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New girl, Christmas present


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I've only been on a couple dates with this new girl I'm seeing. I think it could end up being a good relationship. We aren't technically dating yet or together, whatever you want to call it. Now I'm confused on whether or not I should get her a gift. We just started going out maybe a couple days ago. So it's pretty close, do I get her something or nothing? And if I do anyone got any suggestions, maybe just something small so the thought counts?
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I've only been on a couple dates with this new girl I'm seeing. I think it could end up being a good relationship. We aren't technically dating yet or together, whatever you want to call it. Now I'm confused on whether or not I should get her a gift. We just started going out maybe a couple days ago. So it's pretty close, do I get her something or nothing? And if I do anyone got any suggestions, maybe just something small so the thought counts?

Small something will work. Think of what u guys have done and base it off that. Im sure u prob wont see her on x-mas but most likely after so prob jus take her out to eat. And before x-mas i would give her an x-mas card funny of course!

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Small something will work. Think of what u guys have done and base it off that. Im sure u prob wont see her on x-mas but most likely after so prob jus take her out to eat. And before x-mas i would give her an x-mas card funny of course!


Pimpin' minds think alike. Take her out somewhere nice is about as far as I would go. Otherwise you will set the bar too high too soon. :D:p

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dick in a box?


or some sexy underpants.


This is exactly what I was going to recommend, Jon.


BUT, in all seriousness.. a nice card and dinner would probably sweep her off her feet. Card doesn't have to be serious or anything, just something with humor.

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Maybe one of those past, present, and future diaond necklaces but, only with a "present" diamond. You can tell her she'll get the other ones as soon as you actually have a past or if you ever foresee having a future. Thats sure to not set the bar too high and leave room for future gifts. You can thank me later.


But, I would agree with the card and dinner idea. You cant really go wrong with that.

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I'd get her a gift for you guys to go do something together maybe? Like a gift certificate, tickets to something, etc... Top that with a nice card and maybe some Christmas cookies and that's an inexpensive, nice, but still "friendly" gift. Considering your not in a "relationship" per say.
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You should propose. It will be totally unexpected.


Yes, yes, I like this, let's work with this. Perhaps, yes, a romantic evening at Mitchell's downtown, followed by, perhaps, a carriage ride through downtown? Yes, and then the carriage takes you to the Renaissance Hotel, where you've reserved the penthouse sweet. And the room is decorated with lit candles and rose pedals. Before she notices her heart aflutter, you get on bender knee, profess your undying love, and present a four-carat stunna! This is how you celebrate Christmas with a girl you like, AMIFUCKINGRITE?

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Yes, yes, I like this, let's work with this. Perhaps, yes, a romantic evening at Mitchell's downtown, followed by, perhaps, a carriage ride through downtown? Yes, and then the carriage takes you to the Renaissance Hotel, where you've reserved the penthouse sweet. And the room is decorated with lit candles and rose pedals. Before she notices her heart aflutter, you get on bender knee, profess your undying love, and present a four-carat stunna! This is how you celebrate Christmas with a girl you like, AMIFUCKINGRITE?


Needs more spit and urine.

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Needs more spit and urine.


Yes, yes, I like this, let's work with this. Perhaps, yes, a romantic evening at Mitchell's downtown, followed by, perhaps, a carriage ride through downtown? During the ride, you force her hand into your lap, where you promptly fill her fist with a warm stream of golden love. Yes, and then the carriage takes you to the Renaissance Hotel, where you've reserved the penthouse sweet. And the room is decorated with lit candles and rose pedals and more urine, because you've read how chicks like phermones in guy's pee, so you figure this is a great way to get her in the mood. Before she notices her heart aflutter, you spit in her mouth, give her a solid right cross to the left breast, get on bender knee, profess your undying love, and present a four-carat stunna! This is how you celebrate Christmas with a girl you like, AMIFUCKINGRITE?

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Seriously though. whatever hints she drops pick up on them but be discrete, keep it cheap and thoughtful. The best, most thoughtful present I ever bought was a 30$ box of Crest White Strips (it was an inside joke) for a girl I was dating maybe a month. That bitch was all up in my nuts after that. You just gotta treat her differently, not neccessarily better but differently, than all the other chumps.
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Guest 614Streets
I've only been on a couple dates with this new girl I'm seeing. I think it could end up being a good relationship. We aren't technically dating yet or together, whatever you want to call it. Now I'm confused on whether or not I should get her a gift. We just started going out maybe a couple days ago. So it's pretty close, do I get her something or nothing? And if I do anyone got any suggestions, maybe just something small so the thought counts?



Dude no don't buy her anything.

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