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The things I remember from when I was a kid thread

V8 Beast

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Having water gun fights and my Dad would cheat and use the hose


Making a team effort to move the huge bench seat in the front of the car


Fighting hard to stay awake during Saturday Night Live


Watching He-man and not seeing anything wrong with a man wearing hairy underwear and carrying a sword :confused:


Memorizing songs just so I could sing along with my friends


Breaking Transformer because some of them were too complicated and I never read the directions


After waiting for 3 hours for one song to play.. Holding my radio up to another radio so that I could record it.


Sawing our bunk bed in half because my brother and I though we were too old for them.. Steves half broke and he ended up sleeping on the floor :p

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Made two posts out of it and added some more :D


Talking to the car through my watch and asking my mom why she didnt have turbo boost


Watching the best fights ever on the last day of school


Mooning people on the school bus


Singing the Smurf theme while skipping down the street


Sitting down with the entire family every Thursday to watch the Cosby show


Playing thats my car


Thinking the Iroc-z was the coolest car ever (next to the Countach and Testarossa)


Oregon Trail FTW!!!

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Hot wheels




Hide-and-seek tag every night of the summer with the nighborhood kids




Nerf wars/lazer tag in a big dark building using tables flipped on their sides for cover


Mike Tyson's Punch Out


Waking up early to watch TMNT before school every morning

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Hmm....for me, its:






Viper and the remote control car to match the one from the show


Driving down to Chillocothe to see my dad run the Sunriser 400 Forest Rally in his Datsun 510


Watching my dad turn his Audi 4000 CS Quattro from street car to full rally car


One of my earliest memories is meeting Crossle, and us playing in my back yard


Waking up Christmas morning to find the SNES/Donkey Kong Country bundle sitting under my Christmas tree


The first time I "beat" a video game (Star Wars Rebel Assault 2 for PlayStation)


Mighty Max!


Cartoon Planet


I am sure there is other stuff that I am forgetting.


I need to dig out my Robotech collection on VHS, assuming I still even have a VCR laying around here somewhere...

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Atari 2600 Pole postion ftw


Intellivision River raid ftw


saturday morning cartoons that don't suck like Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, GI Joe Smurfs


nobody had cell phones or computers


almost everyone had saturday off and nothing was open on sunday


going camping at least twice a month

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I remember....


Playing Pong


My grandmother having 16 squirrel monkeys and 2 Capuchin monkeys


NES debut


Reagan's inaugural speech


Capitan kangaroo


Setting about 4 acres of grass on fire with a smoke bomb


My Stu Thompson Huffy


My mom back handing me and knocking me off a kitchen chair for telling her "no"


Compuserve being the coolest thing


My first computer, a comadore 64


Aplle IIe costing almost 4k.


Being bit by an adult female Lion. True story


Fat shoe laces and skinny leather ties.


When cable first came out.


Devo's Whip it song


Seeing Starwars, E.T. and ghostbusters in the movie theater


Eastland area being a nice place to live


Gas being $.90/gallon


Letting off stink bombs on the bus


My dad first cell phone being in a bag that was the size of a brief case

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  V8 BEAST said:
Having water gun fights and my Dad would cheat and use the hose


Making a team effort to move the huge bench seat in the front of the car


Fighting hard to stay awake during Saturday Night Live


Watching He-man and not seeing anything wrong with a man wearing hairy underwear and carrying a sword :confused:


Memorizing songs just so I could sing along with my friends


Breaking Transformer because some of them were too complicated and I never read the directions


After waiting for 3 hours for one song to play.. Holding my radio up to another radio so that I could record it.


Sawing our bunk bed in half because my brother and I though we were too old for them.. Steves half broke and he ended up sleeping on the floor :p

Beating up kids like you :gtfo:

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Yep, ronin warriors

playing karateka and bruce lee on commodore 64

karate and monster flicks on saturdays

tarzan on sunday mornings

playing army

falling 2 stories out of our apple tree and busting my nose open

remember porky's? (first time seeing movie tits)

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1978 Blizzard and Grade School being cancelled


Remembering when we actually had winter snow falls


Playing with Merlin and Simon hand-held games


Pong was cool, then Atari came out


Going to a school with no A/C


Eating the very fist of McD's Happy meals when they were introduced


Our first 19" Color TV


Our first VCR which weight like 82lbs


Our Family's first Microwave Oven


My Brothers 1978 T/A......also his Puke Green Gremlin


My Brother building me an Apple ][ with Dual 5.25 drives


Three's Company and Crissy's tits


Watching the Movie Airplane to see bouncing boobs


Watching Andre the Giant & Jesse the Body in their prime


I could go on.....

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  Ass said:
Beating up kids like you :gtfo:


Kids like you thinking they could beat up kids like me that failed... Now stop asking me to go the therapy sessions and talk shows with you so that you can get your life back on track!


oh.. Chrissy's tits ftmfw!!!!!!

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