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GM, your loan has been approved...


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I will tell you right now that i WILL out work you in any way shape or form and that i will put lots of my overpaid paychecks on for you. no doubt in my mine i will. i'm not affraid to work by no means, but killing myself b/c the company dont wana hire more people b/c it will cut into there profits, is what i am talking about. I have paystubs from my non-union company of having 105 hr weeks all b/c of this. I would average 500+ hrs of O.T. a year b/c the owner of the company (who has 300+ guys working in the field) would say, its cheaper to pay you overtime then to hire more guys b/c we would hasve to pay another guys insurance and such. Now i get paid what i am worth, with benefits, and still be alive when i am 50.


look around in the non-union world and compare people. see how many are still alive at 60. I have seen first hand people having to work up to the day they die b/c the company wont invest some of the profit that the worker has made them to help him retire..



After reading that, I have to assume your teacher(s) were also union.

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LOL yeah i just wish i worried more about my tyoning and spelling on the internet so i could be a cool nerd like u....


That glob of words resembling a sentence speaks volumes really. Thank god the only place you use grammar and spelling is on internet forums.


Go Unions!


EDIT: Merry Christmas

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Just GM and Chrysler. Ford has been doing so-so. If GM and Chrysler had not been bailed out though it would have eventually been a domino effect on Ford and other foreign car makers.


not true. people around my plant have been talking about how with shared suppliers we would be screwed, short term . . . sure, long term . . we gain marketshare when things pick back up.

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soo, since the union is soo bad, and is the only reason the big 3 are not doing good. why did honda just cut all there workers back to 3 days a week??? and that 3, 8 hr days. sounds like all of them are in trouble. the difference is that the uaw make 73$/hr and have great beneifits and can retire while honda make 48/hr and not near the benefits of the union. and who do you think is getting the other 25$/hr........ the owner.


In my experience, and I've been on both sides, the union helps me make more money and not have to kill myself to just get by. when you have 2 bids come in on a job and the union and non-union are with 1000$ on a 1,000,000$ bid, who do you think is getting rich here??????


alright your preious points were retarded and ignorant.

1. honda is non-union, the picture u mpaint of tons of illegals working there, well is false, we have very few mexicans at all, let alone illegal ones, working there over 4 years i cannot ever remember meeting a first generation mexican american at honda.

2. GM line workers at top pay see more like 38 $/hr. and make over 100k, The 60k a year guy you decribe sounds more like a honda worker. hell even our temps start over $11 an hour.


now to the current post, you are still ignorant. We were not cut back to 3 days a week idiot. We are only producing cars 3 days a week, the other 2 days are optional, we can come in and work painting, maintaining the plant & working on improvement projects on those days. Or we can take the day off if we choose and do what we want with it.

No one is arguing that the auto industry as a whole is not selling, but honda has been telling about this coming for 2 years now and planned for it.

Also you have not done your research, Honda has a nice benifits package and retirement sure may not be as much as a UAW worker (really, who's is?), but at least we know the money is going to be there when i'm ready to retire in 20+ years.

Your living a pipe dream if you think that the UAW can sustain retirement benifits like they do for the next 30 years. Not the way that those funds have been monkeyed with the last few decades.

The union was initially intended to work WITH the employer to reach fair compensation and fair work conditions for the people they represent. Your example of a union not budging on anything when it's company is not doing well only backs up my point. Essentially that Union negotuiated themselves out jobs for it's people.

Most unions have become the beurocracy that they were supposed to protect people from.

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70% of company as large as gm who close doors and go non-union have to hire imigrants b/c no one wants to work for that cheap. i was giving an example in buckeye steel.


85% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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Unions were great in their time, but things have changed a lot.



I think if unions disapeared employers would treat people like crap. Since they are still around employers treat people great to try and avoid their workers going union... So basically we need them, but we dont...

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alright your preious points were retarded and ignorant.

1. honda is non-union, the picture u mpaint of tons of illegals working there, well is false, we have very few mexicans at all, let alone illegal ones, working there over 4 years i cannot ever remember meeting a first generation mexican american at honda.

2. GM line workers at top pay see more like 38 $/hr. and make over 100k, The 60k a year guy you decribe sounds more like a honda worker. hell even our temps start over $11 an hour.


now to the current post, you are still ignorant. We were not cut back to 3 days a week idiot. We are only producing cars 3 days a week, the other 2 days are optional, we can come in and work painting, maintaining the plant & working on improvement projects on those days. Or we can take the day off if we choose and do what we want with it.

No one is arguing that the auto industry as a whole is not selling, but honda has been telling about this coming for 2 years now and planned for it.

Also you have not done your research, Honda has a nice benifits package and retirement sure may not be as much as a UAW worker (really, who's is?), but at least we know the money is going to be there when i'm ready to retire in 20+ years.

Your living a pipe dream if you think that the UAW can sustain retirement benifits like they do for the next 30 years. Not the way that those funds have been monkeyed with the last few decades.

The union was initially intended to work WITH the employer to reach fair compensation and fair work conditions for the people they represent. Your example of a union not budging on anything when it's company is not doing well only backs up my point. Essentially that Union negotuiated themselves out jobs for it's people.

Most unions have become the beurocracy that they were supposed to protect people from.



so mr smart guy. where did i say honda only hires mexicans????? maybe u should read before u post.

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so mr smart guy. where did i say honda only hires mexicans????? maybe u should read before u post.


I think he was referencing your quote that


"70% of company as large as gm who close doors and go non-union have to hire imigrants b/c no one wants to work for that cheap."


without arguing point for point it come across that non-union shops have to hire illegals to do the work because they don't get good pay or benny's.

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so mr smart guy. where did i say honda only hires mexicans????? maybe u should read before u post.


82% of union workers are angry people. That's a fact, well because i said it was. And yes 70% of honda, toyota and nissan workers are illegal and are paid in rice instead of money.

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I think he was referencing your quote that


"70% of company as large as gm who close doors and go non-union have to hire imigrants b/c no one wants to work for that cheap."


without arguing point for point it come across that non-union shops have to hire illegals to do the work because they don't get good pay or benny's.



once again mr smart guy I NEVER SAID HONDA HIRED THEM...... but i know, ur the smart computer nerd and know what i was saying.....


I gave one example that did do this. buckeye steel. so can you show me a company that was union and is now non-union that didn't do this? and columbus steel have over 1000 people working there.....

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once again mr smart guy I NEVER SAID HONDA HIRED THEM...... but i know, ur the smart computer nerd and know what i was saying.....


I gave one example that did do this. buckeye steel. so can you show me a company that was union and is now non-union that didn't do this? and columbus steel have over 1000 people working there.....



there is no once again, you and I haven't debated the point prior. that was "the other computer nerd." but thanks for considering me a computer nerd.....never had anyone call me that. Thorne would be proud of me to have earned that point.


I can show you Panasonic...the majority of the 2000 workers they let go when I was there were Latin American and Indian. Mainly Worker-bee's. IMO it was a great move....they had way, way too much expense wrapped up in people spending all day doing nothing.


They essentially broke the union in NJ, moved all the operations to Chicago and hired new. Costs are way down, the group is more of a team now....and the company is doing good even in this shitty economy....but they planned for and reacted timely.

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once again mr smart guy I NEVER SAID HONDA HIRED THEM...... but i know, ur the smart computer nerd and know what i was saying.....


I gave one example that did do this. buckeye steel. so can you show me a company that was union and is now non-union that didn't do this? and columbus steel have over 1000 people working there.....



your example showed exactly what is wrong with unions, They chose to get laid off when they refused to work out a suitable solution for the union and the company.

you yourself admited the company was in trouble, what did you expect the company to do?

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your example showed exactly what is wrong with unions, They chose to get laid off when they refused to work out a suitable solution for the union and the company.

you yourself admited the company was in trouble, what did you expect the company to do?



In a way I agree with you and what happen here. but in another way i dont understand how a company can make millions in profits and keep making those millions for the ceo and such. They, meaning the ceo's, didn't take a pay cut but wanted the workers of columbus steel to take a 45% pay cut.


Now, i dont know about you put if you take half my pay away it would sure hurt me. for example: you make 60,000/yr take that down to 35000/yr. you would bring home about 400/week and on unemployment you would bring home 450........ now which would you do. and yes you would get unemployment if the company closed doors. Now, the same ceo's open the same company back up, paying there workers 11.00/hr and are making more profits then they where....


In my opnion this is what gm is going to do. all b/c the big wigs dont wana take a pay cut but want everyone else too.

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I agree that it wont work for GM, because both the company and the workers are used to the union way of life, distrusting each other and always thinking that the other side is against them.

I'm not going to cry about a CEO making a few million a year, more power to them, it's a small fraction of a percent of the overhead in a multi-billion dollar company. Those guys worked smart and hard to get where they are, God bless America where people can move up societies ladder. By the way, how about higher ups in the unions? they don't get any extra benifits? c'mon man the UAW has become exactly what they were supposed to protect people from.


Using me as an example is just not good, Honda has never laid off a full-time worker in the United States. And we have never had a paycut. On the other hand, i understand IF they did have a layoff, it would be the entire plant, and i would gladly take that opprotunity to finish up my college degree to get a better job. How is this you say . . . I don't live out of my means, put money back to in case bad things do happen. Seems like a hard concept in todays world, but it's how people lived just a couple generations ago.

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Anyone who cries about working too many hours, doesn't want to work. I love OT... i can't wait until that 4th day to start pulling it in. Stupid bastards at this franchise thought it would be more profitable to keep me hourly too...
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In a way I agree with you and what happen here. but in another way i dont understand how a company can make millions in profits and keep making those millions for the ceo and such. They, meaning the ceo's, didn't take a pay cut but wanted the workers of columbus steel to take a 45% pay cut.


Now, i dont know about you put if you take half my pay away it would sure hurt me. for example: you make 60,000/yr take that down to 35000/yr. you would bring home about 400/week and on unemployment you would bring home 450........ now which would you do. and yes you would get unemployment if the company closed doors. Now, the same ceo's open the same company back up, paying there workers 11.00/hr and are making more profits then they where....


In my opnion this is what gm is going to do. all b/c the big wigs dont wana take a pay cut but want everyone else too.


Unemployment cap in Ohio is like $366/week. So I would choose to keep my job making $400/week. Also, unemployment only runs 6 months and doesn't provide health insurance benefits. And $35k would be more like $450/week anyways.

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Unemployment cap in Ohio is like $366/week. So I would choose to keep my job making $400/week. Also, unemployment only runs 6 months and doesn't provide health insurance benefits. And $35k would be more like $450/week anyways.



I would have to say your wrong on this. If you are married with a kid, a guy i work with was getting 430$/week. then if you go and draw from pa you can get 510 a week. this i know are facts. if you dont understand the multi state unemployement then look it up. there are i beleive 4 states you can draw from. pa, wva, mich, ky...


the only time i was laid off about 8-9 years ago, i was getting 690 every 2 weeks and i was only single with no dependents then..

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If you are unemployed and hail from Ohio, the first thing that you should do is to apply for unemployment benefits even as you try to get a job. Ohio unemployment benefits provide temporary compensation for 20-26 weeks. The compensation could be in the range of $93 to $446 depending on the positions you have held, your experience and qualification. But first, you must be eligible for unemployment benefits in Ohio, which translates to - you must have worked in the state and have proofs of recent employment and termination of service. If you have not worked in Ohio than you can claim for unemployment benefit from any other state where you have worked. The details of the Ohio Unemployment benefits can be obtained from jfs.ohio.gov . You should file for unemployment benefits as early as possible. It may take two to three weeks to get your first unemployment benefit check.


compied off ohio unemployment

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If you are unemployed and hail from Ohio, the first thing that you should do is to apply for unemployment benefits even as you try to get a job. Ohio unemployment benefits provide temporary compensation for 20-26 weeks. The compensation could be in the range of $93 to $446 depending on the positions you have held, your experience and qualification. But first, you must be eligible for unemployment benefits in Ohio, which translates to - you must have worked in the state and have proofs of recent employment and termination of service. If you have not worked in Ohio than you can claim for unemployment benefit from any other state where you have worked. The details of the Ohio Unemployment benefits can be obtained from jfs.ohio.gov . You should file for unemployment benefits as early as possible. It may take two to three weeks to get your first unemployment benefit check.


compied off ohio unemployment


It's still less, still only temporary, and still doesn't provide health insurance benefits. They have raised the limit recently.

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It's still less, still only temporary, and still doesn't provide health insurance benefits. They have raised the limit recently.



ur wrong on the health insurance of the union. you insurance goes by the hours u work. say u need 200 hrs a quater and you get 225 that quater. you bank those hours and if you lose ur job you get to use the hours till they run out.

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ur wrong on the health insurance of the union. you insurance goes by the hours u work. say u need 200 hrs a quater and you get 225 that quater. you bank those hours and if you lose ur job you get to use the hours till they run out.


So how is that better?


Less pay, short term health insurance, short term salary. How is that better? Oh wait, it's not

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