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Whats your tax cut savings under Obama


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I'm gonna say that since its on obamas site it can't possibly be at all biased. If that is true then good for him, but likely we're not getting accurate answers. Especially since he seems to feel we should all redistribute the wealth more evenly.


I don't want my wealth given to anyone else unless I give it away myself. If it were my decision all social programs would be cut. It will be very impressive watching people who would normally be a lazy bum get off their asses to get food.


Sure some of you bleeding hearts will think this is mean and if you believe it is then please go down to the homeless camp and give away a lot of your money. If you honestly can't do that then shut up since you now see my point.

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Who's stealing from the poor? McCain simply believes that if you're at the top of the income levels, you likely earned it and are working smarter.


Those below the threshold are either not in positions that more qualified or professional level folks are at or basically need to go get more of their own pie, not take some of my family's pie and it to them.


I for one am sick of all the social programs that offer handouts but don't mandate that folks earn the or improve their life beyond what they have in order to benefit from said programs. Sorry, but this is America where if you want something bad enough, you have way more chances to go work hard, earn it and make that dream happen.


Hell, that's why so many people from around the world come to the U.S. Even the fucking illegals from Mexico realize that and walk their ass over across deserts, leaving their families behind.


The problem is our poor people don't have the fire-in-the-belly others do, thus they are typically fat, lazy, uneducated, could care less about skills and hard work and would rather deal drugs, take drugs , squander what few bucks they have and tell their 14 kids to go starve and take care of each other. I say they the majority get what they are working to achieve....not much. :thumbdown I swear we need qualifications / minimums before we let these people breed. :rolleyes:


so when bush gives a tax cut to the top 1% its great, but when obama wants to give a cut to the middle class its "socialism" or "robin hood taxation"? funny how that works :rolleyes:


whats it called when you steal from the poor and give to the rich?

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Sure some of you bleeding hearts will think this is mean and if you believe it is then please go down to the homeless camp and give away a lot of your money. If you honestly can't do that then shut up since you now see my point.


say person A and B both donate 20,000 dollars.


person A makes 40,000 a year. they donated 50%


person B makes 200,000 a year. they donated 10%


person C comes in who makes 2 million a year. their 20,000 donation is one percent.


C could cover the first two and then his for a total of 60,000 which would still leave them with 97% of their money.


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then let it be a donation....not a tax on any of them. besides, person C likely achieved their success through hard work and enjoys a lifestyle that while makes him fortunate, it also already costs them more in taxes.


I'll say it again, the solution isn't distribution of wealth and lowering the bar...it's raising the bar and forcing the have-nots to put up or shut up.


Work hard; play harder, but if you don't work hard or have the success, then you should begin to work smarter before you play at all. Those that don't work....shouldn't get anything unless they change their ways.


I take this whole socialistic redistribution of wealth policy crap pretty strongly because while my wife and I have never been poor, we've earned every bit of what we have and I am completely sick of the have-nots in the world asking A-B & C for more and demanding more assistance from the govt that WE ultimately pay for.


I call bullshit! Let them work 12 hour days while they go to college and earn a law degree and open their own business and suck ass for a handful of years while they save money and invest wisely and then actually pay for things vs buying them on credit and then getting a free-bail-out through going chapt 7. Basically....make them work hard before they can enjoy the good times and play hard.


I don't need anyone to tell me to cover the "donations" of A-B....instead go tell A&B to go earn more and kick the do-nothings in the nuts to do something....work!





say person A and B both donate 20,000 dollars.


person A makes 40,000 a year. they donated 50%


person B makes 200,000 a year. they donated 10%


person C comes in who makes 2 million a year. their 20,000 donation is one percent.


C could cover the first two and then his for a total of 60,000 which would still leave them with 97% of their money.


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I take this whole socialistic redistribution of wealth policy crap pretty strongly because while my wife and I have never been poor, we've earned every bit of what we have and I am completely sick of the have-nots in the world asking and demanding more assitance that we ulimately pay for.


I agree. My wife and I started out eating rice, spagetti (no meat to expensive), sandwiches, and we saved a little to go get a nice meal once per week at a restaurant. She had massive credit card debit that I found out about after we were married a couple months and I made us that budget. We had a car loan, rent, and she had a job paying less than 8 an hour. It was the middle of the tech bubble thing so I worked a lot of different jobs.


We finally after a year and a half or so paid off her debit. Then a few years later while still having jobs under 10 an hour we bought our first house. 5 years after that sold it and moved into a nice one in the country on 5 acres and are approaching 100k per year. I can't wait to get above 108K so we can get taxed even more for our hard work.

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The days of Tuna Casarole and Hamburger Helper still haunt me to this day. Damn glad we did it though. I remember very clearly walking the isles of Kroger on Henderson Rd back in the day vowing to make enough to never ever have to count pennies.


My brother in law came over from Japan, didn't speak a lick of English, learned our language and together with my sister in law struggled all through Medical School. They even lived in their office they purchased and watched my old 13" B&W TV for nearly two years to get what they have now.....now they live in a $1M plus house in the mountains of Oregon and enjoy a lucrative Chiro practice.


Again, down with re-distribution....I say hand out apple pie recipe cards and challenge everyone with making a bigger pie.


I agree. My wife and I started out eating rice, spagetti (no meat to expensive), sandwiches, and we saved a little to go get a nice meal once per week at a restaurant. She had massive credit card debit that I found out about after we were married a couple months and I made us that budget. We had a car loan, rent, and she had a job paying less than 8 an hour. It was the middle of the tech bubble thing so I worked a lot of different jobs.


We finally after a year and a half or so paid off her debit. Then a few years later while still having jobs under 10 an hour we bought our first house. 5 years after that sold it and moved into a nice one in the country on 5 acres and are approaching 100k per year. I can't wait to get above 108K so I we get taxed even more for our hard work.

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Liberals are emotionally guided by what they believe *Feels* right.


That is all you need to know about Obamas' tax plan.


It feels right, to tax the rich for what they have earned, similarly watch how the rich revolt, raising prices of all the goods and services middle America needs, or by with holding their funds from markets, slowing our economic status further. The new found tax cut money the middle Americans saved will be gone before its benefits can be realized. It will happen, it always does.

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I'm gonna say that since its on obamas site it can't possibly be at all biased. If that is true then good for him, but likely we're not getting accurate answers.

I agree. It takes some balls to put that on your website, tax code is entirely too complicated to advertise anything like that.

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Liberals are emotionally guided by what they believe *Feels* right.


That is all you need to know about Obamas' tax plan.


It feels right, to tax the rich for what they have earned, similarly watch how the rich revolt, raising prices of all the goods and services middle America needs, or by with holding their funds from markets, slowing our economic status further. The new found tax cut money the middle Americans saved will be gone before its benefits can be realized. It will happen, it always does.

Know what else happens? Always? The poor kill the rich. It's like the weather or a geological cycle. Once it gets really tough to get by at the bottom and opulence above is apparent, the people revolt.

"Socialist undertones" now delays the angry socialist revolution of the future. America has to meet half way if it wants to survive.

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Start making some $$ and you my feel different.


I don't know you our your business personally so don't take this to heart.


I do know that American is all about thriving companies. A companies purpose is to make money. If you are being taxed a little bit more then people who make less money, AND you can't afford tax then you then maybe you need to evaluate your business purpose?

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Why is it ok and honorable for someone to fight and die for the country, but we complain when the "country" takes our money???? Shouldnt we consider it a priviledge to be able to help more than the next person?

The "country" isn't taking your money, the government is and redistributing it. Once again, it astounds me that people(your post proving) see it fit that a middle man (the government) shall take and regulate/redistribute wealth rather than allowing a person donate at their own will. Why do you consider paying taxes "helping people"? Are you helping them?

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I don't know you our your business personally so don't take this to heart.


I do know that American is all about thriving companies. A companies purpose is to make money. If you are being taxed a little bit more then people who make less money, AND you can't afford tax then you then maybe you need to evaluate your business purpose?

:wtf: The purpose of me taking risk, is to make money. NOT give it to the government. The point is not if i can afford the tax, it is my money, I worked for it. I should do with it as I please, not what Obama thinks I should do with it.

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Why is it ok and honorable for someone to fight and die for the country, but we complain when the "country" takes our money???? Shouldnt we consider it a priviledge to be able to help more than the next person?

Great I will be over tomorrow night for my check, and fix my family dinner too. Since it privilege for you.

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:wtf: The purpose of me taking risk, is to make money. NOT give it to the government. The point is not if i can afford the tax, it is my money, I worked for it. I should do with it as I please, not what Obama thinks I should do with it.




I would trade shoes financially with alot of rich people, and wish I could have some of their money. But the bottom line is, its theirs whether they earned it, inherited it, or won it. Why should their hard work (or luck) go to me, I have nothing to do to with the hard worked ( or relatives ) they've delt with to earn it. Rich people are rich for a reason.

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the problem is we don't help the next person....our systems are set up to provide bail-outs and "assistance" but not real help. helping folks help themselves is fine, but when our goals are to help by providing hand-outs without requiring anything in return from those receiving the help, we're not doing our country and good.


Question...Shouldnt we consider it a priviledge to be able to help more than the next person?
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With this messed up economy I'm not as ignorant to actually beleive that my money would only go to welfare junkies. Maybe some of you should open your eyes and realize that at this point your neighbors, in your well established communities, are to the point where they are asking for help as well. This is the angle Obama is taking to get votes. This approach appeals to a lot of less fortunate people that are having hardships at this time. Even the ceo that used to make $200k a year that lost his business and house is thinking about voting Obama. I wish they could make it an optional donation, but the truth is that America is full of selfish bastards that wont give a dime unless forced to.


I'm not wasteing my vote. Forget the candidates, they are leading a nation a selfish people that want everything to magically be fixed without making any sacrifices. Taxing money from the rich may not be the best option, but at some point money will be taken from you... and you will cry (as usual) when it happens.




And Dr. Rick, I would never donate to you for the simple fact that my money could be used to pay your internet bill. To me thats almost as bad as funding terrorism...

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Here's my take . The tax system is fucked up and all the whiney bitches need to suck it. Ohh darn they are going to lower taxes for the people who make your world work. Ya know the guy who repairs your car, Yeah he gets a tax break. The guy who keeps your internets working he gets a tax break. People need to stop assuming that its only low lifes getting it.


If you don't think putting money back in the middle classes pocket will not spur economic growth your sadly mistaken. For example. Right now If I had 100$ extra per month on top of the 160 I'm savings on gas I could put some in savings which helps the market and I could buy some toys which helps small businesses (Reptile store, IPS).


The fact that the upperclass is bitching because they are getting a slight tax increase should really think about the roads, The wonderful war that the right seems to enjoy , And many more government projects that require's funding.


Here is irony for you.


I'n a whole the +250K people are Mccain supporters. These are the same people that are bitching because they are getting an tax increase. What I don't get this is also the same group of people who think the war is blah blah blah. The war that costs so much. So whats there answer? lets just lower taxes across the board and add to our debt.


It's all bullshit and I personally think the middle class does need a break. Without the middle class the world would come to a grinding halt. Why not reward them with a tax break?

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If 9 people make $100 and 1 makes $10,000, when you tax them it looks like this:


$100 @ 30% = $30

$10,000 @ 30% = $3,000


So, the taxes go to pay for what? Should the 1 guy who paid the most get more since he paid more? Should we have a special lane on the Interstates for those few people that pay the most taxes so that their benefit from paying more is equivalent to those that pay less?


Or is it ok to take more from one guy so that the 9 others can have more benefit? Even though the 9 guys work for the 1, is he entitled to provided more of his money so they can gain more by it? Is it his fault that the 9 are ignorant and can't find their own 9 guys to work for them? Is it his fault he provides a product or service to the other 9 and therefore should receive less benefit than the others?


Look at the real numbers of how many receipts the gooberment makes. Look at how much $$$ they bring in every year and how much they have going out. The majority support the extravagance of the few. All benefit but not equally. Those who make more benefit less.

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Thorne, do you think that those citizens who make 250K or better are the ones who started the war? They are the ones who are paying for it. Along with those roads you drive on and the electric transmission lines for your mechanic to have power to use his air tools. Is it fair that most of our tax revenue comes from just a few % of Americans?

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