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Bodybuilders, powerlifters and your everyday gym rats....


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Where are you and what motivates you....


Also do you compete?


If you do in what and how long?


I competed when I was 21. I did middleweight. It was hard to do since middleweight was 155 to 170. There were alot of heavier guy with more mass but my leaness made me score really high and being short made my muscles look bigger. It was a fun time. I actually loved goin to the gym and seeing results. Dieting was the hardest since all my friends ate shitty and I had to eat strict all the time. But the payoff was with it. 155# and about 4% bodyfat. It was the best shape I was ever in. So lean and skin was so tight. I have some pics from the night before the competition I did. I look at it and shit makes me wanna get serious about the gym again and dieting.

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I work out at World, or as its now known as "Metro Fitness". Since they closed their Powell location Im forced to go to the Metro V location in dublin which is SATURATED with senior citizen's but oh well.


I've been working out for about 2 years now and have lost a signifigant amount of weight but i still feel like im not where i want to be. its great to push alot of weight but i could honestly care less how much i bench as long as I dont have bitch tits. Ive been working out with the same trainer for about that time and it just feels like ive plateued. Im not really getting any stronger or bigger im more or less just keeping the same. I'll admit my diet sucks from what it was so Im sure that contributes alot. but its still frustrating.

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I'm in the gym four or five days a week. I never much cared about how much I could max out at; my focus has always been more on developing a physique and looking as though I could move around a lot of weight. :)


I use the usual suspects - whey, casein, and soy - on a regular basis. I've been thinking of adding a supplement or two (e.g., creatine? N02 stuff?) to see where that takes me over the winter, but haven't researched it seriously as of late. Lean muscle gain is what I'm ultimately after, and I'd like to stay around my current percentage of body fat (which is about 5%).




Try Kre-Alkalyn, no bloat and it will also help with recovery.


I have been using nano-vapor and have been seeing good results. Mostly seeing more intense workout sessions. If it wasnt buy 1 get 1 free i would have been using Black Powder by MRI. Alot better quality and no crash after your workouts.

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I'm working with a trainer at the downtown YMCA. I knew I was really weak after a year of dieting and 100lbs lost - I just had no idea how weak I was. For example, pre-diet curls I could do with 55#. I started July 8th with 5# and they were extremely difficult. :(


I go twice a week for 30 minutes of only upper body training because I'm concentrating on building my upper body strength first. Proud to say that I'm up to curling 40# and I can bench 145# easily which is within 15+-lbs of my body weight. I can also do pull-up's, never been able to do those before. Actually, I can do many things I wouldn't have dreamed of doing at my old weight and "strength". I'm just now starting see quite a bit of definition and I won't lie - it's intoxicating. I love finishing my workout, having a look in the mirror and seeing stuff popping out. Never seen that either.


I'm having a really hard time balancing my eating with working out and gaining muscle, as of yet I have not gained any weight (lost a bit from July 8th, actually) I'm just getting stronger. I know I'm going to hit a plateau soon that will force me to really start eating more but it's all new territory to me. Going from being fat, to heavy dieting, and now to trying to implement food back into my routine intelligently, it's a challenge. I eat a lot of turkey and chicken, heh. I know I'm not making the gains I could be making since I still stick to a restricted diet, but for now I'm happy with my gains. I want to at least be able to bench 150% of my body weight and curl 60's before I start working my lower body - I think I'll be there in a couple months.

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I'm working with a trainer at the downtown YMCA. I knew I was really weak after a year of dieting and 100lbs lost - I just had no idea how weak I was. For example, pre-diet curls I could do with 55#. I started July 8th with 5# and they were extremely difficult. :(


I go twice a week for 30 minutes of only upper body training because I'm concentrating on building my upper body strength first. Proud to say that I'm up to curling 40# and I can bench 145# easily which is within 15+-lbs of my body weight. I can also do pull-up's, never been able to do those before. Actually, I can do many things I wouldn't have dreamed of doing at my old weight and "strength". I'm just now starting see quite a bit of definition and I won't lie - it's intoxicating. I love finishing my workout, having a look in the mirror and seeing stuff popping out. Never seen that either.


I'm having a really hard time balancing my eating with working out and gaining muscle, as of yet I have not gained any weight (lost a bit from July 8th, actually) I'm just getting stronger. I know I'm going to hit a plateau soon that will force me to really start eating more but it's all new territory to me. Going from being fat, to heavy dieting, and now to trying to implement food back into my routine intelligently, it's a challenge. I eat a lot of turkey and chicken, heh. I know I'm not making the gains I could be making since I still stick to a restricted diet, but for now I'm happy with my gains. I want to at least be able to bench 150% of my body weight and curl 60's before I start working my lower body - I think I'll be there in a couple months.


Keep up with it, but I would say get the lower body involved as well, it'll do you good.

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By where are you i ment what gym do you lift in?


Ya you got to have cheat meals to keep you saine. I am getting back into powerlifting again so my diet isnt as strict as it should be but hey im 20 and have the metabolism of a banshee.


Ahhhh, yeah, I lift at the Urban Active (used to be Golds) in Cincinnati.

Yeah, I used to have a metabolism like that, I started college around 150lbs. After college and no working out that steadily grew to 190. I hovered there till about this past January, dropped 15lbs and started lifting heavy. Now I'm about 180 and moderately lean.


No where near as strong as the powerlifting folks, I've heard stories about Hal's family. :eek:


but I did set a PR yesterday night. 95lb dumbbells on incline for 4 reps. pretty happy about that. :D

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I still been hitting it hard, been working out with Mike wolfe on saturdays to train in my shirt, best so far in it is 425lbs, but then i an do 405 raw so not much carry over

i have been competing about 3 times a year all raw, still trying to learn my gear so maybe next year ill do one in gear

best so far for deadlift is 512 and an atf squat of 407 both raw

im weighing in at 176 about now maintaining my weight around there were i will drop to 165 on my next meet in december, then will probably get to 190 to start going to the 181lb class.

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I still been hitting it hard, been working out with Mike wolfe on saturdays to train in my shirt, best so far in it is 425lbs, but then i an do 405 raw so not much carry over

i have been competing about 3 times a year all raw, still trying to learn my gear so maybe next year ill do one in gear

best so far for deadlift is 512 and an atf squat of 407 both raw

im weighing in at 176 about now maintaining my weight around there were i will drop to 165 on my next meet in december, then will probably get to 190 to start going to the 181lb class.

Get to a seminar with Bill Crawford if you can. Mike is strong an a good guy but, the Westside guys typically don't get a ton out of their shirts.

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Get to a seminar with Bill Crawford if you can. Mike is strong an a good guy but, the Westside guys typically don't get a ton out of their shirts.

well figuring im somewhat close to him, and he give free lesson and help me and a few guys have been going down to see him

mike has been helping out with our shirts quite a bit, i just need more time in mine.

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Saw your car yesterday; it was being trailered up 315N. Looked great. :cool: My girlfriend was like, "What does LS ONED mean?"


And I'm still expecting to see Pedobear make an appearance in your sig. :)

yea that was me...on way back from IPS..I ripped my floor bored where tranny brace attaches clean off.lol. Power shifting for the Motha Fuckin Win.

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I still been hitting it hard, been working out with Mike wolfe on saturdays to train in my shirt, best so far in it is 425lbs, but then i an do 405 raw so not much carry over

i have been competing about 3 times a year all raw, still trying to learn my gear so maybe next year ill do one in gear

best so far for deadlift is 512 and an atf squat of 407 both raw

im weighing in at 176 about now maintaining my weight around there were i will drop to 165 on my next meet in december, then will probably get to 190 to start going to the 181lb class.


Are you training at westside?


What fed. do you compete in?

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Im motivated to get back to my athletic self. Im a natural athlete, and have a good size frame to boot... i just really miss being able to wake up and go run 10 miles if i have the urge to. Im running about 4 a day now... ive lost about 30lbs since I left Columbus, and am ready to bump my runns up to 5 miles probably next week... maybe the week after. 10k's should be pretty easy when i come back considering the altitude difference.


I dont smoke anymore, I dont eat a lot of greasy food anymore, Im only 15lbs away from my goal and Ive only been at it for a few months. I think Ill continue to run through winter, and ski a bit, then start doing some lifting in the spring and bulking up a little bit... maybe back up to like 225... sounds like a good number for me.


"The legs feed the wolf." (Herb Brooks)

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powerlifters can eat anything, those ambercrombie skinny guy bodybuilders cant.

so join the dark side we can eat cookies.



But the abercrombie guys get all the girls, so I will stick to the lean, ripped cut up look rather then the round bulgy look. Nothing better then some nice mass and alot of ripped up muscles and good definition. Fuck all this talk is making me wanna get back in the gym and start competing again.

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I will be honest you name it and I have taken it. Tilley- I agree you will plateau when you do the same workouts over and over. Like arnold says "you need to shock the muscles if you want them to grow". So yeah just change it up every now and then.
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