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OFFICIAL Weight Loss thread


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  • 4 months later...
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the mustang project killed my time to workout... so needless to say i have slacked on my diet and lifting.


So now it is time to once again start hitting it hard again.


Anyone else doing well or need to restart?

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Not to bragg, but I've kept with it! I started boxing in the winter last year and fell in love with it. It's great cardio and some strength training. I've been hitting the gym (and other people) still about 3 times a week at least. I'm down to 192 pounds from... 212 I believe. But my body fat went from 19.6% down to 15.2%. I've got more room to improve since I've made almost no change to my diet. A little less beer on the weekend but that's about it.
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I just started back up on sunday, but ate wendy's large fry today. Oh well. We stocked up on organic food at whole foods on sunday and have been doing pretty well. Eating yogurt with almonds and blueberries as a snack instead of chips or anything. Doing really well. I got sick on monday though, so I can't start working out until I am better.


I hope to keep updating this soon though.

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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to see where everyone was at. I "officially" permanently changed the way I eat and when I eat on July 13, 2009. I weighed 226 on that day and as of this morning, I weighed in at 173.0. That's 53 lbs in a little over 3 months. That should be motivation for some of you guys who might still need it.


I'd like to know if anyone would like me to do a write-up of what I did/have been doing. The method I used is unique to me and does not follow any one diet(s) that I know of. Hell, there was little to no working out either.


I have lost nearly all of my fat and my metabolism has shot up to the point that I can eat as much as I used to and still not gain weight( I went to Adriatico's Pizza yesterday on OSU campus and ate most of a large pizza; I ended up losing ~2/5 a pound since yesterday, despite it. :cool:).

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Just wanted to see where everyone was at. I "officially" permanently changed the way I eat and when I eat on July 13, 2009. I weighed 226 on that day and as of this morning, I weighed in at 173.0. That's 53 lbs in a little over 3 months. That should be motivation for some of you guys who might still need it.


I'd like to know if anyone would like me to do a write-up of what I did/have been doing. The method I used is unique to me and does not follow any one diet(s) that I know of. Hell, there was little to no working out either.


I have lost nearly all of my fat and my metabolism has shot up to the point that I can eat as much as I used to and still not gain weight( I went to Adriatico's Pizza yesterday on OSU campus and ate most of a large pizza; I ended up losing ~2/5 a pound since yesterday, despite it. :cool:).


how? i want to lose 53lbs, lol. tell me masta.

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Just wanted to see where everyone was at. I "officially" permanently changed the way I eat and when I eat on July 13, 2009. I weighed 226 on that day and as of this morning, I weighed in at 173.0. That's 53 lbs in a little over 3 months. That should be motivation for some of you guys who might still need it.


I'd like to know if anyone would like me to do a write-up of what I did/have been doing. The method I used is unique to me and does not follow any one diet(s) that I know of. Hell, there was little to no working out either.


I have lost nearly all of my fat and my metabolism has shot up to the point that I can eat as much as I used to and still not gain weight( I went to Adriatico's Pizza yesterday on OSU campus and ate most of a large pizza; I ended up losing ~2/5 a pound since yesterday, despite it. :cool:).


Coke diet works. Specially if your going out for beers. "Hey I'm not hungry after all that beer...what gives?" Will post results.......

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Just wanted to see where everyone was at. I "officially" permanently changed the way I eat and when I eat on July 13, 2009. I weighed 226 on that day and as of this morning, I weighed in at 173.0. That's 53 lbs in a little over 3 months. That should be motivation for some of you guys who might still need it.


I'd like to know if anyone would like me to do a write-up of what I did/have been doing. The method I used is unique to me and does not follow any one diet(s) that I know of. Hell, there was little to no working out either.


I have lost nearly all of my fat and my metabolism has shot up to the point that I can eat as much as I used to and still not gain weight( I went to Adriatico's Pizza yesterday on OSU campus and ate most of a large pizza; I ended up losing ~2/5 a pound since yesterday, despite it. :cool:).



Do it.

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I'm really late to join this thread, i know that. But i really need to loose weight.


Seriously I need a weight loss buddy, no homo.




Edited by Igor
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  • 4 weeks later...
Started off at 315, weighed in a couple weeks ago at 260. 55 pounds and 4 inches off my waist in about a year makes me happy, but I still have a way to go. I'd like to take off at least another 2 inches off my pants size, and hit 230 before deciding how much further I need to go.
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Im (was) 185, and id like to get back to 168ish land, to where I was running track and xc in college. I have been following (roughly) The Haze's plan, and its kinda working....? Im working out, and eating a hell of a lot less. Heres what ive been doing:


Wake up

go to work, eat a slim jim (used to drink redbull, eat mcdonalds, eat sandwitches from speedway, that is since gone)

drink water

eat lunch. i used to get whatever i wanted, and drink pop. now i chew my food a ton, dont drink pop, and have tried cutting my carbs back. (i.e. go to subway, get a footlong, eat half with no bottom bun)

drink more water

go home, workout (cardio and lifting, 8:30/mile pace on treadmill at 1% incline, then at least 3-4 lifts)

now dinner is the hardest part. i want to eat everything in sight, and im a big drinker. eating earlier is a task too because im a late night person. this is where ive tended to break rules the most. (eating late, drinking alottt, bw3s, etc)


For the most part I think it is working, Ive lost like 3 lbs, and have been working on it for a little over a week.

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