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Why do you still live in Ohio??

V8 Beast

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Ohio sucks ass honestly hands down. Most boring city ever. Yea I willl give it good jobs here.


I moved here back in 2002 due to my moms work transfering her, an ever since then it has sucked haha


I'm from san diego an have been trying to move back the last few yearsm but finishing school always owns my reason for staying.

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Ohio hasn't bored me yet, quite the opposite.

Most people don't realize how significant our fly-over state is.


Plus it's my home and is a strong foundation from which to travel. I can go more places if I start from here.


Very true, Ive met many more people while traveling that came from Ohio more than any other state. If I do get bored ill take a weekend or a week vaca and come back to my nice comfortable Columbus, Ohio. I think the last thread about this (last winter) seemed to hit on all this. Ohio is a nice place to live, many others are nice to visit.

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Oh an btw arizona is bad ass but during the summer with monsoon(sp?) season shit gets to be like 110 degreees ...crazy!!


Actually AZ during summer sucks. It takes most people quite a while to get used to such extreme temperatures. Don't give me that "no humidity" crap either. It would take a bunch of money to get me to move back out there.


Growing up I spent time just about everywhere...Ohio has a great cost of living, but that is about it.



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Right now? School.


Once that's over with, I'd like to find a traveling position for my field to get out a see the country a bit. If I find a place I like, I'll stay. I won't be putting my life on hold just because my family and friends already live here.

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Family, friends, but mostly not enough money to leave. If i had the money, i'd be in florida right now. I have some friends down there i could stay with until i got on my feet now, but i'd rather be comfortable and already financially where I want to be so i don't have to feel like I owe one of my friends for all the help. They've already told me they're more than willing and i could stay as long as i needed, i'd just feel guilty.


I like it in Ohio though, i know i'd miss it if i left, but i wouldn't miss it enough to come back

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Actually AZ during summer sucks. It takes most people quite a while to get used to such extreme temperatures. Don't give me that "no humidity" crap either. It would take a bunch of money to get me to move back out there.


Growing up I spent time just about everywhere...Ohio has a great cost of living, but that is about it.




A guy I work with was stationed there for 6 months at a previous job. He said even though it gets over 100, it doesn't feel like it. Dry heat ftw. I'm amazed this many people feel the same as I about arizona.

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I hear all these grand plans of moving out of state (not just on here). Especially coming out of high school. Since then prolly (95% of those people still live here. Its not so bad of a place after realizing its not "always greener" sort of thing. Whats to appreciate of great weather when you have it all the time? Or have certain attractions all the time? To sum it up Ohio isnt as bad as everyone says it is, and I even fall into that boat (complaining about the weather and boredom).
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I wish I could just live somewhere in the southwest during the winter, but as I stated earlier I'm not leaving.




your a twat, shut your mouth. jkjk luv ya




































no homo

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Funny to see a lot of you want to get out of Ohio, I came to Ohio about 8 years ago and love it here. Yes the weather is a little crazy and I do miss my friends and family in Maryland. But I really like it here.



i have family that lives in maryland, i ,love it there but the prices are way to high. cost of living is nice out here, thats all i can say lol

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I wanna go to arizona soo bad i hate the weather here but my family and friends r here. But to comment on pauls thing about its the worst city...NO Indy sucks ass!! trust CBus seems like greatness compared to indy. But i wish i could go it would be hard. And in arizona my car would be and the bottom of the list like an tempo! :lol: I jus hear there alot of high rollers there!
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im with those on the first page who said they dont want to leave ohio and try to learn a new place.


i'd move to NE ohio (like 45 min NE of cleveland. fuck living in that shithole), but that would be about as major as it gets. i would hate to find a place to live, find a new job, learn a new city, have to meet new people and not have my friends/family, etc etc. it'd be a new experience but im doing just dandy where im at now

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I wanna go to arizona soo bad i hate the weather here but my family and friends r here. But to comment on pauls thing about its the worst city...NO Indy sucks ass!! trust CBus seems like greatness compared to indy. But i wish i could go it would be hard. And in arizona my car would be and the bottom of the list like an tempo! :lol: I jus hear there alot of high rollers there!



your car is the bottem of the list here, so what really changes? :D

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