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are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!

kawi kid

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:mad:i was just watching speed channel and a public service announcement about calling stuff gay?!?!?!?! wtf seriously i can think of a few other things to make a psa about than high school girls saying stuff like "thats so gay."

has anyone else seen this one? it has hillary duff in it? anyone??


and so it begins... the liberal media already telling us how everything is gonna be all sunshine and lollypops under this new P.C. regime. How it's "not cool" to say certain things, whats next?? can't have a Slap my ass sticker on the ride? It's ok for the Broke Back Mountain homos of the world to shove their Gayness down our collective throats (figuratively) but when we say out loud that something seems "queer" or "gay" we are hurting their feelings??? GET THE F--- OVER YOURSELVES! I don't give a damn what you poke eachother in the rear with, keep it to yourselves, and I won't have to call you flaming homos!! :fruit:

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If there was a line somewhere I believe I just tap danced all over it!!

More along the lines of if it was written down on a piece of paper you just wiped your ass with it....

but then they might like that....

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