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what's your resolution?


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To get back in shape... Need to loose a few pounds. :D
I don't really have any new year's resolutions. Maybe workout more and eat better?

Not busting on you guys personally, but this is why I can't get in and out of the gym for the first 2.5 months of the year. All the *NYE Resolution people* who "hit it hard" until mid-February then give it up, sweating on all my machines and stuff.

Sorry, I hate that. :mad:

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Not busting on you guys personally, but this is why I can't get in and out of the gym for the first 2.5 months of the year. All the *NYE Resolution people* who "hit it hard" until mid-February then give it up, sweating on all my machines and stuff.

Sorry, I hate that. :mad:

Uhm.... yeah....

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Not busting on you guys personally, but this is why I can't get in and out of the gym for the first 2.5 months of the year. All the *NYE Resolution people* who "hit it hard" until mid-February then give it up, sweating on all my machines and stuff.

Sorry, I hate that. :mad:

Quoted for truth.. I hate all the NY resolution people at the gym the first month or so.. They dont do shit other then take up space and not even really work out. They just walk around looking confused and tired.

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Nearly the same resolution as last year: 120 workouts in 2009. That way I don't have to be all *gung ho* in the beginning of the year and get burnt out midway through.

I also think I'm going to quit boozing for a while, maybe a month or so, just until I feel slimmer and can sleep better.

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Nothing :D Any resolutions I could make are things I've already planned on doing/are doing already. For a long time I've been wanting to get in shape and such, and I've been making efforts for the past year or so. I'm finally at a point where I enjoy what I'm doing and I feel good, so I really don't need to force myself to continue. If anything, it'll be easier to keep it up because my class and work schedule fits a good exercise plan flawlessly; I don't even have to go out of my way to get to the gym...my last class of the day is right across the street from it :) The only other thing would be riding-related; get out even more than last year, go out with more OR group rides, and keep getting better at riding in general. I don't need a new year to convince myself to do that.

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work on form and consistency around a track

be confident enough so that i can take the skills learned at one track and apply them to any other

do 8-10 trackdays this year

goal by the end of the year is to make it into the advanced level. attainable, but a lot of work.

run and bike (pedal) more -- no gym involved...

reach my profit goal for my internship.

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do a track day.

buy more parts for my bike.

move out since i'm not in school now.

Don't do it! Stay at home and buy as much stuff as you can. Once you leave the womb it gets real expensive. Just get a girl with her own place and crash there when needed.

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Don't do it! Stay at home and buy as much stuff as you can. Once you leave the womb it gets real expensive. Just get a girl with her own place and crash there when needed.

Excellent advice!

I've never been much into the whole resolution thing but if I had to set a few goals I would go with:

1. Get a real job

2. Get another RR before summer

3. No totaling or theft of vehicles this year

4. Find girl with her own place and garage

5. Win a national championship (oops, this is my goal for OSU)


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