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You know you're an internet junkie when...


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Found this on myspace and thought of you guys... :D

You know you're an internet junkie when:

Tech support calls YOU for support

Someone at works tells you a joke n your reply is 'LOL'

You call your friends by their screen name instead of their real names

You beg your friends to get an account so u can leave them a comment

You get a second phone line so you can order pizza

You start ordering pizza online cuz they now provide it

You go to the hospital and some how find away to type your 'AWAY' on your profile

You have a sticker w/your screen name on your car

You know the latest youtube video BEFOR it makes the 10 o'clock news

You've posted several videos on youtube expressing your opinion cuz you think YOUR right

You want to become famouse thru youtube and post lame videos

You no longer type w/proper words, sentences, punctuation, capitals, or paragraphs

You have met over 100 ppl from your profile

You turn down the lights and close your blindfolds so ppl can't see your online again

Your favorite sites consist of: myspace, youtube, n porn

You know more porn sites then the average guy

You jack off more to porn sites then you actually get laid in real life

You tell ppl your phone was broken when you were really online

Someone is using a similar screen name as you n your making a big deal about it

You tell ppl your blood shot eyes are the result of drinking n not because you were online all night

You've been indoors so much that you turned pale but you were born black

You change your screen name so much that you have to look at your own profile to see who you are

Your kids tell your "mom/dad, please come cook for us.

We're hungry"

You write ppl comments WHILE talking to them on the phone

You won't take a job if it doesn't provide internet access

Your online so much that your dog leaves you

You don't know what day or year it is

You leave comments like: "hey wanted 2say hi.. K ttyl"

You smile sideways

You sign on and immediately get 20 messages and comments

You have breakfast, lunch and dinner infront of your computer

Your idea of sex is done by a simple click of the mouse

You develop withdraws if your away from you computer for more then a few hours

You have more friends online then you do in real life

First thing you do when you wake up is to check to see if you have any messages or comments

Your computer default web page is Myspace

You wake up at 3am to pee but check your profile instead

You type faster then you actually did in school

Your shrink tells you that you have an addictive problem.

Then you get HIM hooked and then all your meetings are held online, in a private chat room

You want to be buried w/you laptop

You know your addicted and your ok with it

Your dreams consist of comments and ppls profiles

You get pissed if ppl tell you your a 'newbie'

There 20 different chat rooms and your bored

You don't wanna log off because you don't wanna miss anything

You double click your remote

You get the bright idea of starting a 12-step program for myspace junkies

You check your email a lot more then your real mail

You spend 30min saying bye and leaving comments to everybody

Even if your not online, your finger double clicks on its own

You read a comment and you laugh out loud, alone, in your bedroom, at 3 in the morning

You ask yourself "I wonder if I got any comments"

You log on thru your phone now cuz it provides internet access

You get all cleaned up so ppl can see you thru a webcam

You freak out if there's no internet

you have more then 20 pictures of yourself on your picture profile

You won't go to a concert cuz it wasn't mention on Myspace

You had the same song for over 6 months on your profile

Its easier to make friends thru myspace then real life

You curse ppl out online but can't in real life

Just cuz your cool online doesn't mean your more populare in the real world

Your younger brother/sister slept with more ppl then you

Your trash can is full of rockstars and redbull cans

You thing by deleting ppl off your page is really gonna stop them from kicking your ass when they see you

You think by saying "click" or "delete" it somehow makes you funny

you post pictures of your body and wonder how they got onto a porn site

You shop online instead of going to the mall

You wish you could skip thru life like you skip thru videos

In the cyber world, your GOD!!!!

Incase you do or have these symptoms, then yea, your a myspace/internet junkie.

So turn the computer off, go out, meet ACTUALL ppl, get laid, n live life you freaken chumps

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