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What are you drinking right now?


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I used to, now I just slather them on my body and allow them to absorb in through the course of my workout. They get directly to muscles quicker that way, and they give you a great sheen for flexing in mirrors.


Good idea. I usually work out in my private work out room naked since it is coated with UV tanning lights from floor to ceiling. Every 28 seconds on the dot I am misted with fish oil for shimmer and bodybuilding properties.

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Good idea. I usually work out in my private work out room naked since it is coated with UV tanning lights from floor to ceiling. Every 28 seconds on the dot I am misted with fish oil for shimmer and bodybuilding properties.



really you need a workout partner???

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Good idea. I usually work out in my private work out room naked since it is coated with UV tanning lights from floor to ceiling. Every 28 seconds on the dot I am misted with fish oil for shimmer and bodybuilding properties.


This is the sound of me getting really turned on.

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I used to, now I just slather them on my body and allow them to absorb in through the course of my workout. They get directly to muscles quicker that way, and they give you a great sheen for flexing in mirrors.


Did you known caffeine is absorbed the same way? I have a bar of caffeinated soap so I get my buzz on while washing where the sun doesn't shine. AND it smells GOOOOOOD!

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On the real- I would not recommend protein pre workout homie-post yes, like 2 hours pre, yes, but as YOUR pre workout-no.


Why not? All of the sources I have consulted recently (e.g., reputable fitness magazines) seem consistent in endorsing the positive effects of ingesting a moderate amount of whey and soy protein (along with a moderate amount of [slow digesting] carbohydrates) some 20 to 30 minutes pre-workout. Further, those same sources cite the benefits of ingesting some protein during the workout, depending on the intensity and length of the workout. Also, unanimously, those sources indicate that, within 30-minutes post-workout, a substantial amount (e.g., 40-60 grams) of whey protein should be ingested along with a moderate amount (e.g., 50-100 grams) of (fast digesting) carbohydrates.


So, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on why protein shouldn't be consumed 20 to 30 minutes pre-workout. It has worked well for me so far.

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Why not? All of the sources I have consulted recently (e.g., reputable fitness magazines) seem consistent in endorsing the positive effects of ingesting a moderate amount of whey and soy protein (along with a moderate amount of [slow digesting] carbohydrates) some 20 to 30 minutes pre-workout. Further, those same sources cite the benefits of ingesting some protein during the workout, depending on the intensity and length of the workout. Also, unanimously, those sources indicate that, within 30-minutes post-workout, a substantial amount (e.g., 40-60 grams) of whey protein should be ingested along with a moderate amount (e.g., 50-100 grams) of (fast digesting) carbohydrates.


So, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on why protein shouldn't be consumed 20 to 30 minutes pre-workout. It has worked well for me so far.


2 things-


1) It takes a LOT of energy for your body to digest, and absorb protein


2) You can only absorb so much, in one sitting. Much of which is dependent on what your body NEEDS at that time.



IMO- Working out wile on a stomach full of protein is fighting your body for energy usage. Also with the length of time it takes to get digested and into your system, I say 2 hours before is great. By then it will be ready for your body to use. Also remember your body does not use protein for energy synthesis, just to rebuild tissue than wont need to be rebuilt until a time after you make fresh tears int he tissue.


Carbs are absorbed quickly, and are easily digested-and used DIRECTLY for energy-hence why they should be the main part of your pre-workout. Just try to cut the protein down in your pre workout meal/shake-load up on carbs, and quick carbs like sugar, and see if you have a gain in explosive power in the gym.

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