beast

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Added NWS due to graphic content.


It is very disrespectful. It is telling the truth about people not paying attention to the road anymore though. Like a wise man once said, "It's not you I'm worried about... It's the idiots on the road with you!"

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Honestly it looks like to me someone possible lost a loved one due to a motorcycle accident in someway and this is their vengeful plot to release their anger towards motorcycles and motorcyclist. We all know that there are jackasses out there on bikes that shouldn't have them that unfortunately make all of the safe and responsible riders get a bad wrap too. I get the message but come on Live 2 Ride, Ride 2 Die!!! Thats screwed...how bout just a ride safe message instead. Or is this a scared straight tactic? I ride, no I don't always wear a helmet, Always have pants, boots and atleast some type of upper body protection. Not every one is a jackass so...there don't lump all bikers in with the ones who are.
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Honestly it looks like to me someone possible lost a loved one due to a motorcycle accident in someway and this is their vengeful plot to release their anger towards motorcycles and motorcyclist. We all know that there are jackasses out there on bikes that shouldn't have them that unfortunately make all of the safe and responsible riders get a bad wrap too. I get the message but come on Live 2 Ride, Ride 2 Die!!! Thats screwed...how bout just a ride safe message instead. Or is this a scared straight tactic? I ride, no I don't always wear a helmet, Always have pants, boots and atleast some type of upper body protection. Not every one is a jackass so...there don't lump all bikers in with the ones who are.

See, you are already in the wrong though.


That's the kind of thing I believe this site is after. So, you wear all protection but your helmet? What happens if you go down and hit your head?

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Then I go down and hit my head. Its kind of just like the bicycle helmet law they are trying to pass for anyone under 18...trying to make them wear a bicycle helmet but yet they won't pass a motorcycle helmet law. Its personal choice honestly, if you choice not to wear one, you make that decision to take that risk. Yes, it may be an unnecessary risk but you have to live with your choices. Just like some of those people in the pictures with their bikes pretty much all the way through the side of the car. I'm guessing it was their choice to go an excessive speed and they paid for it.
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See, you are already in the wrong though.


That's the kind of thing I believe this site is after. So, you wear all protection but your helmet? What happens if you go down and hit your head?



then his brains come out his ears.


best thing i have heard was my friends dad giving my buddy shit for riding with out a helmet "who the fuck you think you are jesus?!?!?! buy a fucking helmet dumbass!"

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Then I go down and hit my head. Its kind of just like the bicycle helmet law they are trying to pass for anyone under 18...trying to make them wear a bicycle helmet but yet they won't pass a motorcycle helmet law. Its personal choice honestly, if you choice not to wear one, you make that decision to take that risk. Yes, it may be an unnecessary risk but you have to live with your choices. Just like some of those people in the pictures with their bikes pretty much all the way through the side of the car. I'm guessing it was their choice to go an excessive speed and they paid for it.


In today's society it's no longer a soley "your choice, it only affects you" thing anymore. With how insurance works and such like that your "choice" to not wear a helmet has a chance of causing everyone else who choses to ride to have to pay more in premium because they are going to work to make up what's lost having to deal with your hospital bills and cleanup bills. Such is part of why there is the seatbelt law. Yes it should be your choice to wear a seatbelt or not, but when you have to deal with insurance prices your choices will affect everyone else.


As for the webpage, I think it's possible original purpose could have been good, it was just executed incredibly poorly turning into a scare tactic to attempt to "scare" people from riding. I'd say if they really want to help the situation, make the intelligence the car drivers need higher.

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I think the site is good. I didn't take the whole ride 2 die slogan as something bad, I looked at it more like prepair for the worst. Ride like you may be killed? "Dress for the fall, not the ride." No one ever really thinks that shit like that will happen to them. As a rider you know the risks involved with not wearing a helmet and goofing off. I look at this site as a reminder that it's REAL. Definatly a scare tactic or the brutial truth however you look at it but if the next time you go out and think about not wearing a helmet and one of those images flashes in your head, you may think twice. And I think that's the whole point behind this site. Same thing with people in cars. If they see this they too might think twice about bikes on the road when an image if some guys torso is shreaded in the road...Again very brutal and definatly one sided, but I think the message is good.
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I will have to agree, I will be wearing my helmet, jacket, gloves, and boots every time from here on out. It worked on me...also, I sent the link to my dad and mom, sister and brother in law, and my in laws because they all ride. I think its a good message just definitely like what was said before the BRUTAL TRUTH!!! Ride safe guys and girls.
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I will have to agree, I will be wearing my helmet, jacket, gloves, and boots every time from here on out. It worked on me...also, I sent the link to my dad and mom, sister and brother in law, and my in laws because they all ride. I think its a good message just definitely like what was said before the BRUTAL TRUTH!!! Ride safe guys and girls.

See, if it gets one person to wear their gear (which it has apparently) it is worth it.

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Guest tbutera2112
i worked at iron pony for a good lick and its crazy some of the shit you hear about people wrecking.....ive seen what happens to gear thats been worn during a wreck and im a solid believer....you will never catch me on a bike without gear on....getting my license as soon as i get my car license back....hell there was a guy who slid across 5 lanes of 270 on his back at 80mph when his swingarm snapped ....he was wearing a leather a-stars jacket....jacket was scuffed to hell but it was still in good enough shape that he continued to wear it....i cant imagine doing that in a damn t-shirt....saw a guy on a harley the other day riding without a shirt or helmet or gloves....all he had on was shoes and jeans....some people....
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yea, you definitely have it in both groups. Dumb rednecks on harleys that ride with no shirt, no helmet, nothing protective at all. Then guys on sport bikes that must think they are going to a fashion show on their bike or the beach, flip flops, shorts, and all that shit. Definitely after seeing that site....I am an advocate for wearing gear. Always been an advocate for riding safe but that unfortunately is only part of the equation.
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Thats a sad site to look at. I feel bad for people that die because of other peoples stupidity or lack of paying attention. My dad died on a motorcycle 2 years ago. He was wearing all of the "proper" gear. So i can understand what the site is about. Just trying to educate people about being safer and wearing the proper equipment. Sometimes freak things just happen outside our control. Wearing a helmet, gloves and other protective gear we can.
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Another thing that I've found is good is to put a loud ass horn on a bike and don't be afraid to use it. Even if the person is not turning but looks like it may be on the mind I will honk what sounds like a mini-train horn to tell them "hey, I'm here and exist."
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The pic of the guy with the telephone pole firmly planted up his backside is an old pic, and the story I've always seen attached was he was in a boat... wonder how many more are "questionable".. respect is a two way street, guys that ride bikes like they have an S on their chest are the same guys that hop in a car and do hotlaps around 270.
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