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I cannot stand the sound of ice when you chew on it and that little squeak comes out right before it breaks. This sound also comes from styrofoam and other shit. I will freak out on you if you make it I don't care if it was my grandma.
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I rotate my clothing in my closet and my dresser. I like to wear my clothing evenly and don't want one thing to wear out sooner than the rest. Or to wear a shirt a couple times a week by accident. The big one my wife likes to tease me about is my underwear. I keep them in a stack in my dresser. When the clean ones come out of the laundry, they go to the bottom of the pile.


I have no idea when I started doing this, but I am guessing when I was in college.

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Touching the bottom of a lake freaks me out as well. Although I can swim in them, I do whatever possible to not touch the bottom.

LOL same here. Something about barefeet and fishing hooks/tin cans on the bottom.


I always put on my left shoe first. If I accidentally have the right shoe on longer than the left shoe, the right shoe will be taken off for that duration.

I try not to walk on different sides of a pole with the person I'm with.


I despise the sound of coworkers cutting their nails...especially when I am eating at my desk. There is is also a fat fuck in our department that has a backscratcher and just fucking goes to town with that bitch on his hairy, sweaty ass back.

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I cannot stand the sound of ice when you chew on it and that little squeak comes out right before it breaks. This sound also comes from styrofoam and other shit. I will freak out on you if you make it I don't care if it was my grandma.


I love chewing ice.

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I do enough weird things that I'm just normal.

Anyone who has ever eaten around me knows that I flat refuse to eat anything green in color, put enough food coloring on it and I might try it. Truth is I hate to eat, absolutly hate having to take time out of my day for this. I also have a strict rutine, side dish then main course, dessert if I got any, and after all that I'll drink the drink. In that order and that order only, pisses me off if I go somewhere and they send something out after the main course.


Anyway point is I hate eating, it's the worst part of life. I like going out in groups because at least i can socalize while I eat.

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I also hate talking on the phone, but only to family or friends. At work I sit on the phone 8 hours a day and support PC's. When it comes to family or friends, get to the fucking point and get off the phone. I'm not the kind of person that can just sit and chit chat about useless shit.


I only remember that since I JUST got off the phone with my brother and he was rambling on about some useless shit.


I am exactly like this.

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I hate talking on phones, I'm night blind, if I dont get enough sleep I am down right evil, I'm anti social with everyone except for CR members, I get a tingly sensation everytime I ban Phil, Everything I involve myself in I end up being in charge in some way shape or form within 18 months.
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I dunno if it's weird or not, but I mod EVERYTHING I owned. Everything. Cell phones, guns, computers, tacos, fruit roll ups, you name it.


How do you mod your fruit roll ups.. I heard you sprinkle something on them then use them as "fruit rolling papers" :cool:

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I guess this one is a little more odd.


I'm the biggest fucking nerd ever. I try to keep that on the DL, so unless you know me, you probably don't know that.


That said, I've never got the whole massive amount of bullshit on a cell phone. I have no use for any of that. Does it call people and send dirty pics? Good, that's all I want.

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Im pretty normal. My weirdest thing is probably that I have to have some wooshing sound, like a fan or air conditioner to be able to go to sleep.


My girlfriend though, is deathly afraid of condiments. Threatening to put ketchup, mustard, mayo, or anything else freaks her out like nothing else. I was joking once and said I put mustard on her sandwich when she was half way done, she beat the crap out of me and refused to finish it, even though there was no mustard. Luckily though, BBQ is ok.

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That said, I've never got the whole massive amount of bullshit on a cell phone. I have no use for any of that. Does it call people and send dirty pics? Good, that's all I want.



thats cause your by a computer probably 24/7.. gotta have me some internet access on the go

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I absolutly love pussy, I love eating it, smelling it, fingering it, fucking it, licking it, putting my nose in it, rubbing it with anything, staring at it, sharing it, talking about it, taking pictures of it, and making fun of it. oh and I absolutly hate mens but holes, seriously...


oh and I eat my food in order from what I like least on the plate to leaving my favorite till last.

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