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8 guys busted last night on 71


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I think we should focus on getting more track rentals going and try to keep it off the streets more. This is a pretty big chunk of the regulars and I'm glad Marks car was broke, because if it wasn't, I know for a fact we would have both been out last night.


This is a bad situation for those that got caught up in it last night. However, we all knew/know the ricks when we participate in this type of behavior. I must say I'd be pissed off if I was arrested and they didn't have solid proof I was racing or didn't catch me in the act. It's like going to a bar and arresting everybody that was drunk because they knew they were probably going to drive home. So yes, I get mad and pissed off when an officer is mean and rude to me, but in the end they are doing their job.


Why do peole insist on turning things into ebattles. To call all police officers names and say they are worthless, is ignorant. Yes I agree a lot abuse their power and are ass holes, but look at what they have to deal with on a daily basis. The average american is an idiot and lets be honest, if an officer pulled you over and wrote you a ticket and was a complete asshole, you'd be much more likely to slow down, then if they pulled you over told you how nice your car was and let you off the hook.


Hopefully these guys will be able to beat this. I really feel for them and it's unfortunate they had to spend anytime in jail. I think simple tickets and court dates would have been sufficent. However, if they set up a a sting to specifically get them, they wouldn't be that easy. :(



Maybe someone will use this to atleast bring some good and fight to get a draw put in at the old clippers ball park. We need a local 1/4 strip.

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I remember the good old days when cops would roll up, watch for ten minutes, then take off. God I miss Charter/West Belt circa pre Fast and the Furious.






I think we should focus on getting more track rentals going and try to keep it off the streets more. This is a pretty big chunk of the regulars and I'm glad Marks car was broke, because if it wasn't, I know for a fact we would have both been out last night.


This is a bad situation for those that got caught up in it last night. However, we all knew/know the ricks when we participate in this type of behavior. I must say I'd be pissed off if I was arrested and they didn't have solid proof I was racing or didn't catch me in the act. It's like going to a bar and arresting everybody that was drunk because they knew they were probably going to drive home. So yes, I get mad and pissed off when an officer is mean and rude to me, but in the end they are doing their job.


Why do peole insist on turning things into ebattles. To call all police officers names and say they are worthless, is ignorant. Yes I agree a lot abuse their power and are ass holes, but look at what they have to deal with on a daily basis. The average american is an idiot and lets be honest, if an officer pulled you over and wrote you a ticket and was a complete asshole, you'd be much more likely to slow down, then if they pulled you over told you how nice your car was and let you off the hook.


Hopefully these guys will be able to beat this. I really feel for them and it's unfortunate they had to spend anytime in jail. I think simple tickets and court dates would have been sufficent. However, if they set up a a sting to specifically get them, they wouldn't be that easy.

Sad but people use the excuse they don't want to pay for a track rental. I don't know about their math but by my math its cheaper then getting caught street racing.

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This sucks. I've been there once and mine was as little as squealing my tires from a light and never going above the speed limit to get a street racing charge. It is no surprise though that this happened, especially when you stop traffic on a freeway. That's just asking for it.


I've never raced since then and don't plan on it. Maybe other will start thinking the same way?

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At some point everyone grows up. I realized a long while ago that I don't want to screw up everything in my life for a little fun. Not saying I don't speed, or get into the occasional ramdon tiff on the freeway for fun. But, this kind of crap is totally not worth the possible consequence of losing your car, career, life in general.

Hopefully this will be a wake up call for a few people, I hope you got it out of your system, as it will cost you dearly now.

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with his other post, it sounds like he was involved in the same thing a few years ago?


Mine was a little different Probation Violation for a DUI they held me for 26 days before I actually saw the judge. Me and the lawyer were in front of the judge for all of 6 mins she all charges dismissed owed a 400 dollar fine got out scott free no lic. suspened or anything no more probation either. I had 6 months on the shelf my probation officer wanted to hold me for 45 days before I saw the judge.



Backstory on the dui - Pulled over for doing 77 in a 65. Smelled alcohol on my breathe. Pass all the test but blew a .09 the legal limit is .08 I didn't even get arressted that night. Took me downtown to sign a bunch of shit we laughed at all the really drunk people there for about 2 hours and he let me go. The only thing that happen was my car got towed.


Went to court date they put me on a non-reporting probation I payed the fine took a piss test a few weeks later but I failed to take some little 3 day class <-- So that put me in violation..

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scariest night of my life... Of course I was the only passenger that got thrown to the ground and handcuffed... Lame I have road burn on my chest from it and he threw my Phone to the ground because it was ringing... WTF?! Then went thru it searching for people who were out racing
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Maybe someone will use this to atleast bring some good and fight to get a draw put in at the old clippers ball park. We need a local 1/4 strip.



Now THAT would rock. I heard rumors they were thinking about making it a track of some sort, but a strip would be awesome. The local cops could even get involved with it and do the whole "beat the heat" thing or whatever its called where people get to race cop cars at the track. I think that would show a lot for both parties(car guys and the cops).


I'm just really really really glad my car is slow and I dont have insurance on my Camaro...its thankfully keeping me out of trouble. I hope the guys that got busted get out without too much damage done to their lives.

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The only strip that may be built soon is the one in Mansfield. ...maybe these guys will realize, after their jail sentences are up...and I see some getting the full sentence since it was organized and a repeat performance, that they should have signed up for the track rental. It certainly would have been cheaper.
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There were a lot of troopers also


Lovely... That's not good at all. When Staties are involved that means they probably will increase enforcement for Cincinnati regarding racing as well. (i.e. air enforcement...)


Looks like I'll be upgrading to a digital scanner from my analog scanner.

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The only strip that may be built soon is the one in Mansfield. ...maybe these guys will realize, after their jail sentences are up...and I see some getting the full sentence since it was organized and a repeat performance, that they should have signed up for the track rental. It certainly would have been cheaper.



it's hard to roll race on a strip...

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The closet thing that I rember happening like that before was a certin black camaro 3rdgen and a Certin FD. We all reaped the rewards of taco bell that night. :bangbang:


Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?


I'd like 50 chalupas and a large coke.


Excuse me?


50 chalupas, I just lost a race out front, and a large coke.


Um...pull around for your total.




I remember that like it was yesterday. :D

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Guest mrhobbz
Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?


I'd like 50 chalupas and a large coke.


Excuse me?


50 chalupas, I just lost a race out front, and a large coke.


Um...pull around for your total.




I remember that like it was yesterday. :D



Chalupas? Weren't they chillitos?

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