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Are you kidding me?


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WOW its always man doing somthing stupid for money like taking a wild animal that can take down 1500 pound animals like its nothing , and sticking your melon size head inside its mouth, real smart. poor lion stupid guy. If I was that stupid I hope my friends would see me get thrashed to death so maybe my stupidness would not wear off on them.
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So, did anyone else see the dogs walking in and out of the back of the cage like it was nothing? Were they supposed to be eaten?


But yeah, the guy is a jackass for even fucking with a lion. You'd think they'd have a dart gun handy tough to knock the lion out if something like that did happen. Poor lion.

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That's fucked up for the Lion. The people were obviously idiots. I don't know much about Lion care but I saw a few things in that video that were a little off. Lack of food for the lion (not counting people) Obviously no safty plan in place. There was a dog in the cage with the Lion and the cage was too small. I didn't watch it all, just when the lion started to moan after being shot in the head. Those people should be fined. How in the Fuck do you own a lion and let something like that happen? I'm glad the dude is dead! Too bad the lion didn't fucking kill every other iginorant bastard in that video.
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