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You want to start fixing this country?


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Except that McCain has stated plainly that he will continue, unchanged, Bush's policies and strategies on taxes, budgets, and the war in Iraq.

I'd call those "incumbent policies".



really? where did he state that?

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I mean for the Senate/House.


sorry, my bad, I just figured since you didnt secify, and the pres. election is on everyones mind.



but I agree. Need to clean house with congress. Get some fresh faces who want to make a name for themselves by doing some good.

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Here's a little more of the Straight Talk Express:


So, the war IS over oil?





Yeah, I'm sure you can find a hundred videos to rebut this. I can find a hundred more to support it. That's the problem. He's switched positions on EVERYTHING at least ten times. So, are you gonna vote for the McCain that loves George Bush and everything the man has ever done, or are you voting for hte McCain who is trying to distance himself from George Bush and everything he's ever done?

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