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What AT&T/Cingular phones do you recommend???


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well I'm looking into getting a new phone here soon and I'm with Cingular/AT&T. So I was wondering since a bunch of you guys been through phones like bubble gum what phones are pretty decent that are through Cingular. So i'm up for suggestions and opinions on which phones are good that they carry and also what phones just plain up suck that they carry.


thanks guys,

Paul :cool:

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Blackberry. I have an 8800 and it's the best phone I've ever owned. The newer Curve is a simliar/newer I think. Benefits are numerous but for me, the built in GPS and latest software update are so good that I don't use the built in one on our one car nor my Garmin any more.


I like BB for a number of reasons, but mainly because it's a business standard that does both BB mail and pop mail. I get all my accounts on it.

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I had the i-phone and now have the 3g one and I like it 8 gig is only $199 and 16gig is $299 I'm all over the US and im happy with at&t. Verizon is also great Sprint can be a good deal but I dropped way to many calls. Hope this helps you out also look and see if the company you work for has a fan account with at&t it will save you some money.

Good luck with what ever phone you pick out lots of new phones to pick from .


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I've had the blackjack for a little over a year now, and I have been quite happy with it. Especially since I flashed to wm6. From what I have read, the BJII is not much different, just a few more bugs have been worked out.


Obviously the iphone is the greatest piece of electrical equipment to ever grace the earth (sarcasm). But for those of us who hate apple and will never ever use itunes, it is useless and stupid. But in all honesty, I have read a lot of good things about it.

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