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I Miss You

Guest Hal

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Quoted and print screened, you will regret this.


Give me back my posts and make me a sammich, woman.


ur a manlet. nothing you say matters


End ur life































ps. ur cool though in my book b/c u used to powerlift.

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I dont normally get involved in all the e-bullshit but why did you "leave" in the first place. The last thread I remember you in you kept talking about how much expensive shit your parents had in they're house then poof no more hal?? Never had anything against you just curious i guess.
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I dont normally get involved in all the e-bullshit but why did you "leave" in the first place. The last thread I remember you in you kept talking about how much expensive shit your parents had in they're house then poof no more hal?? Never had anything against you just curious i guess.


God damn you stupid fuckers never learn. IF YOU COULD FUCKING READ YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND I WAS COUNTERING HIS LAWYER WIFE'S SHIT WITH MY LAWYER DAD'S SHIT. The entire argument was my source against his source. Some dipshits decided "oh, he's using his dad, that's a bad thing. The other guy is using his wife, he's cool". In order to counter an "expert source" you need your own "expert source". Now from there we got into how a lawyers success is measured. He claimed he has tons of property after I made fun of his car. I countered his property argument with my dad's shit. I guess that got a little too real for a bunch of the cock-gobblers around here.


Now that that's through, obviously I didn't leave, I simply haven't logged in for a few months. Why didn't I log in? Cause I didn't fucking want to. I'm not here to e-battle, I already figured out the average intelligence level here is far below the national average. Berating poor little morons has lost its appeal. I've found Christ now.



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God damn you stupid fuckers never learn. IF YOU COULD FUCKING READ YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND I WAS COUNTERING HIS LAWYER WIFE'S SHIT WITH MY LAWYER DAD'S SHIT. The entire argument was my source against his source. Some dipshits decided "oh, he's using his dad, that's a bad thing. The other guy is using his wife, he's cool". In order to counter an "expert source" you need your own "expert source". Now from there we got into how a lawyers success is measured. He claimed he has tons of property after I made fun of his car. I countered his property argument with my dad's shit. I guess that got a little too real for a bunch of the cock-gobblers around here.


Now that that's through, obviously I didn't leave, I simply haven't logged in for a few months. Why didn't I log in? Cause I didn't fucking want to. I'm not here to e-battle, I already figured out the average intelligence level here is far below the national average. Berating poor little morons has lost its appeal. I've found Christ now.


Im going to go ahead and assume your not aiming the "stupid fuckers" comment in my direction and that your just frustrated that no one got you far fetched, albeit shaky rebuttle in the 'my daddy is better than your wife' argument that occured months ago. An argument which honestly no one really cares about thats probably why all of these so called "cock gobblers" never really got your point of view but its cool, your here to clear the air now. Anyway, glad your back man ;)

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