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Damn this cold sucks.....


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I woke up at 7 this morning. It was 3* outside w/ a -14* wind chill.


Our thernostat is set at 70*, and it was 63* inside. The furnace ran the ENTIRE night!


Having a loft style home, with the furnace on the second floor ( :rolleyes: ) , that is not the most efficient, sucks balls!





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My chicken coop door blew open sometime last night, I expected them to be dead this morning when I saw it. They weren't, they didn't even seem to mind. Their water was a giant ice-block.


I am from Minnesota where this is the high temp most days.

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You guys are all pussies, buy some real clothes and grow a pair.


VWs suck, a lot.


I spent my evening driving around the state of Indiana. My girl went to Ikea in Cinci with her sister and niece. Near the Indiana border the Jetta developed flashing lights and a misfire.

Go with her next time, Ikea is 8ft from my house.... figuratively speaking.

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coil pack


+1. I've only ever had one fail...but it was enough for me to buy a spare to keep in the car. Go figure 4 years later I've yet to have another issue.


Though the Audi BARELY started this morning due to the cold. Might be time for a new battery if that persists since we drove it a couple of times yesterday.

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Quit your bitching. I'm out in it for most of the day.



No shit, all the people bitching have inside jobs. Try working out in it pussy's.


Fuck that noise!


I better be getting PAID to deal w/ this weather outside. I have NO CLUE how the guys working construction in new, unfinished building do it!!!



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I am from Minnesota where this is the high temp most days.


Yup. I just got back from working in Northern Minnesota.


There was a few days straight when it didn't get above 0. At one point it was -24 with a wind chill of -41.


I'm going out to work ski patrol tonight and tomorrow night.


I can deal with the cold tonight. Tomorrow night they are calling for rain/freezing rain. It's miserable to work out in that shit.

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