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Whats odd about yourself


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i hate drinking from a glass cup. therefore, every cup we have in our cabinet is plastic. i can though, drink from a beer bottle with no problem


i wear 1 pair of socks for 2 days (until they look dirty) then i never wear them again. usually give them to goodwill, my brothers if they want them, and for some reason a few people at work i told about keep asking me to bring them in. i buy a 10pk of socks every 3 weeks or so


theres something else i know people give me crap for thats stupidly wierd, but i cant think of it right now

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i hate drinking from a glass cup. therefore, every cup we have in our cabinet is plastic. i can though, drink from a beer bottle with no problem


i wear 1 pair of socks for 2 days (until they look dirty) then i never wear them again. usually give them to goodwill, my brothers if they want them, and for some reason a few people at work i told about keep asking me to bring them in. i buy a 10pk of socks every 3 weeks or so


theres something else i know people give me crap for thats stupidly wierd, but i cant think of it right now


The sock thing does seem weird. How long has this been going on?

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i wear 1 pair of socks for 2 days (until they look dirty) then i never wear them again. usually give them to goodwill, my brothers if they want them, and for some reason a few people at work i told about keep asking me to bring them in. i buy a 10pk of socks every 3 weeks or so



I have men with white coats on their way, I traced your IP, stay where you are, they just want to help you not hurt you.

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dunno. maybe since i moved out. i think its because a) i hate matching socks, b) i have slight OCD and it annoys me to think the sock pair that came in the bag wouldnt be the matched after going through the wash with a bunch of others and c) fresh socks always feel great. wash them a couple times and they are think and not as nice as right out of the bag
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i hate drinking from a glass cup. therefore, every cup we have in our cabinet is plastic. i can though, drink from a beer bottle with no problem


i wear 1 pair of socks for 2 days (until they look dirty) then i never wear them again. usually give them to goodwill, my brothers if they want them, and for some reason a few people at work i told about keep asking me to bring them in. i buy a 10pk of socks every 3 weeks or so


theres something else i know people give me crap for thats stupidly wierd, but i cant think of it right now



Haha dude that's awesome. I LOVE new socks. I've always said if I won the lotto I would never wear the same pair of socks twice for the rest of my life.



Is there anything that is surprising or weird about you others may not know?


I will start. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. If phones were banned tomorrow, I would be thrilled.



Same here, I can text all day long...but I absolutely despise talking on the phone.


Also I'm lactose intolerant, I haven't had actual milk in at least 10 years, but I wasn't born lactose intolerant.


I also can't wear rings or tight necklaces. If I put them on and can't get them off RIGHT away I start freaking out, one time I started hyperventilating. Oh and I hate stoves too, like when you open the door and all the heat comes out and hits you in the face...freaks me out hahahaha.

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I also hate talking on the phone, but only to family or friends. At work I sit on the phone 8 hours a day and support PC's. When it comes to family or friends, get to the fucking point and get off the phone. I'm not the kind of person that can just sit and chit chat about useless shit.


I only remember that since I JUST got off the phone with my brother and he was rambling on about some useless shit.

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I can't stand bugs. Lady bugs I can deal with, but anything else I will freak the fuck out dead or alive. A coworker threw a dead butterfly at me, I flipped out and ran.....right into a pole that supports the roof of the building. I'm not sure why I did it, but its the only time literally that I have ever been afraid for my life.
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I am jealous of people that know more basic shit than me. Like computer stuff. I definately feel I am far behind when it comes to things like this. I want to go back to school but I have no idea where to even begin. I wouldnt know who the first call would be to.
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I also hate talking on the phone, but only to family or friends. At work I sit on the phone 8 hours a day and support PC's. When it comes to family or friends, get to the fucking point and get off the phone. I'm not the kind of person that can just sit and chit chat about useless shit.


I only remember that since I JUST got off the phone with my brother and he was rambling on about some useless shit.


I should have said the same thing. That is the same as with me. My family all think I am an asshole because of it but what can you do.

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